Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 8 December 2021

Our website is now available in German and Dutch!

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?  Spreek jij Nederlands? We have some exciting news! The GoodBarber website is now available in German  and Dutch ! Our large community of users in Germany and the Netherland was already enjoying having their back office and apps in their respective languages, and now our website follows.  While we know that Germans and Dutch have a lot of facilities with the English language, we wanted to offer an even more pleasant user experience, so it seemed important to us that the GoodBarber website exists in both these languages. GoodBarber's website is now in 7 languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Dutch.   
Written on Saturday 4 December 2021

Have an event coming up? Create an app for it

Are you planning an event? Does your promotion strategy include a mobile app? Let us give you some tips and explain How to create an Event app without coding.
Mathieu Poli, Friday 3 December 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? November 2021

This month we're releasing a few of your favorite classic features to our Shopping App platform. You can now connect your WordPress blog or create your own blog feed, add a KLM section or create your own map feed.  We've also added new triggers and actions to our Zapier connector.  All these upgrades are the perfect addition to your Shopping App to make the very busy end-of-year shopping season a success. You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of November 2021:
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 24 November 2021

How to create a promotional email campaign thanks to our new Promocode trigger for Zapier

Last month, we launched our new Zapier add-on. With the new tool, Shopping App owners could gain time and increase productivity by connecting their GoodBarber app to other apps to deal with repetitive tasks.  As you already know, our team is constantly working on improving our tool and providing you the best platform out there. So, since last month, we've already added new triggers and actions to offer your more solutions to run your business efficiently.  You'll find new triggers for promocodes, abandoned orders, and new triggers and actions for your product catalog.  In this article, we'll focus on the promocode triggers.  
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 24 November 2021

Cyber Monday - How to stand out with your Shopping App

Cyber Monday is the biggest day for online shopping and it’s right around the corner.  What used to be a day for tech and electronics is now for every eCommerce and is part of a weekend (BFCM) which marks the start of the holiday shopping season  In 2020, amid COVID -19 concerns, shoppers chose to shop online more than ever and Cyber week broke all e-Commerce records.  According to Adobe, a record $10.8 billion was spent online by the end of Cyber Monday, an increase of 15.1 %  YoY, making it the largest online shopping day in U.S. history and beating last year’s $9.4 billion record.  What’s more is smartphones accounted for 41.1 percent of revenue during the five-day period, up 7.4 % year over year. So how do you stand out in the crowd and compete with the big deals from the big brands? Think mobile-first. If you are just starting as an eCommerce with your GoodBarber Shopping, it is a great time to make your entrance on the market as more and more customers are turning to their mobile to complete their holiday shopping. Your Shopping App gives you an edge over other retailers. Retailers who have a Shopping App register 3X more conversions than their website. 
Mathéa Pellé, Wednesday 17 November 2021

GoodBarber celebrates its 10th anniversary!

This November 14, 2021, GoodBarber celebrated its 10th anniversary, just like the release of the iPhone 4s, the birth of Siri, the birth of iCloud or the beginning of 4G in France. A lot has changed since then; the world has evolved and GoodBarber has evolved with it. In 10 years, our interfaces have changed, our applications have developed; there are more of us and our users too. It's time to look back at the creation of GoodBarber and these 10 years of adventure.  But it wasn't all built in one day. If GoodBarber is announced in 2011 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the adventure really starts 10 years earlier, in 2001, when Sebastien Simoni, the current CEO of GoodBarber launches WebzineMaker. These years of reflection, development and innovation have made it possible to create powerful, customizable applications without going through the coding stage. This philosophy has guided us throughout the creation and development of GoodBarber, in a logic of perpetual renewal. 
Christophe Spinetti, Monday 15 November 2021

How to Pitch an App

As an expert and app reseller, you must be ready at all times to respond to the solicitation of a potential lead, or a future contributor. Whether in a public or private setting, you should regularly have a pitch ready for any eventuality. The best is to have a proven pitch for different situations.   So the principle of the pitch is simple. The goal is to prove in a few minutes the interest and the merits of your product or service. Whether it's for your current business or for a business in creation. The original name is "Elevator pitch" to illustrate the fact that your speech must fit in a time frame as short as an elevator ride.   And the shorter the pitch, the more specific it should be. In this article, we'll try to be exhaustive, so you'll have to pick and choose from the information we give you to build (and test...) the best pitch possible.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 10 November 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? October 2021

This month, we focused on our Shopping Apps and added 2 new features allowing online shop owners to manage even more efficiently their business.  Zapier Integration : You can now use the most popular automation tool to connect your GoodBarber Shopping App to other services.  My GB Shop Companion : With this brand new app, you can now manage your orders directly from your smartphone, without having to connect to your back office. You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of October 2021: ​
Muriel Santoni, Saturday 30 October 2021

How to create an app for Newspapers

Key features for a great news app for Android and iOS. New challenges for the press: general news apps for conventional readers; News apps for Millenials; Specialized news apps targeting expert readers.
Marie Pireddu, Monday 18 October 2021

Zapier Integration for your eCommerce App

How to get the most out of Zapier in your online shopping app? Discover how GoodBarber apps now integrate Zapier for eCommerce apps.
Christophe Spinetti, Monday 18 October 2021

5 actions to take to promote your mobile app creation agency

White label app resellers: 5 actions to take to promote your app creation agency. 1/ Organic Search (SEO) ; 2/ Referral links and partnerships ; 3/ Social networks ; 4/ SEA (Search Engine Advertising) ; 5/ Offline
Marie Pireddu, Monday 11 October 2021

How to create your own Pickup & Delivery app

Learn how to create your own delivery app for your shop. Pick-Up & Delivery app is meant for local businesses looking to enhance the shopping experience by offering e-commerce features to their customers. Store Localization, Offline payments, Time Slots are among the best features offered by a Delivery app.
Christophe Spinetti, Thursday 7 October 2021

Reseller offer FAQs

The Reseller program is for those who want to use GoodBarber to create apps for their clients. If you are considering selling an app for the first time , read on to learn more about our program for agencies.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 6 October 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? September 2021

This month we're releasing a new feature on our Classic platform, that our Shopping App clients are already familiar with: Universal Links and App Links. Introduced in 2015 with iOS 9, Universal links  are Apple's method of launching apps on iOS when linked from a website. Android App Links are Google's equivalent to Apple's Universal Links. These links are a quick and easy way to engage or re-engage users, improve retention and increase conversion.   You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of September 2021:    
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 21 September 2021

Increase user engagement and retention with Universal Links

Some of you may already be familiar with Universal Links and already make full use of them for their Shopping App.  For the others, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you. This feature is now available on your Classic App! Read on to find out how to activate Universal Links and App Links in your GoodBarber back office or if you need a little refresher on the subject ;)
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 15 September 2021

Shopping App: optimized logistic management with our Public API

Your work isn’t done after your customers have completed their transactions. Now start the logistic management of these transactions. Having a seamless process allows you to stay competitive, provide a great customer experience, therefore, building loyalty and driving conversions.   This is where our public APIs can help you unlock the power of automation. They enable you to leverage various technologies so you can improve cost-efficiency and customer experience.
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 10 September 2021

Gaining Access to the App Market - The Guide for Web and Media Agencies

Several years ago, advertising and marketing agencies started adding website development as the new preferred tool to promote a company's business. If there's no arguing that having a digital identity is an absolute necessity, a virtual location is becoming almost more important than a physical office, now, on top of a desktop presence, a mobile app is the new requirement. In that respect, a native mobile app counts as one of the most versatile marketing assets a business can hope for. It's the ideal medium to address clients' expectations. At the same time, thanks to app builders, it's become quite easy to create an app.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 8 September 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? August 2021

During this month of August, our teams have mainly focused on the maintenance of our platform while taking some time off to enjoy our beautiful Corsican beaches.  Why no new features for this month you may ask ? Well, without giving out any spoilers, we have a few big releases planned for the last quarter of the year ;) We wanted to make sure that everyone here was well-rested and full of energy for what's coming next! So, stay tuned... You can find below a summary of the developments and updates made for the month of August
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 27 August 2021

Agency Tips - Giving Clients Backend Access

As a Reseller Agency, you have the possibility to give your clients access to the back-office of the apps you have created for them. Whether it's about design, content updates, or for example sending push notifications, there are many advantages to give access to the tool to your clients (costs, speed of integration,...).  
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 24 August 2021

Increase downloads with custom product pages in the new App Store.

At the WWDC 2021 on June 7th, Apple announced new features about iOS 15  that will affect important aspects of mobile apps and the Apple App Store, from an app marketing strategy and ASO perspective.  Indeed, App Store Connect will soon be offering with the Custom Product pages (CPP) new capabilities for App Store’s app product pages. These will offer new opportunities to make product pages more relevant and engaging for potential new users. Let's explore Custom Product Pages a bit further.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 4 August 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? July 2021

This month it's all about Android. Your GoodBarber Android apps are now optimized for Android 11. And this update has made a lot of noise among Android app developers.  Android apps have historically been distributed as APKs. If you are not familiar with what an .apk file is, know that it is the file that is produced as the result of the development of your app. Android Package Kit (APK) is the file format used to distribute and install apps and make them work on Android devices.  Starting this week, the APK has been replaced by the AAB format.  You will find below all the updates and improvements for the month of July 2021.
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 9 July 2021

Agency Spotlight: Zedrimtim manages your communication from A to Z

Created more than 15 years ago by Jean-Hervé, Laure and Benjamin, Zedrimtim  helps all types of companies to develop their online and offline visibility. The 3 partners decided to start creating apps a few years ago using GoodBarber. They saw a good business opportunity and since then, they continue to build apps for the happiness of their clients.