Christophe Spinetti, Monday 28 June 2021

Resellers: Discover the resources at your disposal

When you're a GoodBarber Reseller, you can create an unlimited number of apps and you also have access to the Reseller Dashboard, which allows you to manage all these apps. Nevertheless, the GoodBarber team's work goes further. On top of that, our Marketing team is constantly creating new resources to help you grow your agency and become a successful app reseller. What resources are available to resellers?
GoodBarber Team, Monday 28 June 2021

How to create an Apple developer account?

How to create an Apple developer account? How to Create an Apple ID online? Follow these steps. The Apple developer account and the Apple ID are both mandatory to publish an app on the Apple App Store
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 25 June 2021

5 tips for building clients' loyalty

According to an old marketing saying, retaining a customer costs far less than gaining a new one. Once you've sold an app to your clients, no matter how you invoice, your goal will be to keep them as long as possible. Here are 5 methods to help you achieve that. 1/ Analyze your client base 2/ Keep in touch with your clients 3/ Anticipate their expectations. 4/ Set your clients up for success 5/ Turn your clients into fans  
Muriel Santoni, Friday 18 June 2021

Why use the new navbar templates?

As you saw recently, new navbar templates are now available to design your Header.  You can now choose between 3 different heights: Small Medium Large But how to choose between these three heights? And above all, what are they used for? In this article, we'll describe several examples of use that will undoubtedly inspire you, and that you can replicate in your app according to your needs. 
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 11 June 2021

How to stand out from the competition to sell apps?

The app market is booming for the past few years and mobile apps agencies are taking advantage of it. Thanks to GoodBarber's Reseller program, you can create and sell unlimited apps. it's an interesting business opportunity. Nevertheless, as the market is dynamic, you will face competition. Here are a few of our tips to position yourself against this competition and maximize your profits by selling apps. 1/ Analyze your market  2/ Define your positioning  3/ Build a strong brand  4/ Capitalize on your strengths  5/ Impeccable  customer service  
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 9 June 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? June 2021

This month we're releasing an update that many of you have been asking for. It's especially for all Shopping App owners who want to manage their product catalog in bulk: you can now add images in our Import/Export add-on. Our Import/Export add-on already allowed shop owners to easily import /export an unlimited number of products, in one click, from a single .csv file.  The next step for this feature was to be able to add images. And it's now done!  If you're transferring your products from other eCommerce platforms and or have a large catalog, this update give you a quick way to import your product images.   You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of May 2021:
Marie Pireddu, Monday 7 June 2021

Update to the Import/Export add-on: add images

Our Import/Export add-on already allowed shop owners to easily import /export an unlimited number of products, in one click, from a single .csv file.  The next step for this feature was to be able to add images. And it's now done!  If you're transferring your products from other eCommerce platforms and or have a large catalog, this update give you a quick way to import your product images. Before getting into more details on how to add the images to your import file, you need to know that your images must be online, meaning they must have a URL. 
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 2 June 2021

GoodBarber Academy: Courses for Classic App now available

In April this year, we launched GoodBarber Academy and offered our first courses dedicated to the Shopping Apps.  More than just tutorials, the Academy aimed to help you develop your skills in app creation, design but also other essential parts of an app development project, such as project management and communication.  As promised during the launch, Shopping App courses were just the beginning. So, today, we're very happy to announce that the courses for Classic Apps are now available.   
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 1 June 2021

Level up your app design with our new NavBar templates

Your app design plays a vital role in creating an engaging experience for your users. At GoodBarber we're always committed to providing a product that is always at the forefront of mobile user experience.  For this reason, it was time to add new NavBar templates (for both Classic and Shopping Apps). NavBar is a key element of an app's identity helping you showcase your branding.  You can now choose between 3 different heights: small, medium and large
Jerome Granados, Sunday 30 May 2021

How to display your own ads in your app?

You have followed all the steps in the How to Make an App guide, and now started wondering ho to make money with your app? This is a question we are almost asked every day. They are several ways to monetize your app the right way, and today, I'd like to focus on advertisement.  In this post, we will see how to use GoodBarber's internal ad network to display ads in your app. The internal ad network is a tool provided by GoodBarber that allows you to manage manually advertisement.
Marie Pireddu, Friday 21 May 2021

How to write a compelling App Store listing

We previously wrote articles on ASO ( App Store Optimization) and the mistakes to avoid,  but today we wanted to dig a little deeper into the writing side of an App Store listing. We will focus on the App Store description and how and where to use keywords. The App description is where you have the opportunity to tell visitors why they have to download your app. It's your chance to connect with them and highlight your app benefit. It must be writing carefully. However, on the App Store, the description is not a ranking factor. So for your ASO, you need to pay close attention to the keywords and where to use them (keyword field, App name, App subtitle) As a reminder, the ranking factors on the App Store are the app name, the subtitle, the keyword field, and then the ratings, reviews, updates, downloads, and engagement.  
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Friday 14 May 2021

How to get started with your Reseller account?

You want to start selling applications? You've come to the right place. The GoodBarber platform allows you to save time and money while creating unlimited apps! With this program, you can create as many apps as you want without needing to know how to code. There are 2 different Resellers price plans : Classic, where you can create only Classic apps, and Classic+Shopping, where you can create Classic and eCommerce apps.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 5 May 2021

What's new at GoodBarber? April 2021

This month we are introducing a new design feature that will revolutionize your Shopping and Classic apps! It's a new option that concerns an element present in all the sections of your apps: the header.  You can now choose the height of your header among 3 formats: small, medium or large. This allows you to create new designs and even add descriptions inside your header!   You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of April 2021:
Marie Pireddu, Friday 30 April 2021

How to submit an app to Google Play ?

Check out our submission guide for your app on the Google Play Store. A step-by-step guide on how to successfully publish your app on Google Play Store
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 30 April 2021

Web agencies: 5 reasons to start selling apps

As a web agency, you're in contact with your clients to create websites and offer them digital solutions on a daily basis. In this case, you should be more and more interested in mobile. Even if at the moment you're surely making "mobile" sites, we'll show you why it's essential for your agency to think about apps.  1/ A fast-growing market 2/ Apps-Builders will make your life easier 3/ A natural extension to your business 4/ A boost for your image 5/ An increase in your revenues  
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 16 April 2021

Resellers: Agency Pricing Strategies

As a GoodBarber Reseller, you can create unlimited apps and resell them to your clients. GoodBarber does not interfere with your commercial strategy. You're free to bill your services as you wish. To help you maximize your profits, here are our tips to optimize your pricing.
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 7 April 2021

Welcome to GoodBarber Academy!

At GoodBarber we're committed to giving you all the keys to create the app of your dreams that will meet all your needs. As you know, we work every day to provide you with a powerful and intuitive tool to make the best mobile and web technologies accessible to you. Over the years, we've constantly improved the GoodBarber platform with more and more new features, but also to make it easier to use by working on your user experience and by offering you various contents to guide you in the creation of your app, such as our online help or our video tutorials.   Today, we've decided to answer another one of your needs. For us, it's important that you succeed in creating your project easily, but it's also crucial that this project is a success and that it brings you a real added value. So we decided to create a platform that will give you the keys to make your app a success: the GoodBarber Academy. 
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 6 April 2021

Open the door to new opportunities for your online store with our Public APIs.

Great news! We know developers and Resellers have been waiting for it. So there it is, our Public API now available for Shopping Apps.  This allows for endless possibilities to integrates with various solutions to enhance your app. But before we dive a bit further on what this means for your GoodBarber App, let's go over some explanations for the non-dev ;) 
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 2 April 2021

Resellers : make the most of GoodBarber to sell eCommerce Apps

We've seen in our previous article dedicated to Classic apps features that it's possible to create stunning content apps thanks to GoodBarber. We'll now see that you can create powerful Shopping apps for your clients. Both eCommerce and Mobile are growing in the current economic climate. As an agency, you have many opportunities in this industry. GoodBarber's advanced features will allow you to position yourself as an app designer, but also as a real eCommerce expert. You will be able to offer effective tools to boost sales.  To better guide you, discover the features that have the most success with agency clients: Product page 1 Click Payment Payment gateways Local delivery Click and Collect Store locator Blog Discounts Abandoned Order  Buy again Quick buy Time slots Contact form Public API
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 31 March 2021

Switching App Builders

You are wondering what is at stake when switching app builders. This article will tell you how to switch app builders smoothly.
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 19 March 2021

Resellers: Make the most of GoodBarber to sell Classic Apps

As an agency, to successfully convince potential clients of why an app is a must, you’ll need to present them with some concrete examples. That's why we'll show you how GoodBarber's features can become selling points. To make your mobile services more attractive, don't hesitate to create a portfolio of apps by categories, to illustrate each feature with a concrete scenario that the client can relate to. Classic apps allow you to create no-code content apps for almost any client need: community apps, business apps or news apps. Your clients have ideas and content to distribute. So you can help them deliver them on the tool that end-users interact with the most: mobile.