Marie Pireddu, Thursday 31 March 2022

Why installment payments are right for your eCommerce app?

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) is becoming more popular, thanks to the seismic shift the retail industry has experienced over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a result of movement restrictions and lockdowns, changes in consumers’ financial circumstances, and new regulations retailers have to follow, customer behavior has changed.  The impact is apparent in every aspect of consumer behavior — from what and how they buy to how they pay. For many retailers, customers have gone from a fairly predictable demographic to more of a moving target.  BNPL is a magnet that you can use to attract customers to your e-commerce business. And since revenues have become more uncertain, retailers are looking for new and creative ways to attract customers. Let’s look at the advantages of offering this type of payment plan to your audience.
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 25 March 2022

Resellers: how to sell an app to a physical store?

When we think of an eCommerce app, we first think of selling to pure-players (companies that will sell only online). But as a GoodBarber Reseller, you are often anchored and active in your geographical area. That's why with GoodBarber eCommerce solutions, you can prospect all types of shops in your area to offer them an eCommerce app. 1/ Which target to reach? 2/ Which features to highlight? 3/ What points to use to sell an app to a physical store ?  
Marie Pireddu, Friday 18 March 2022

Create content to increase your online store visibility

Content marketing is a proven strategy to raise awareness for your brand and bring traffic to your online store. Creating and publishing information for your clients will build trust and authority amongst your target audience, build relationships and community around your brand, therefore increase engagements and ultimately boosting sales.  To help you implement your content marketing strategy, we've added a few new features to your eCommerce apps. 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 2 March 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? February 2022

This month we've decided to expand the catalog of content you can add to your GoodBarber shops. You can now choose to add the following sections: Podcasts Photo Gallery Flickr WebTV Youtube Vimeo Twitter Calendar iCal WordPress     Everything you need to enrich your store with any kind of content!  You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of February 2022.
Marie Pireddu, Friday 25 February 2022

How to monetize a mobile news app?

We spoke in a previous article about the necessity for newspapers, the world of the press in general, to offer a digital option. Indeed, the consumption of information is now constant, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. The digital transformation in this field opened doors for better possibilities. We witnessed the development of different types of news apps, each offering a higher standard of user experience.   The next challenge for news apps was to generate revenues while maintaining a great experience for their readers. A good monetization strategy is therefore crucial.  In this article, you'll discover the different available options for a news app's monetization and how to implement them in your GoodBarber app.  Note: we'll focus on ways to monetize an app offered for free on the Stores. 
Marie Pireddu, Monday 21 February 2022

Make (formerly Integromat) is now available for GoodBarber eCommerce Apps

As we talked about in a previous article, automation can be a lifesaver for business owners. By automating repetitive tasks, they see their productivity increase and most importantly, they can focus on their clients and growing their business.  GoodBarber already offered 2 options for automation:  Zapier, a no-code solution  Public API , this one for developers.  We are pleased to announce the release of the Make connector for your GoodBarber Shopping App.
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 18 February 2022

Resellers: How to sell an online courses app?

Since the beginning of February, you can finally add the "in-app purchase" option in your GoodBarber content applications. As a reseller, this opens up new opportunities for you to expand. What is the "In-app purchase" option? Basically, it means that the app doesn't have to be paid for when downloaded from the store, but users will be able to purchase subscriptions to access certain content directly from the app. And in this case, this option is particularly suitable for leads or clients who want to provide online courses and monetize these courses. In this article, we'll give you the keys to selling online courses apps. 1/ Identify and get in touch with your target 2/ The advantages to put forward 3/ Features for online courses  
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 16 February 2022

eCommerce: the importance of providing a great customer experience

If your eCommerce has been in business for any amount of time, you already know that offering an amazing product isn’t enough to survive — let alone thrive. Yes, the products you offer have a huge impact on the future success of your business. But you can’t rely on product quality alone to attract, engage, and retain your customers.  In fact, product quality is no longer the main reason consumers will do business with a certain brand. By today’s standards, it’s much more important to deliver a valuable overall experience to your eCommerce customers. Finding great products to sell on your website and using SEO and PPC ads to drive traffic isn’t enough these days. Everybody does that. But to differentiate your business from the competition – to really stand out – you need to be hyper-focused on your customers. If you want to stand out, stand apart, as a retailer - small or big - you need to be in the business of creating incredible experiences. The commerce piece is just an attachment that happens to make you money. What is Customer Experience (CX) Why does Customer Experience matters The impact of Covid-19 on eCommerce 5 ways to improve your eCommerce Customer Experience Conclusion
Christophe Spinetti, Tuesday 8 February 2022

Resellers: How to sell an app to a Restaurant?

With GoodBarber you can create a lot of different apps, we offer over 500 features. So as a Reseller, you can target many different sectors. You'll find in this article a few good practices to sell an app to a restaurant. Because of the health crisis, the restaurant industry is changing. And this opens a lot of opportunities for you.
Mathieu Poli, Thursday 3 February 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? January 2022

This month we are proud to introduce a new feature that will help you make your content apps more profitable: in-app purchases! We decided to start by offering you to implement subscriptions in your apps. They allow users to purchase additional content and features by introducing "subscription periods". When users have an active subscription, they can use the premium aspects of the app, and when that subscription expires, users can no longer use them unless they subscribe again. Don't delay in discovering this new feature in your back office!  You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of January 2022.
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 1 February 2022

In-App purchases are here!

We've been teasing it for a little while now and finally we're very happy to announce that In-App purchases are here! You can now offer premium content in your GoodBarber classic apps.  In-app purchases are one of the most common monetization models in mobile apps. Indeed, users are spending $380 billion worldwide on in-app purchases. In fact, according to recent studies, around 48% of all mobile app earnings are driven by in-app purchases.  In this article, we'll go over a little reminder of what are in-app purchases, which one is available with GoodBarber App Builder, and examples of use.
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 19 January 2022

Petit Signe, an educational app for babies

Today, we're presenting you an eLearning app specialized in language for babies and more particularly sign language.  Petit Signe is an app created with GoodBarber, using features designed for easily teaching skills to a wide range of learners.  To learn how to create an eLearning app, refer to this article
Angelina Casanova, Thursday 13 January 2022

How to create an app for online courses

Creating an app for eLearning and OnLine Courses has many advantages: it is a format adapted to all fellows profiles, depending on the age of your target, and your learning field. Creating an app will allow you to differentiate yourself by upsetting traditional methods
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 5 January 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? December 2021

For the last month of 2021, we released our very popular Zapier connector on our Classic platform. For those of you not yet familiar with it, Zapier is a no-code automation too.  Already available on our Shopping platform, you can now also automate actions from and to your Classic app. Zapier allows you to connect your app to thousands of online services helping you save time by automating repetitive tasks.  You will find below the summary of the improvements and updates made during the month of December 2021.
Marie Pireddu, Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2021 and cheers to 2022! Happy New Year from all of us at GoodBarber. Wishing you many succesful app building days throughout the coming year! Pace e Salute! 
Marie Pireddu, Monday 27 December 2021

2021, a GoodBarber year in review

2021 marked a few milestones for us.  Amid dealing with a world that is still having to learn how to go about with the COVID-19 pandemic, we've worked hard to provide you with a more and more powerful tool to help you run successful businesses. Both the Shopping App and Classic App platforms welcomed new features and improvements.  We've also celebrated a big birthday and brought new talents to our team :)  Let's see our key 2021 events. 
Marie Pireddu, Saturday 25 December 2021

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays and warm wishes from the very merry team at GoodBarber! 
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 21 December 2021

Marca Barcelona, a sports radio station broadcasting worldwide thanks to an app

Radio Marca Barcelona specializes in Sports and streams 24 hours a day. It is dedicated to offering its listeners in Spanish, the latest in sporting news, and live events. The station offers 26 different weekly programs with 32 different presenters, some with solo shows and others working together. They just covered the Olympics in Tokyo, and are the only station in Spain that covers all the Eurocup games. Additionally, they cover all La Liga (Spanish soccer league) games on the weekends in Spain and La Liga ACB Basketball games.  Their radio station broadcasts in over 170 countries, including the US, Argentina, Mexico all the way through South America, and even Asia.
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 14 December 2021

How to create an app for a Radio station

Create an app for your Radio Stations. Find out How To broadcast your radio for your audience anywhere and anytime with a Radio App