Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 29 April 2015

Brèves d'Histoires - An App for Paris Lovers

Today we are synching our showcase to a very special app... Thanks to Brèves d'Histoire , a real encyclopedia, you will know everything about the Parisian patrimony! Let's enter without delay in Gino's world, and find out what he can say about his app and what it giving back to him ;) 
Dumè Siacci, Saturday 11 April 2015

Forza Bastia !

Tonight there is the final of the french soccer league's cup, between the Sporting Club of Bastia, and the Paris Saint-Germain. If you know a little about us, you probably know that we're based in Corsica, not so far from Bastia ... Several members of the team are on their way to Paris and the Stade de France to attend the final :) FORZA BASTIA !
Vanessa Leins, Thursday 9 April 2015

Should I Move my Business to Mobile?

Our world is quickly moving towards a global village where information is available digitally and people are connected through digital platforms—SMEs, freelancers and other businesses need to digitize themselves to keep up with the current needs and trends. In the beginning of the digital revolution, many CEOs of leading companies were convinced that the shift to a technological world would last only for a short period of time. Nowadays, these people have had to radically change their opinion and accept that if they don't follow the digital trend, their business will be unable to withstand the strong, international competition. No company can afford to ignore the changes caused by digital technology anymore. 
Written on Wednesday 1 April 2015

Radio Emotions: The 24/7 Radio App

Even better than an online radio, Radio Emotions is available 24/7, alternating between music, live programs, and DJ sets. It is present throughout Italy with live events taking place outside, in discos, clubs, and sports arenas. The project was founded by a group of friends, driven by the same passion. We wanted to learn more, so we spoke with Matteo, one of the founders.
Catarina Crespo, Thursday 19 March 2015

New Rating System for Android Apps

In May, Google Play will introduce a new content rating system for apps and games that will help consumers with their purchases. The main goal of this new rating system is to improve app engagement by better targeting the appropriate audience. This will be done by evaluating content and respecting each country's internet advertising policies. Since the current Google Play rating scale will be replaced by this new system in May, this rating is mandatory for all developers. Google says that the “Unrated” apps may be blocked in certain territories for specific users. If your app is not rated, Google Play has the right to delete it from the Play Store, so be sure to rate it now. The rating will be calculated based on rules defined by an international organization (IARC), based on informations given to google by the developers about the content of their app.  The International Age Rating Coalition (IARC), born from a global initiative, gives a classification for games and apps, depending on the minimum age requested to use them, according to the territory where they will be sold.   The IARC is composed by different classification institutions, each one corresponding to a different area in the world : - the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) - North America - Pan-European Game Information (PEGI) - Europe -  Australian Classification Board - Australia - Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) - Germany - Classificação Indicativa (ClassInd) - Brazil An app can get different ratings depending on the territory it will be downloaded from. This new way to rate apps will, as Google says, " inform consumers about the age appropriateness of your app, block or filter your content in certain territories or to specific users where legally required, evaluate your app’s eligibility for special developer programs."
Written on Thursday 19 March 2015

Technology Within a Child's Reach

The remains of the first toys date date back over 2,000 years and include many indications of hide and seek and ring around the rosie. But it was not until the 17th century that the first studies were done proving the importance of play in the learning and developmental process of a child. J. Goldsteins declared that "the game is the prism through which children experience their world and the world of others".  Playing is a vital part of a child's health, as it generates positive emotions. As an only child with no cousins nearby, my childhood required a little imagination and creativity. My bunk bed became my dream home, my lamp was my friend the owl, I mixed magic potions to defend myself from monsters, all with a princess braid in my hair. 
GoodBarber Team, Monday 16 March 2015

Wearable Devices—Success or Flop?

In honor of the recent buzz over wearable devices, it seems like the perfect time to delve into this topic. “Wearable Device” is a term that gets thrown around quite often, but until just recently, it’s been more of a figment of the future. There have been some attempts here and there, and we often hear all about cutting edge gear that’s on the brink of becoming huge, but whether or not wearable devices are on their way to becoming integrated parts of our lives in the way that smartphones have is something worth wondering about. Up until now, the two most well-known wearable devices have been the Google Glass and the FitBit, and I think it’s safe to say that one has been more successful than the other. While the FitBit can be seen sporadically amongst groups of everyday people, I cannot think of one single person I know who has been audacious enough to sport the Google Glass. Why has everyone shied away from such an impressively capable product created by a company that we all know and trust? I think Google really missed the mark in terms of relatability—it seems to have taken the futuristic concept and run with it, forgetting that its customers are humans, not wealthy robots. The term “Glasshole ” became popular for a reason—it’s not easy to wear this device without emitting a pretentious, Inspector Gadget aura that makes one unapproachable at best.
Written on Friday 13 February 2015

Hiper FM - The Radio App that Boosts your Mood

GoodBarber on AIR!  Today we are synching our showcase to a radio that is boosting the moods of young listeners all across Portugal. Hiper FM is a special radio that not only broadcasts pop and rock music, but also provides content about the entertainment industry and brightens the lives of its listeners on a daily basis! Let's turn the station to Hiper FM team's interview and find out what they had to say about their GoodBarber app! 
Written on Tuesday 3 February 2015

Montecampione - The best app for your holidays on the slopes

Hello GoodBarbers, I'm Giacomo, I'm a strategic planner, and I work with a kind of unusual colleague: a chimpanzee that orbits in "digital" communication space. That is why my business is called Space Chimp Design  and it was founded with the purpose of transmitting a fundamental principle for me: There are no impossible projects (as it would have been impossible for a chimpanzee to be in space before 1961), the important thing is to always think that they are "#StrategicallyPossible".
Written on Monday 12 January 2015

The Super Powers of the Video

A huge trend of 2014, videos have become an unavoidable means of communication. Read on to find out why and how to use them efficiently... The video has the ability to greatly increase the popularity of a site, and there are many who can attest to this. The video is a multipurpose communication tool that proves to be pertinent to several stages of client relations: it encourages interactiveness and increases user engagement on sites.  Video content can also, under certain conditions, boost the SEO of your site.  In fact, a video has 53 times more of a chance of coming up on the first page of a Google search than written content does.  However, remember that only written characters are taken into account by Google search algorithms. To improve your SEO through a video, you will have to pay a lot of attention to the title, the description, and the key words you have chosen. If you take this criteria into account, your video should be able to considerably increase your visibility on the internet. To give you an idea of the super powers that video content has in strategic marketing, a study done by Forrester  revealed that "from this point on, an online video may have more of an impact than a 30 second television commercial". So, are you convinced by the considerable advantages that video content is offering us? Now we will have to develop a strategy that defines the type of video and the channels of communication that you should use.  What better way to enlighten you than to show you how we, at GoodBarber, have decided to use the video?
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 7 January 2015

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2014

Hello GoodBarbers, I hope you have recovered from the New Years madness! A new year is often synonymous with new projects, and to help you create your Beautiful App, here are the five best apps produced in 2014. The choice was not easy…
Written on Wednesday 3 December 2014

App Permissions and Protecting Privacy

Many users will have heard about the access apps can have to their devices, and if you install apps on an Android device, you'll immediately see what the app you're about to install can do. This leaves many users justifiably worried, especially as some of the stated permissions are quite opaque-sounding and very difficult to understand. Also, one and the same permission can be used to do different things in different apps.  Like any other native application, an app built with GoodBarber also requires a number of permissions in order to work properly and offer the best possible user experience. However, the list of permissions required might at first seem somewhat intimidating to you or your users. That's why today we'd like to take the time to explain what permissions a GoodBarber app requires, and the rationale behind every permission.
Written on Monday 24 November 2014

Making the Most of the New iPhone

Ever since the launch of the new iPhone, we've been working to make sure that GoodBarber makes the most of Apple's new screen sizes. The changes we've made ensure the perfect display of all of your graphic elements, both on the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, but also on all other iOS devices.
Written on Thursday 20 November 2014

From the Football Player to the Fan... A Relationship Built Through an App

What I love most about the support service of GoodBarber is the personal relationship that they build with the clients. It's difficult to get past the barrier of internet to allow a personal, almost face to face communication. But from the feedback of our many users, I believe we successfully manage to overcome the distance. I'm so happy and proud to have been contacted by one of our clients who wanted to share the success of his app with us.  
Written on Tuesday 21 October 2014

How to Sell Your App for a Fee

There are a few ways to directly earn money with apps: by creating and selling apps for clients, by monetizing through advertising, and by directly selling the app in the stores. In this article, we'll be covering two main questions for publishers who want to sell their app in the stores: 1/ What type of apps are users willing to pay for? 2/ What you need to do if you choose to charge a price for your app.
katrina bertacci, Friday 17 October 2014

Add a Rating Pop-Up to Your Beautiful App

"Even the most intellectual mind has something to learn"- George Santayana Hello Goodbarbers, Big things are happening in GoodBarber these days. Our fingers are flying on our keyboards to write new codes and develop new features! Right after launching GoodBarber 3 , our completely new and restyled platform, we took some time to listen to all your requests and we created a road map to plan the development of all the new features you asked for,  so we could implement them as soon as possible. Last week we introduced you to our new Contact Us section. Today we're proud to present the new integrated pop-up that you can activate to encourage your users to rate the app. Just as George Santayana said, we all have something to learn!
Written on Friday 3 October 2014

WNN - The best news updates from sources around the world

My Name is Eric Boland, Founder/CEO of W-World Media, which is a startup based in Vancouver, Canada. WNewsNetwork is our Social News Network which provides the best news updates to users around the world. WNewsNetwork features the best news updates from sources around the world including World News, Tech and Business. We also have Sports for the Players at Heart. One of our features is W-Reports, a service where our users can submit breaking news to us and to users around the world. Also if you're not in the mood to read the news, we offer WNN Radio, which provides news updates through the audio feature. We have another feature, in which every season, we have a new logo and splashscreen for the season as you may have noticed in our Fall Update.
Arianna Testi, Monday 29 September 2014

Digital Press. A World in High Resolution.

The press industry is based on communication. It's the content that gives articles or books their value, the paper is just the traditional means we use to spread this content. The invention of the telegraph swept the distance barriers between people away, making communication much easier. This has brought nations closer and offered a great opportunity for publishers to spread their news to a much wider audience. Nowadays it's all about digital communication, new original media and news flashs. This is the reality of today! But let's take a step back to when the first major news publications were created.
Written on Monday 22 September 2014

The iPad: A Story of Technology Catching up With an Idea

In the aftermath of brilliant discoveries and inventions, the long and often difficult process leading up to them is often forgotten. We imagine them as the fruit of sudden, brilliant realizations, much like the figurative lightbulb that appears above the cartoon character's head. Of course, the truth is usually far messier, and innovation is above all the result of iterative, incremental improvement. It is as much an editorial process as it is a creative one.  What makes the iPad such an interesting product, maybe even more so than it's capabilities as a device, is it's history. The iPad is an almost perfect illustration of technological possibility finally catching up with a vision, the importance of tinkering, constantly adapting and improving an idea, and above all of perseverance.