Todi AppyDays 2015 ! This time we were headed for Pisa and the Internet Festival 2015 . Here’s the recap of Jerome, our CMO, and Arianna, our Marketing Manager, who both made the trip to beautiful Pisa. ">
Written on Tuesday 6 October 2015

IF2015 : An Innovative App for an Innovative Festival

I'm very proud and honored today to introduce to all of you the last app created in partnership with an important Italian event, The Internet Festival of Pisa. It was a great experience personally, to get to work with the team of the IF, and to mix and match our ideas for the creation of this app. I'm very happy with the results and I can't wait to be present this weekend in Pisa and enjoy all the tech and innovative atmosphere of this amazing event.
Written on Thursday 1 October 2015

The Rise of Health and Fitness Apps

Fitness trackers, pedometers, fitness challenges, « fitspo », the connected world, on the go, on your desktop and on your mobile, is all about health and fitness these days, for better and for worse. Even if the trend isn’t something you’re naturally into, you’re bound to have colleagues, friends or family that have jumped on the bandwagon. Fitness fanatics aren’t the core audience anymore. Health and Fitness apps are now in the top 10 most popular apps in the App Store, before « Food and Drink » or « Photo and Video » (courtesy of Statista)! In fact, the health and fitness mobile app market was already « worth about $4 billion » a little under a year ago, according to a mobile Health Economics report quoted by Digital Trends. It thus definitely seems like a market to have under your radar if you are looking for inspiring ideas to create Beautiful Apps.  Here’s our overview of the Health and Fitness Apps Craze, for the better, of course!
Isabella Leland, Thursday 24 September 2015

Ad blocking going mobile and how native apps can benefit from it

One of the most talked about features of the latest Apple operating system version, iOS 9, is how it now allows its users to enable ad blocking apps. The big question is, will ad blocking become big for mobile or not? Pointers seem to be heading towards a yes. As it turns out, ad blocking apps reached the top spots on the App Store within a day of the iOS 9 release. Crystal, Purify, these are the seemingly innocent names posing as a threat to mobile ad revenues.  
João Marcelo Martins, Tuesday 15 September 2015

ANDROID APP: How to nail your update (Infographic)

Even if it is a little simpler to update your app on Google Play when compared to the App Store, it's a process that surely can get better with the help of a Beautiful infographic from GoodBarber, specially made to ensure you succeed and make your life a bit easier!
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 10 September 2015

Over 1500 icons for your Apps

Hello GoodBarbers!  Today, I am pleased to introduce a new update which I am particularly thrilled about, given how particular I am when it comes to design and details! As you might have figured out already I am here to discuss our brand new collections of icons, specifically created so that you can even further customize your Beautiful App. So, let’s have a look...
Written on Tuesday 8 September 2015

TV Guará: the Mobile TV Channel!

Hello GoodBarbers, Today we are live from Guará, Brasil to introduce you to a local Brazilian TV channel's excellent live streaming video app. TV Guará is a project founded by Sérgio Salomão with the purpose of broadcasting the Guará region's local news, as well as national and international news for all of the region's inhabitants. The project is divided into two main platforms: a website and a native app, available for both Android and iOS. Today I would like to focus on the app, and the big question is: 
Written on Thursday 27 August 2015

The best features for a Mobile Native App

Hey GoodBarbers,  Summer is close to its end, days are getting shorter and colder, and flashbacks of the happy summer nights are coming back to our minds as a Beautiful Movie. Even for us it's time to take a moment to look back on all that has been done, and enjoy all the beautiful features released this year :) Ready to start?
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 25 August 2015

Cucina Corsa - When local cooking goes digital

Hello GoodBarbers, Today's showcase makes me especially proud because it's about an app dedicated entirely to Corsica, and was of course created by a Corsican ;) You know how much we love our little island here at GoodBarber, so it's a pleasure to see great, local projects coming to life, and even better to participate in their success! I will give the floor to Gilles De Peretti, who is the mind behind this project and will quickly make your mouth water!
Written on Tuesday 11 August 2015

"Angolo del diabetico": how an app can help you!

3 million Italians are affected by diabetes. I would like to talk to you about an innovative and cutting edge app that has the goal of improving the lives of these people and helping them with daily management and prevention. I contacted the creator of this app to tell me more about this project...
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 29 July 2015

Apple Developer Account—Latest News

Big news for those who have, or are planning to get an Apple Developer Account. From now on, you won't have to manually renew your subscription each time it's up. Apple recently decided to implement an automatic renewal system for the Developer Program subscription, which means one less thing for you to worry about! You may think this isn't such a big deal, but think again. Maybe it hasn't happened to you, but I've seen many a developer have their app unexpectedly removed from the App Store, just because they forgot to renew their contract. Luckily, this is no longer a risk—you don't have to worry anymore about losing users just because of a moment of forgetfulness.
Written on Thursday 9 July 2015

GoodBarber's Best Sports Apps

Congratulations to the US ladies for their big win at the World Cup! To celebrate, let's take a look at some of the most Beautiful athletic themed apps ever created with GoodBarber. 
Muriel Santoni, Monday 29 June 2015

4 Myths About Native Applications

Some time ago, we explained all the reasons why native mobile applications are the best. I really believe that their quality speaks for itself and they have nothing else to prove. The majority of individuals involved in the mobile app industry are in agreement that if it's necessary to make a choice between a native app and a web app, a native one is the way to go (luckily GoodBarber offers both, which is the ideal solution!). While this point is clear, there are still a number of false ideas hovering around native apps. I would like to clear these misconceptions up and do a little myth debunking.  
GoodBarber Team, Monday 22 June 2015

Should I Publish an iOS or Android App?

Although a GoodBarber subscription includes both iOS and Android versions of your app for no extra cost, sometimes app creators find themselves in the position of needing to choose between publishing on the App Store or Google Play. This can be due to budget constraints, time restrictions, different objectives you are trying to achieve, your audience, etc. So, if you must decide between publishing on the App Store or Google Play , what are the pros and cons of each? Here is a brief outline of the advantages of each platform depending on your situation.
Written on Tuesday 16 June 2015

Madchester—The App Concert Attendees Love

The MIDEM event was a great source of inspiration for us, so we decided to dedicate today's showcase to musicians, music lovers, and especially those behind the scenes that bring the music to life through running events. We contacted to a very special GoodBarber user whose app for the concert venue, Sala Madchester, is just the first of many in his exciting project...
Written on Tuesday 2 June 2015

STR - Sharing the Road : An app for a unique music project

Today our showcase is dedicated to Sharing the Road, a Beautiful App that conveys all the emotions that go along with this music project. Yann Lamballée, the director of the project, has shared all the details with us...
Muriel Santoni, Monday 1 June 2015

Apps & The Music Industry

With the ongoing development of new technology such as streaming, the music industry has undergone many changes over the past several years. Although it wasn't given much of a chance in the early 2000's, we realize today that it has demonstrated flexibility and creativity to adapt to the new standards, particularly in terms of digitalization and gradual disappearance of physical music media.  The music market consists of participants that differ greatly from one another, with both varying and common needs. Today, I decided to show you how apps are an indispensable part of the music industry's digital evolution. Skeptical? Put yourself in the place of four types of music industry players for a more complete perspective: artists, radio stations, those in charge of events/festivals, and producers.
Written on Thursday 28 May 2015

The Greatest Music Apps of 2015

In less than a week, GoodBarber will be in Cannes for MIDEM, the music industry festival, where it will showcase its latest features and future plans to bring even more beats and rhythm to its Beautiful Apps. There are already many users who are spreading their sound through a Beautiful App, and today is the day the best radios, festivals, musical projects, and artists have the spotlight. Here is my list of the Top 5 Best Music Apps made with GoodBarber ...
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 21 May 2015

New App Analytics by Apple

If you have an Apple Developer account, you should have received an email announcing the release of the new App Analytics available at no additional cost in your iTunes Connect account.  Devices operating with iOS 8 or later will be able to agree to send information on their app usage to Apple, who will generate reports concerning the user engagement, marketing campaigns, and monetization of your app. 
Written on Wednesday 6 May 2015

Industry Kraze - An app to enjoy Las Vegas

Today we are synching our showcase to an app about a wonderful city. As you know, a part of our team is currently in Las Vegas for the Collision Conf , so  this is the timely occasion to talk about Industry Kraze. Let me introduce the indispensable tool for spending good time in Las Vegas ;)
Written on Monday 4 May 2015

Empower the social features of your app adding the new "User Group" Add-On

GoodBarber has born like a powerful and beautiful CMS system to create native applications. The app market grows every day faster and GoodBarber does it as well. Delivering good content is not enough anymore, you need people interacting with it, spreading your words... Feeling yourself attached to an app is very difficult, but the probability of becoming faithful can increase if the user can have a special and dedicated place for him self inside the app. And so here we are... Less then one month ago I've presented to you the new and very awaited in-app login feature, that enables the app users to create their own profile, with photo and details, and to the app's owner to restrict the app access to the only registered users.  That was our first step into the social apps world and today I'm here to present you the second one. :)