Spotify and Deezer - increased from 8 to 28 million. As the chief content officer of Spotify, Ken Parks, said: “Unlike the distribution of a physical product we can reach every person on the planet, at least every person with a smartphone.” (IFPI Digital Music Report 2014 ) In light of this, we decided to talk about how you can create a good music app. We will address the subject considering two different types of apps: radio apps and band/musicians apps. Let’s start!">
Andressa Izumi, Monday 15 September 2014

What Apps Have to do With the Music Industry

If you remember the early 90’s, you should remember when Sony decided to revolutionize the way we listen to music and launched the famous yellow sports WALKMAN :) These were the times when you could record a mixtape to give to your girlfriend and when having the freedom of listening to music while walking on the street was a huge thing! From then on, we evolved first to CDs and then to downloads, and the latter grew very quickly thanks to the democratization of the internet. By now, according to a report of the IFPI (International Federation of Phonographic Industry), the number of paying subscribers to music subscription services - which includes services such as Spotify and Deezer - increased from 8 to 28 million. As the chief content officer of Spotify, Ken Parks, said: “Unlike the distribution of a physical product we can reach every person on the planet, at least every person with a smartphone.” (IFPI Digital Music Report 2014 ) In light of this, we decided to talk about how you can create a good music app. We will address the subject considering two different types of apps: radio apps and band/musicians apps. Let’s start!
Written on Friday 12 September 2014

The Sandbox App: Test Your iOS App Before Building

We recently spoke about how to avoid rejection of your app by Apple, and emphasized the importance of proper testing. We believe you shouldn't just be able to test a proxy version that closely resembles your app, but that any GoodBarber user should have the possibility to see exactly what their app will look and feel like, so they can submit it to the stores with peace of mind. 
Arianna Testi, Monday 8 September 2014

7 Tips to Follow to Prevent Apple Rejecting Your App

It's now extremely easy to build an app! Since there are now many app builders, online tutorials and lessons to learn how to program, more and more people decide to launch themselves into the adventure of app building, in hopes that their project will become popular and repay them with monetary profits. While Google has very few requirements you must meet to publish on the Google Play Store, because it reviews your app after it has been published, Apple has a very strict, zero tolerance policy. The goal of this policy is to protect the end users by not allowing bad quality apps that can be full of bugs or that are not user friendly into the store. But is this goal achieved efficiently? My job brings me to work with a great variety of apps, with different content, design and user experience. I have sent many apps to Apple to be reviewed and I honestly have to say that I still do not understand the logic behind their decisions. After all... Whoever has never downloaded a completely useless or horrible app the App Store raise your hand! What I do see is that many app are rejected because the name of an external platform comes up in a video or article etc... Or they say the content targets an audience that is too small.
Written on Monday 18 August 2014

7 major mistakes to avoid when creating a branded app

Many companies today have chosen to be present on mobile by creating an app to support their business. An app is an extremely powerful tool because it’s extremely versatile, businesses can communicate in a much more personal way. Also, people access the internet always more from mobile devices and less from pcs. Why? Because it’s more practical, we carry our smartphones around with us all day and now there is a good connection practically anywhere, also apps are easier to use. On a phone you don’t have any desktop clutter, you just have to enter a specific app to get the information you need, in a few seconds you can check the weather, find the best restaurant in town, buy those pants you saw in a shop at a cheaper price. But it’s not all as simple as it sounds, many companies have missed the mark when trying to take advantage of the great opportunity an app represents. You mustn't forget there there are some specific rules to follow when going mobile, this channel is very different from the web so you cannot just transplant your web strategy, you have to plan a specific strategy for the mobile segment. Here are series of common mistakes that to avoid if you want your branded app to be a success and bring your business that extra value!
Written on Friday 8 August 2014

Bien Pensado - The Latest Marketing Resources: Anytime, Anywhere

Today we spoke to David Gomez, Director of Bien Pensado, a Colombian company that provides information and marketing resources for SMEs. Author of El día que David venció a Goliat  (The day David defeated Goliath) and Facebook Toolbox.
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 6 August 2014

The New GoodBarber Backend

As those of you who've switched to GoodBarber 3 or even created your first app with it will have noticed, the new backend is radically different from the preceding version. Native mobile applications are increasingly becoming a primary means of web access, and we wanted our backend to reflect that. In essence, GoodBarber is more than an app building tool; it's an app building and management tool. So what exactly is new about the backend, and why? In this article, we'd like to address some of the major changes and the rationale behind them.
Isabella Leland, Friday 1 August 2014

How to Build a Community Around Your App

Be it a real or virtual, it's not easy to create a community! It takes time and a lot of dedication... When it comes to apps in particular, a strong sense of community among users is necessary, but also focusing on the right kind of features to make your app social. But before telling you how to achieve this goal, let's focus on the meaning of community, and why it's so important.
GoodBarber Team, Tuesday 15 July 2014

GoodBarber 3 is Online!

Today, we're proud to present the third version of GoodBarber ! Ever since the beginning of the GoodBarber adventure, we've always had one main objective: offering anyone the possibility to create an application with incomparable design and an amazing user experience. With GoodBarber 3, we're staying true to these principles. The experience we've gained with previous versions gives us the advantage of being able to continuously improve our product. Nevertheless, every major update of GoodBarber is an occasion for us to question everything we do. With GoodBarber 3, we've moved the goalposts once again by introducing a radically new approach for building an application.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 26 June 2014

How I'll Buy my Next Car, or Why I Love CarPlay

A few months ago, Apple unveiled its strategy for conquering the in-car entertainment market. Even if we don't yet know very much about CarPlay , it's still interesting to think a bit about the perspectives it will offer, both from the point of view of the final user as well content creators.  Speaking with Jérôme and Arianna , I realized that this could radically change the way I think about cars.
Written on Friday 13 June 2014

The Golden Rules for a Food and Recipes App

Who, if not me, the GoodBarber with the chef hat, could have written this article?! I remember standing in the kitchen about four years ago, surrounded by pots and pans, with my little booklet with recipes handed down for generations in my family, and also with those gathered at parties, dinners and birthdays. Who could have imagined that this little booklet could have been the prelude to a mass phenomenon, called Food Blogging. Once I became a vegetarian, though, my collection gave me little satisfaction, since it was full of recipes with meat sauce, ham and steak. Following the traditions of my mediterranean origins I started to eat only salads, until, out of desperation, I began searching for inspiration on the web.   During the last 4 years, things have changed a lot. Once upon a time, the web was something exclusive and the recipes you could find were mainly high cuisine, and too difficult and complicated for everyday cooking. No longer! The web, but also mobile apps, have something to offer for everyone. Finding recipes from countries on the other side of the world, or easy and original ideas for making the most out of what you have in the fridge, has never been faster and easier.    Starting a food blog now is very different now than it was 3 or 4 years ago. The competition is fierce and it’s no longer enough to segment your audience by choosing a small niche. If you already have a blog, my advice is to complete your offer by creating an app, complementary to your website. This will allow you to increase your audience and traffic, and become more competitive in the eyes of potential sponsors and investors. If this is an adventure you’re just starting, perhaps the smartest choice might be to go straight to mobile, avoiding the never-ending war between the giants of the virtual kitchen. Let’s find out why!
Written on Thursday 12 June 2014

101Racing, the Professional Tuning App

Today we're meeting Enrique J.Hernández , the founder and CEO of 101Racing, and creator of a GoodBarber app for tuning lovers and professionals.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 5 June 2014

ZDnet, the best source of tech news in germany

We asked Jérôme Bouteiller, editorial director of NetMedia Europe, to tell us a bit about the launch of their app for the german edition of ZDnet that represents one of the leading online magazines in Germany in the technology section. 
Written on Thursday 22 May 2014

Cose Fatte in Casa, an app to rediscover the taste of good homemade food!

Today we're meeting Rosa, the author of the blog, who has decided to make her recipes, hints and tips available on an app, in addition to the web and socials  ! This turned out to be a great decision, given the result it brought :) Only a few days after the launch of the app in App Store it was rated as one of the top new apps!
Written on Thursday 8 May 2014

Fala Glorioso, when Rio de Janeiro meets GoodBarber

Almost a month away from the World Cup in Brazil, it's the perfect time to talk about soccer. Today we are going to speak with a creative supporter of one of the biggest teams of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has created a beautiful app that is literally "glorious". Let's see what he has to tell us.
Deb F-P, Wednesday 7 May 2014

How to distribute my app out of the stores

You are a small structure, and you don't want or need your app to be published on the App Store or the Google Play Store? It is possible to distribute your app internally, and we are going to tell you how.