Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 2 November 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? October 2022

This month we offer you a new design element that will give a new life to your Articles and Blog sections: the Immersive Design template. It's a very visual full screen template, which allows you to give a maximum of power to your readers: comments, bookmarks, sharing options, your users will be able to perform all these actions directly from the list of your articles. You will find below the summary of developments and updates made during the month of October 2022:  
Ghjuvan Simeoni, Wednesday 2 November 2022

Agency Tips - What if my Clients Need Custom Features?

Relying on an App Builder to sell mobile applications allows you to offer very competitive rates while saving time, having the necessary flexibility to meeting the demand of your clients. However, when relying on a generic tool, you can expect some limitations related to tailor-made development. Hence the importance of asking yourself the right questions before choosing an app builder  among all the available tools. Indeed, it is crucial to study the possibilities and opportunities in terms of customization and purposes to meet your client’s needs. GoodBarber offers a few options depending on your needs and skills. Let’s take a closer look:  
Angelina Casanova, Friday 28 October 2022

How to create an Internal Communication app for your employees

Creating an Employees Communication app is a great way to meet the needs of employees and facilitate internal communication within a company, enhancing general involvement and better cohesion within your team.
Marie Pireddu, Friday 7 October 2022

Delivery by radius to increase local sales

Adding a local delivery option to your online store has multiple benefits. While in-store shopping can be a hassle that many shoppers prefer to avoid all together, and large shipping companies are experiencing backlogs and shipping times that are much longer than they used to be, local deliveries provide a solution to both issues. Local delivery helps create a personalized brand experience. Customers who shop locally appreciate the personal experience and local delivery is a cost-effective way to do that. You'll find below insights to succeed at local delivery and how to set up the new local delivery option in your GoodBarber app: Delivery by radius 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 5 October 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? September 2022

This month we have two new features for you: The new "Element Style " menu for Classic apps: From this menu, you can modernize the design of your app by applying rounded shapes to widgets and sections. You will have the choice between 3 options: square, rounded and round. Stripe Extended for Shopping Apps: you can now offer iDeal, Giropay, and 5 other new payment methods in your eCommerce app. You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of September 2022:
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 28 September 2022

How to create a worship or faith-based app

Beliefs no longer have the same place as they used to, and religious affiliation has considerably decreased over the last few decades. Nevertheless, we have noticed a return to spirituality for a few years now: religious or not, beliefs are slowly finding their place in people's hearts. If religion sometimes appears as the enemy of modernity, this is not really the case. For a few years now, mobile apps have been aiming at modernizing religious practices, and are in line with their time by using the current codes of digital media. These apps aim to accompany users in their religious practices and in their faith while speaking the language of the 21st century. Creating a religious or spiritual app can be the ideal solution to allow your community to cross the ages by using the most adapted communication tools.
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 23 September 2022

Resellers: 10 industries to target with your mobile app reseller agency

The GoodBarber app creation platform offers a lot of different features, so you can target a whole bunch of prospects. Moreover, thanks to the extension store, you will have the possibility to add interesting options to your apps. All in all, there are more than 500 features that cover the needs of your customers. If you don't know which sector to target first, we give you a list of sectors to consider first.
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 21 September 2022

Design update: new Elements Style menu

We never say it enough: ​your app design plays a vital role in the success of your app.  Of course, features, performance, and the concept itself are extremely important for a mobile app to catch its users’ eyes and succeed. However, the first thing that a user notices, after launching an app, is its design. The design of your mobile application makes the first impression. And if the design is not attractive, guess what? The user will go look for another app. Lucky for you, GoodBarber's designers are always developing new themes or updating templates, staying on top of the latest design trends to modernize the look of your apps.  One of our latest projects is GoodBarber Design System. This is a large project and you will hear more about it soon ;) Stay tuned! In the meantime, we're releasing new design elements that will modernize your beautiful apps: a new Elements Style menu and the round effect on thumbnails and cells.   
Angelina Casanova, Monday 19 September 2022

How to create an app for an event

How to create your event app : it's a straightforward 4-steps process to create an app for your events. Find how to make your event a lasting and memorable concept with an app.
Marie Pireddu, Friday 16 September 2022

3 reasons you should regularly update your app on the Stores

You took the leap, and created and launched a beautiful mobile app. Well done! Now all your work is done and you can sit back, relax, and let the app do its work to gain you, customers, build loyalty, and increase sales. Right? Well..... No. The work has just begun, actually. Your mobile app is only as good as its latest version, which means you need regular updates to keep your app “fresh” and relevant. Let's see the three main reasons to update your app: 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 14 September 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? August 2022

This month, among other developments, we developed a feature that touches on a topic that is crucial to the profitability of content apps: monetization. If you use integrated advertising via external ad networks, you'll be happy to know that you can now use AdMob Mediation. This will allow you to manage all your ad sources in one place. With just a few clicks you can manage and optimize all your ads.  You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of August 2022:
Marie Pireddu, Thursday 8 September 2022

New payment options for your GoodBarber eCommerce app

You asked for it, and we did it!  While we already offered payments by credit card, Paypal, and an offline Payment option, some of our clients are located in countries that use specific payment methods like iDeal for the Netherlands, Giropay in Germany, and others. Now thanks to our latest extension, Stripe Extended, you can now offer iDeal, Giropay, and 5 more new payment methods in your GoodBarber eCommerce app. 
Marie Pireddu, Monday 5 September 2022

Easily manage your Facebook ads with Admob Mediation

App monetization is often crucial to the success of a mobile app. Whether it's a paid app or an app that can be installed for free, you must have a monetization strategy that satisfies your users while ensuring profitability. There are several monetizing solutions to fit the different needs. For example, news apps are better suited to subscription services while travel apps will benefit from in-app advertising. I Lucky for you, GoodBarber offer both in-app purchase and in-app advertising. For those of you using in-app advertising with external ad networks, we've just added a new feature that will for sure interest you: AdMob Mediation.  
Angelina Casanova, Wednesday 24 August 2022

Create an app for a professional event: A 4 steps guide

Many professional events have been forced to be cancelled or postponed in recent years due to the global pandemic and its aftermath. Like other industries, the event industry has had to reinvent itself to deal with these issues, with one simple solution: going digital. More and more trade shows, conferences, and other professional events have been revamped! Hybrid events, otherwise known as "phygital", or even 100% digital: companies have not lacked imagination, and there are many possible solutions to make this transition to digital. Creating an app for your professional event remains the most practical solution: affordable, easy, and quick to implement, here are our best tips to set up the ideal professional event and optimize your marketing strategy! 
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 17 August 2022

Airtable and Typeform join your GoodBarber app

Two new extensions join our always expanding Extensions Stores: Airtable and Typeform.  Thanks to these 2 extensions you can now add to your GoodBarber app forms, quizzes, survey you created on these platforms and collect data.  
Marie Pireddu, Friday 5 August 2022

Want to turn your blog into a mobile app? 2 new extensions to do it now

Blog readers want the content to be in a format they can access easily. Sitting in front of a computer, entering a website, and then searching for content has begun feeling outdated to many smartphone users. Particularly in a world where speed becomes ever more important and everybody inclining towards the mobile every day, it gets more important to be able to any content at any moment. Providing the followers of your blog with what they want via a mobile app that is created with a focus on user experience will increase both user loyalty and views of your content. Whether you are an experienced or new blogger, you should know that if you don’t have a mobile app for your blog, you are missing out.  GoodBarber provides the perfect tool for any blogger to easily turn their blog into a mobile app, without having to write a single line of code. Our Extensions store offers many connectors for those who already created content on another platform. And we just added a couple of extensions that bloggers will love: Wix and Medium
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 3 August 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? July 2022

This month we introduce a new extension that will allow you to know more about your users and their behavior: Facebook Meta Pixel. It allows you to track certain events performed by users in your native app and in your PWA: number of app downloads, registrations, and logins, information on payment, adding a credit card, adding an item to the cart, or information on reading your content. With Facebook Meta Pixel, you can understand your users' behavior and adapt your marketing strategies.    You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of July 2022:
Christophe Spinetti, Friday 29 July 2022

Resellers: How to make the most of slow periods?

During the summer months, agencies (and clients!) take a well-deserved vacation. So, unless your clientele is tourism-oriented, you might have quite some downtime during the summer. In our case, we don't shut down during the summer. And we give you some tips to take advantage of this quiet time to brush up on your knowledge and refine your app sales strategies.
Marie Pireddu, Thursday 21 July 2022

New extensions to easily turn your podcast into an app

The audience for podcasting has grown significantly in recent years. According to a report by Edison Research, 78% of Americans are now familiar with podcasting, while 57% have listened to a podcast Whether you're a business owner or starting a new venture, a podcast is an excellent way to build an audience and position yourself as an authority in your industry. They are a popular content platform because they’re easy to consume. People can listen to podcasts on the go, in the car, at the gym, and even at work. One of the best things about podcasting is the intimate connection you build with your audience. In a day, where social media has shrunk attention spans, your listeners will happily spend 30 minutes or so with you at any given time,  giving you the ability to really dive deep into your topics. 
Marie Pireddu, Monday 18 July 2022

Optimize your marketing strategy with Meta Pixel & App Events

In 2022, Facebook, with its nearly 2.5 billion active users, is as much of a social networking site as it is a sales channel. The platform allows for more than simple brand-customer interactions—it’s one of the best channels for reaching your target audience, especially thanks to the precision of the advertising targeting it offers. Indeed, beyond its huge user base, Facebook has extremely detailed information about its users. This will allow you to target high-potential audiences to promote your products.  While your mobile app remains the best option to sell your products, integrating Facebook as a complementary sales channel will help you reach more potential shoppers.   GoodBarber offers you solutions to integrate your app with Facebook: Facebook Marketplace  and now Meta Pixel & App Events  , allowing you to analyze your user's behavior and optimize your marketing strategy.  The Meta Pixel & App Events extension is available for Content Apps and eCommerce Apps.
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 13 July 2022

Radio Ticino reaches a new audience with an app

Radio Ticino is a Swiss station created 25 years ago and based in the Southernmost canton of Ticino, Switzerland.  The region is Italian speaking, bordering Italy: Lugano being its most well-known town. Due to its location, the radio station broadcasts entirely in Italian and is committed to providing at least 30 minutes local-based content, in accordance with Swiss guidelines. The station is broadcast on FM bandwidth:  and at the end of 2024, the station will switch to DAB due to Switzerland turning off FM.    The station broadcasts its live radio show in real-time and has recently introduced a new TV channel that broadcasts videos in synchronization with the audio show. Also available are 18 channels with several different content styles: pop, gold, new hits, charme, rock, made in Italy, swiss music club, carnevale, movida, reggaeton Loco, Bravi Bimibi, Natale, Into the night, Non Ho L’Età, Lounge Cotn and A fine Jazz Gun Radio. Podcast content is also available with a wide variety of programming, ranging from topical news programs with journalists to daily horoscopes, to a cooking show.  
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 6 July 2022

What's new at GoodBarber? June 2022

This month, we released several new extensions that you've been voting for in the GoodBarber Lab. And we thought about everyone, whether you own classic apps or eCommerce apps.  First of all a very important extension for merchants: Facebook Marketplace. By connecting your GoodBarber app to your Facebook Marketplace with our latest extension, you'll help your business gain visibility as well as increase your sales using the world's largest social network!  For your content, we have also released several extensions that will allow you to distribute external content in your application. Medium and Wix for your articles, Ausha, Spreaker, Anchor, and Simplecast for your podcasts: connect our extensions and broadcast your content directly into your application.  Finally, the last extension that will delight your customers:, which allows you to offer direct chat support to your users. It's a free and easy way to communicate with your customers. You will find below the summary of the developments and updates made during the month of June 2022: