Dumè Siacci, Monday 20 January 2014

Meet our team across Europe in February!

The GoodBarber team will be on tour in February. Like last year, we'll exhibit at the Salon de la Radio, in Paris. And of course, we'll be in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress. But this year, we'll also organize a meetup for the GoodBarber users living in Barcelona, during the MWC.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 10 January 2014

GoodBarber FAQs about mobile app development #7

Today, we will discuss about the big traffic shift every app creator sees, from their website to their mobile app. We will also see what are the best practices to send push notifications.
Sergio Miranda Carvalho, Tuesday 7 January 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1797

Add UseOriginalPhotoIfPossible management by sections
Fix alertview when clicking on phone numbers
Fix crash with invalid summary in article
Arianna Testi, Wednesday 1 January 2014

How to do the web analysis of my mobile app?

In the era of the Web 2.0, the real life overlapped the virtual one, making crucial for any business, the study of the habits of their users while they are surfing on the web.   Thanks to web analysis became possible not only to analyze your target customers, the access, the traffic, etc ... but there are also offered the tools to optimize your investments on the web advertising, to improve conversion rates and the results of your business.
Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy new year 2014 :)

The whole GoodBarber team wishes you a wonderful year. Let's change the world of app building together!
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 in video ... here's how we had fun :)

We had a lot of funny moments this year ... Here's what happens behind the scenes :) Thank you all for your great support. You can't imagine how 2014 will be a great year!
Written on Monday 30 December 2013

How to promote your app on your website? #2

We have already talked about it in the past, now we will resume what has been said and delve further into the subject. As you all know, an app can help you to increase your customer base and your traffic. But before this can be possible is important that your new app is presented to the world! You must to expect a normal period of transition in which you will try to redirect the users of your mobile website to your app. At this point, it is usual to undertake marketing strategies to promote the app and make it known to the world.
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry christmas :)

Merry christmas, with love from the GoodBarber team!
Written on Monday 23 December 2013

10 reasons to create an app!

We have discussed many times the "benefits" that the creation of an app can bring to your brand, not only as a commercial brand, but also as a blog, a VIP, a radio, a club, etc.   Nowadays, native apps provide a better user experience and improve the way content is made available. The experience that a mobile application offers to users is much more rewarding than the one offered by a mobile web app.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 20 December 2013

GoodBarber FAQs about mobile app development #4

Today we're focusing on three new subjects: native apps vs. web apps, which platform is the better to start, and app analytics! Learn what our team can tell you about these questions.
Arianna Testi, Wednesday 18 December 2013

The magic of Christmas in your app!

Trees decorated to the nines, sparkling lights, smell of hot chocolate down the streets and soft white snow that covers everything. Christmas is coming! Every city, with all the christmas decorations, is so much beautiful in this period. And what about your app? Is it maybe less important? Does not deserve to be decorated? Your users will appreciate that you want to support the Christmas mood! :D Here some advice to design your app for this period of festivity!
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 17 December 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1771

Add OpenAdsInExternal in JSON parameters to open the ads links in Safari
Add "Helvetica Neue Ultra Light" font
Username and mail are now saved in post comments
Dumè Siacci, Friday 13 December 2013

GoodBarber FAQs about mobile app development #3

Today we're focusing on three new subjects: what "submission" means exactly, what can make a great church app, and Flat design! Learn what our team can tell you about these questions.
Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 11 December 2013

How to plug social networks sharing features in your app

Your GoodBarber app embeds social sharing features that will help your users to spread the word about your content. It means that almost everywhere in the app, your readers have access to a "share" button that will lead them the sharing screen.   You've probably already added such features to your website: you can easily understand that the more the process will be easy for your users to share your posts or videos, the more they'll share it :)   Since the GoodBarber 2.5 Salvador release, we've also integrated Facebook likes into the apps. It means that once your reader is logged in your app with his Facebook account, he'll just have to click on the "heart" button to like the post he's reading. It's not exactly the same action than a real Facebook share: a share will create a new post in the user's timeline, and a like will just appear in the Facebook ticker feed.   To be honnest, as a Facebook user, I prefer most of the times to just "like" a blog post than to actually "share" it to my friends: the two actions are totally different and apply in different situations.   GoodBarber also allows you to ask your users to login using Facebook or Twitter to post a comment, to bookmark a content, or to submit a picture/video/text from a Submit section. You should enable this feature if you don't want the comments on your website to be anonymous.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 6 December 2013

GoodBarber FAQs about mobile app development #2

Today we're focusing on three new subjects: monetization, featured placements in Google Play, and the time needed to create an app. Learn what our team can tell you about these questions.