Arianna Testi, Wednesday 12 March 2014

How to create a Flurry account?

Today I’m going to explain you how to create a Flurry account, to have more analytics data of your app.   First of all go to  and sing up, entering all the information required and accepting the terms and the conditions.
Written on Saturday 8 March 2014

International Women's Day

Today is the International Women’s Day, and we didn’t forget :)   The GoodBarber team used to be full of “geek” boys, but since last year always more girl joined the team for give a nicer touch to our Beautiful Apps.   So today I want to celebrate them, showing to you that create an app is not only a men stuff.   I choose some apps, made by or for women… Enjoy!!
Jerome Granados, Friday 7 March 2014

A Tuscan boy in Corsica

Hi everyone!   My name is Guido and I just joined the GoodBarber’s team as an Android developer.    I come from Florence where I graduated in Engineering of Electronics. While studying for my two-years specialization course in Engineering Automation I started to develop Android on my own and fell in love with it. So I started to create my apps for my own pleasure. Recently I've started to develop Apple for curiosity and made some apps on my own. When I saw the GoodBarber's contest in Florence I said “why not?”. I tried.... And now I'm here! I’m very happy to be part of the team because I think we should always follow our passions as much as we can.   What am I doing at GoodBarber?   I’m here to help the team develop the Android Beautiful Apps engine.   What else?   I love music. I played in a band (Repleva ) in my home town as a guitarist and I like listening to live music. I enjoy playing soccer and volleyball. I like cooking, as well.
Jerome Granados, Thursday 6 March 2014

Disqus now available in your app

If you read carefully tuesday's update, you saw that we enabled Disqus comments on GoodBarber. Many of you had requested this feature, so we set aside our developments on GoodBarber 3 for a few hours, in order to bring this feature to GoodBarber 2. It's now ready to be used. Let me explain how to turn on Disqus comments into your app.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 4 March 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #2067

Add Disqus comments
AdMob: It's now possible to have different publisherId for splashscreen and list
Bug fix: Fix wrong number
Jerome Granados, Monday 3 March 2014

Back from an amazing week @ MWC14

As you know, last week, we attended the Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona. Each year, the Mobile World Congress is the moment for us to showcase GoodBarber's new features. In 2013, we established a new standard in mobile app design by providing the most comprehensive set of designing option ever seen in an app builder. This year, we had the pleasure to demonstrate how to deliver an ultimate user experience using the last improvements of GoodBarber.
Mathieu Poli, Monday 17 February 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #2009

Bug fix: Now the searchBar doesn't appear anymore if it's not needed
Bug fix: Images now download correctly in case of categories list template
Bug fix: Fix subtitle in SoundCloud section when track is posted more than a year ago
Arianna Testi, Friday 14 February 2014

Meet us at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona! We are waiting for you! :)

Hi everyone!   Today I’ll talk to you again about the big upcoming event in Barcelona, the Mobile World Congress.   As you know, part of our team will be there, at Hall 8.1, booth 8.1S41 - Station10, to meet everyone who is interested in GoodBarber and its Beautiful Apps.    Just some words to present you the team that will be present to this event.   Dominique Siacci , CEO of GoodBarber, or as I call him the Big Boss! French and English speaker. Jerome Granados , CMO of GoodBarber. French and English speaker. Meryl Fiamma _ , Project Manager. French and English speaker. Sara Guiral Gonzales , Country Manager of our guest country, Spain. English speaker and Spanish, of course. And me! :) Arianna Testi , Country Manager for the Italian Market. Italian and English speaker.
Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 12 February 2014

3 days @ Salon de la Radio in Paris

On Sunday, Monday & Tuesday, we were in Paris for the French Radio Show (Salon de la Radio) with Jérôme Pietri . It's a major event in France for the radio world, organized by two of our first customers, Philippe Chapot & Frédéric Brulhatour , from La Lettre Pro de la Radio . If you remember, we already attended this event once, just a year ago. We had a great time with all the people at the event who visited our booth, existing or future customers :)
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 5 February 2014

Minimal color & Minimal photo. Less is definitely more

Big news today. Since yesterday's update, revision #1900, 2 new templates have landed in your back office. They are called Minimal color & Minimal photo. They have been designed for the article section and the video section.  It raises to 8 the number of templates you can choose to display a list of articles (or videos). But Minimals are a brand new kind of templates. As suggested by their name, they are sleek and simple. Let me show you how beautiful they are. With minimal photo and minimal color, no doubt you are going to create a stunning article or video section. 
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 4 February 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1900

2 new templates for Article & Video sections : Minimal color & Minimal photo
Add a new url scheme management ("goodbarber://maps") in the Custom section
Share button disabling management in the Live Plus section
Andressa Izumi, Monday 3 February 2014

Andressa, now in Corsica with <3

Hello all, I’m Andressa. I just started today my internship here at GoodBarber and I feel like I'm living some kind of dream! I just graduated last year on Interactive Multimedia Production. Back at my lovely hometown – Lisbon, I was working at a Call Center doing Costumer Service, but constantly I was searching for a better job.
Written on Saturday 1 February 2014

Long Live The App Maker Profession!

The technologies are far from opposing. Rather, they complement each other and will continue to recombine in the near future.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 31 January 2014

Check out the GoodBarber YouTube channel!

Did you know GoodBarber has a YouTube channel? For anyone looking for more visual and interactive help with creating their app than what our backend documentation offers, or for those who just want to know what the platform is like before giving it a go, our YouTube channel might be a good spot for you to consider checking out.  Most of the videos are in English or French, but there are some Spanish ones mixed in there as well. Feel free to turn on the YouTube subtitle functionality if you need any language assistance.   
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 28 January 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1880

SoundCloud section : Now the artist cell doesn't appear if we have categories
Add "listBackgroundOpacity" parameter in podcast detail, event detail and comments views
Bug fix: Fixing selected icon size in custom TabBar
Jerome Granados, Tuesday 28 January 2014

Maths for kids: iOS vs Android

Today, I propose you a simple maths exercise for your kids. It will let them play with figures and discover which platform, between iOS and Android, is more popular among non developers who create apps. It started this morning during a coffee break at the office. If you drop by one day, no doubt that you will attend passionate discussions between iOS and Android developers. Each team can argue that the platform they develop on is the best and why. But what about our users who are non-developers? Do they prefer iOS or Android? A quick look at our database can give you the answer to this question. So, let's play with data. If you have a kid aged between 7 and 8, you can solve the following exercise with him ;)