Dumè Siacci, Monday 6 May 2013

Backend tricks: Customize your preview

If you follow our blog with attention, you probably noticed a new backend feature in the last Tuesday update :) You can now set the default tab for the preview (iOS or Android), and choose the phone's color (black or white). Trust us, it will be such a useful feature when designing your app!
Dumè Siacci, Friday 3 May 2013

Friday Talk: GoodBarber for developers?

We always say that GoodBarber is for non-developers. But did you know that if you have coding skills you can develop your own plugin? GoodBarber has 3 types of APIs: Plugin, Content & Settings. Listen to Jerome & Laurent, they tell you everything about that.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 30 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #921

Starting from this week, we'll publish 3 differents changelogs each Tuesday: iOS, Android & backend.   The backend changelog summarizes the week's changes, that you can already see.   For iOS and Android changelogs, as usual, don't forget to re-build your app to apply the corrections :)
Dumè Siacci, Monday 29 April 2013

Focus on a feature: Search engine

Did you know that since the Beautiful Apps Engine Update #753, you can now add a Search Engine to your app ? It can be very useful for your users, by allowing them to search a specific term within the whole content of your blog.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 26 April 2013

Friday Talk: How to monetize your app

This week, Jerome & Laurent are presenting GoodBarber's monetization features. You'll know everything about ads in GoodBarber: internal ads, external networks and strategy!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 25 April 2013

How to set up correctly the sharing options in your Android app

Many of you have enabled the social sharing options into your apps, and you're right! It's a very good way to encourage your users to spread the word about your app and your content. Since last week, the Android beta is opened on GoodBarber. You probably noted that new options have appeared in your backend: in expert mode, you can now upload a specific icon and a specific splash screen for your Android app. In order to set up properly the sharing options in your app, you need to set up a new parameter in the Facebook and Twitter apps you have already created. Here is a little summary of the modifications you have to apply to your social apps if you have already created them.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 23 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #871

Thanks to all your feedbacks, here is the first Tuesday update of the Android engine. All the team has been working hard on Android this week. Next Tuesday we'll update both engines :)   So here is the changelog for this Tuesday update, for Android only:   - Bookmarks sections are now enabled - Custom sections are now enabled - GoodBarber statistics are now enabled - Bug fix: Images are now displayed correctly in the header - Bug fix: The template 6 in Article sections doesn't crash anymore - Bug fix: The opacity is now correct on all the toolbar buttons - Bug fix: Events dates are now correctly formatted - Bug fix: The first category filter of a section is now automatically selected - Bug fix: The Facebook login is now working correctly   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes :)   You'll also have some work to setup properly your Facebook & Twitter apps now that your app is running on Android. Stay tuned, we'll post the process to follow soon.
Jerome Granados, Friday 19 April 2013

Friday talk: GoodBarber Plugin for WordPress

If you have a WordPress website, install the GoodBarber plugin for WordPress to access very cool features in your native app for iPhone or Android. The plugin can be found here : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/goodbarber/
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 17 April 2013

GoodBarber for Android. Now open in beta

Time has come to create Beautiful Apps for Android ! Today, we are very happy to open GoodBarber for Android. Thanks everyone for your kind messages to encourage us during the final stretch. The team worked very hard to finish the Beautiful Apps Engine for Android as quick as possible. From now on, you can enjoy on your Android device almost all the features of GoodBarber. There is still work to be done. This is the reason why we say this is a beta. But you’ll see, the result is already fantastic! If you want, you can even submit your app on Google Play. If you do so, take the time to review your app before publishing. Hey, it’s a beta ;) Last thing, remember that every Tuesday, we update GoodBarber with new features. You’ll be able to publish a new version of your app on Google Play, in order to make it even more beautiful ;) Now, go to your backend and have fun ! (or test for free if you're not already a GoodBarber)  
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 16 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #791

Today, everyone is working hard in the GoodBarber team to open the beta for Android. If everything goes fine, you'll be able to test your app on your Android device tomorrow! So, this week the changelog for iPhone is a bit short, but you can understand why :) Changelog for this Tuesday update, for iPhone: - There is now a relaese to load more feature in the comments pages - It's now possible to use the token [COMMENTS] and [NBCOMMENTS] in the lists subtitles (Settings API) - The headers of Events sections show now the day of the week - Bug fix: the Events sections handle now correctly the absence of thumb - Bug fix: the Search Bar appears now correctly when a Circle Band categories template is set - Bug fix: the app doesn't crash anymore at launch when there is no connection - Bug fix: the app doesn't crash anymore when sharing the app in the Settings section Don't forget to rebuild your app to apply these changes… and prepare yourself to build your Android app!
Jerome Granados, Friday 12 April 2013

Friday talk: Android is almost ready

We are almost ready to open the Android beta. More info in this Friday talk. Next week is going to be a very exiting week !
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 9 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #753

Changelog for this Tuesday update :     - It's now possible to add a search engine in Articles and Videos sections - Comments are now displayed immediately in the list when sent - Bug fix : "Download button" wrong color fix in Sound / Podcast section - Bug fix : Statistics are now correctly sent - Bug fix : Crash fix in Template 3 of Photo section - Bug fix : Vimeo videos are now played correctly on iPad - Bug fix : Fix error in ads downloading on the app launch - Bug fix : The "load more" is now available in template 3 of Article sections   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes!
Lesia PIETRI, Monday 8 April 2013

GoodBarber Theme : Children

Children is one of the 50+ themes available in your GoodBarber backend. Use it as a starting point to create your Beautiful App.
Jerome Granados, Friday 5 April 2013

Friday talk: What is GoodBarber?

You are so many to join GoodBarber everyday that we had to make this general video about GB! So, if you have ever wanted to know, in 3 minutes, what is GoodBarber, you are on the right page ;)
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 2 April 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #685

Changelog for this Tuesday update :   - The progress bar on the status bar is removed temporarily - Add of a red bubble indicating the number of comments in detail page of Article section - It's now possible to add a custom CSS in detail page of Sound / Podcast section (Settings API) - Bug fix : The dates are now displayed correctly in iOS5 - Bug fix : Crash fix when a wrong type is returned in loadMore download - Bug fix : Encoding error fix on the data past in gbRequestDidSuccess function - Bug fix : Graphic adjustment in plugins - Bug fix : Visual bug fix on download button in Sound / Podcast sections - Bug fix : Downloaded podcasts are now correctly played - Bug fix : Podcasts from iTunes are now played correctly - Bug fix : Text and photos submissions are now sent correctly - Bug fix : The Off page of Live radio sections is now scrollable - Bug fix : InApp web browser no longer opens when you click on an outgoing link (iTunes, maps, ...) - Bug fix : The detail page size of Sound / Podcast section is now fixed - Bug fix : The Youtube videos in Facebook sections are now played correctly - Bug fix : The text size bug in Facebook section is now fixed - Bug fix : The callback error in photo submission is now fixed   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes!
Jerome Granados, Friday 29 March 2013

Friday talk: Users feedbacks

In this Friday talk, we discuss about some improvements added thanks to user feedbacks. We present the new features in the live section and the ability to archive a design.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 26 March 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #658

Changelog for this Tuesday update :  NEW FEATURES - it's now possible to set a time frame during which a live audio section is available - It's now possible to zoom in the Photo section detail view. BUG FIXES - Bug fix : The double ads problem in MobPartner banners is fixed. - Bug fix : The font change in Article details views is now recorded. - Bug fix : The instability in the Photo section with template 3 is now fixed. - Bug fix : The color problems in the "CircleBand" navigation are now fixed.   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes!
Jerome Granados, Friday 22 March 2013

Friday talk: Optimization

In this Friday talk, we focus on optimization. We rolled out a wave of optimizations mid march, in order to load your content faster in the apps. In this video, you'll learn more about what's behind the scene and how GoodBarber is organized to help you create the most Beautiful Apps in the world ;)
Lesia PIETRI, Wednesday 20 March 2013

GoodBarber Theme : Old Trip

Old Trip is one of the 50+ themes available in your GoodBarber backend. Use it as a starting point to create your Beautiful App.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 19 March 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #621

Changelog for this Tuesday update :    - It's now possible to change the width of the Swipe menu (Settings API) - It's now possible to change the cell's height of the Swipe menu (Settings API) - It's now possible to change the icon's size in the Swipe menu (Settings API) - It's now possible to choose the color of a particular cell in the Swipe menu (Settings API) - It's now possible to enable auto refresh in Custom / URL sections (Settings API) - French translations added (Pull down to load more, release to load more) - Localisation into Spanish - It's now possible to disable playing sounds in background. This option is available in your backoffice, in Design / App options - Bug fix : Fixed issue with the background images of selected buttons in CircleBand (Categories) - Bug fix : Subtitles in Article / Template 2 section are now displayed correctly - Bug fix : Subtitles in Article / Template 3 section are now displayed correctly - Bug fix : There is now a minimum width for the CircleBand buttons (Categories) - Bug fix : Fixed an issue when there is less than 3 items in a section with a SlideShow template   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes!
Jerome Granados, Friday 15 March 2013

Friday talk: A progress bar. What for?

In this Friday talk, get to know more about the new progress bar. The progress bar gives a visual feedback to the user when he launches the app. It tells him that data is being retrieved. This behavior occurs when it is the first time someone launches the app or when you publish an update of your app There are 2 buttons in the backend in the publication menu : Submit and Publish. Hitting submit will trigger our compiler to rebuilt your app. Then you'll have to upload your ipa file to Apple and wait for the review. You need to re-built your app each time you want to benefit from the new features of the Beautiful Apps Engine. We improve it every tuesday. Hitting publish will update you app the easy way. If you add a section, you change your design, well, when you make your app evolve, no need to rebuilt it. It can be updated on the fly. So, this is why we made the progress bar. It's here to tell the user, hey, updating is in progress. Hold on, fresh content and fresh design are coming.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 12 March 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #587

Changelog for this Tuesday update :  - Add of a progress bar on the status bar when the app is updating - Increase the frequency of checking the availability of updates to the application - It's now possible to detach listBackgroundColor and listBackgroundOpacity fields Detail pages (Settings API) - It's now possible to add a custom CSS in an Article Detail page (Settings API) - Translation adding : the sharing mail content is now available in French - Bug fix: It's now possible to zoom in the app web browser - Bug fix: Correction of typos in some texts in French - Bug fix: Fix of post comment problem in Article / WordPress sections   Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes!
Jerome Granados, Monday 11 March 2013

Download our iBook for free

Beautiful Apps - iPhone Android - by GoodBarber. This is the title of our first iBook. It has just been published on the iBook Store. Download it for free  and you'll discover all the great features GoodBarber has to offer.