Written on Monday 17 June 2013

Our Italian team is here!

Hey GoodBarbers !  Today we're welcoming our Italian team : Pier Luigi and Arianna. They have just freshly arrived yesterday from italy and they joined us for 3 and 6 months!  They introduced themselves in this video so let's check this out and discover who they are!  Ciao guys ;)  
Written on Friday 14 June 2013

Friday Talk: App Options

Hey guys ! I hope your week was great ;) Before the week-end, let's check the new Friday Talk! Today Jerôme and Méryl talk about the "App Options" menu in the Backend: you can find more informations about sharing, audio, language and restriction for your Apps in this page and how you can use this. Enjoy and see you next Friday ;) Have a good week-end!
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 12 June 2013

The GoodBarber website is now in Spanish !

Hey! Bonjour! Hola!  Big news today: The GoodBarber website is now available in Spanish ! So we hope our Spanish users are going to be happy! Our special Spanish girl Maria did that during a few weeks, she wanted a perfect translation for you guys!  I hope you will enjoy it ;) Soon in Italian... no worries! Hasta la vista ;)
Dumè Siacci, Monday 10 June 2013

#LeWeb feedback, live from the Eurostar :)

Hello GoodBarbers! We made a little video in the Eurostar, Friday, to give you our feedbacks on these two interesting days at LeWeb London. Sorry for the bad sound :(
Dumè Siacci, Friday 7 June 2013

Friday Talk: Statistics

Ever wanted to understand what the stats given in your backend meant ? Just have a look at this friday talk with Méryl and Jérôme.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 6 June 2013

Live from day #2 @ LeWeb London!

LeWeb London 13, it's the last day already !  Dominique and Jérôme are meeting a lot of great people there and giving interviews ! They are lucky guys because the weather in London is awesome !  They'll tell us more about the trip when they'll be back to Ajaccio... 
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 4 June 2013

We just arrived in London for #LeWeb :)

Hey GoodBarbers, Jérôme & Dominique have just arrived in London to attend #LeWeb for the next two days! The trip from Ajaccio was not so easy... :)
Written on Tuesday 4 June 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1069

Flat design: We give you more possibility about the personnalization of your app! You can now choose in few propositions of the back button in the navBar (arrow, triangle,...)
Written on Monday 3 June 2013

Celebrating 1 000 000 downloads!

Hey guys... We told you last week that we were working on a video in stop motion to celebrate 1 000 000 downloads! Today is the day for you to discover this amazing video, celebrating this special milestone for your beloved product! Yes, apps created with GoodBarber have been downloaded more than one million time. Again we want to thank you all for the beautiful apps you create with GoodBarber. It’s the best reward our team could get at this point. It fuels us to keep adding great features into GoodBarber. THANKS GUYS ;)
Written on Friday 31 May 2013

Friday Talk: LeWeb London

Big news this week for GoodBarber!  First Friday Talk for Méryl! And we tell you what's happening next week at LeWeb London!
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 29 May 2013

Big Ben here we go!

After Italy, we’re going now to London! Big Ben, The royal’s family, Covent Garden, you know that right? Unfortunately we’re not going there for shopping or enjoying English food :) But something more interesting: LeWeb13 London! After LeWeb in Paris last year, when we introduced you the Beta version. We’re going back for more adventures! So if you’re looking forward to seeing us, you know where we will be ;) We will tell you more during our journey! See ya guys!
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 28 May 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1055

In Submit section, it's now possible to disable icons
In Submit section, sizes of cells are now dynamic according to the number of cells
Méryl Fiamma, Friday 24 May 2013

GoodBarber #Students in Italy #2

As you know, part of the team went to Italy for the big students contest ! They just came back and after 3 days, 3 cities, 571 kilometers, 2 universities, 3 presentations, almost 23 hours in the transportations, we’re going to tell you everything! Let’s start at the beginning!
Dumè Siacci, Friday 24 May 2013

Friday Talk: Content filters

Have a look to the new content filters available in your sections: you can now set up permanent searches as subsections.   Listen to Jerome & Laurent, they will tell you everything.
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 22 May 2013

Back in town

Hi there ! My name is Méryl and I just joined the GoodBarber’s team. Graduated from an Advertising and Communication school in Paris named ISCOM, I got a job at Kassius’s agency (WPP group) after my final internship. I was Digital Project Manager in this agency during one year and a half. After this job, I decided to realise my dream and go to the american west coast to learn english, discover California and see the Silicon Valley ;)
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 21 May 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1012

The search engine has been added to Sound/Podcasts sections
It is now possible to select the types of medias to be sent (text, pictures, videos) in the Submit section (Settings API)
Jerome Granados, Monday 20 May 2013

How to highlight and promote your app in Google Play?

During Google I/O 2013, some recent figures were given about Google Play.  48 billion apps installed from Google Play, 900 million Android activation, and soon, 1 million apps in the store. Looking at those huge figures, you may wonder how to make your app stand out from the crowd ? Here are some tips to help you highlight and promote your app in Google Play.
Dumè Siacci, Friday 17 May 2013

Friday Talk: HTML5 WebApp

Have you ever tried the HTML5 version of your app provided by GoodBarber? In the next weeks, you will be able to use it in production to provide mobile version of your website. Listen to Jerome & Laurent, they explain everything in this Friday Talk!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 16 May 2013

GoodBarber #Students tour in Italy

Hey Italian Students! The GoodBarber team comes to meet you next week, to present our great summer internship recruitment program :) We'll host a big contest in Florence on Monday May 20, and we'll meet students of Napoli area on Tuesday May 21 and Wednesday May 22. The whole operation is described on our Students page.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 16 May 2013

Showcase: Presse Citron

We love what the Presse Citron team did with their GoodBarber app :) Look at this showcase and go to download the app, for iPhone and Android!
Dumè Siacci, Friday 10 May 2013

Friday Talk: Notify your users!

One of the best features of GoodBarber is the Push Notification service. Discover with Jerome & Laurent how you can tighten the link with your users.