What's new at GoodBarber ?

You can find below a summary of the developments and updates made by GoodBarber

AllContent AppeCommerce App

Release  09/06/2019

  • Header : When the user add a logout shortcut, fixed an issue that caused the button not working. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Map section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the display of a featured image even if the user disabled it. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  08/28/2019

  • Login View : fixed an issue that caused the login field was not visible when the keyboard was displayed on the iPhone 6s  
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Live radio add-on : the icon displayed in the media player of control center did not fill the whole container 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  08/26/2019

  • Profile Settings : fixed an issue that caused the background color on the option to allow contact via the chat section was wrong 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  08/07/2019

  • A new setup option allows you to display a confirmation page before the user sends its form 
  • You can provide more links in the Contact section, so that users can reach you from their favorite social network 
  • A new setup option allows you to display a confirmation page before the user sends its form 
  • You can provide more links in the Contact section, so that users can reach you from their favorite social network 
  • TabBar navigation mode : fixed a regression that causes the 'displayTitle' option not be effective anymore 
  • Plugin section : improved stability 
  • Map section : fixed an overlapping issue of the social sharing buttons on Safari 
  • Forms: A new setup option allows you to display a confirmation page before the user sends its form 
  • Contacts: You can provide more links in the Contact section, so that users can reach you from their favorite social network 
  • Article section : In template 2, fixed an issue that caused the infos label not displayed when the title font size was too big. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Contact section : now when you click on a Skype link, if the Skype application is not installed, an error pop up is displayed. 
  • Form section : it's now possible to enable a preview of the form results to let user check them before sending them. 

Release  08/06/2019

  • Swipe navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused the header partially hidden by the notch on iPhone X devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  08/02/2019

  • Internal ad-network add-on : fixed an issue that caused the ad banner partially hidden by the TabBar on iPhone X devices 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/31/2019

  • Adding support for ads.txt, a simple, flexible, and secure method for publishers and distributors to declare who is authorized to sell their inventory. 
  • Authentication add-on : In the profile header shortcut, fixed an issue that caused the profile image streched. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/22/2019

  • When an address is associated to an event, the event is now also displayed on a map 

Release  07/17/2019

  • Form section : now country names are properly translated into the app language 

Release  07/16/2019

  • Chat add-on : ads banner are now disabled in the Chat section 
  • Event section : Fixed an issue that caused an allDay event start & end dates wrong. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/15/2019

  • Event section : fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application when ads are displayed in this section. 

Release  07/11/2019

  • External Ad network add-on : Fixed an issue that caused Smaato ads banner not displayed. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/10/2019

  • Authentication add-on : Fixed an issue that caused the keyboard switching to QWERTY when clicking on a password field. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Article section : In the Template 1, fixed an issue that can caused a crash of the application when scrolling in the list. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/09/2019

  • SoundCloud section : fixed an issue that caused the informations not displayed in the list. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/04/2019

  • Events section : fixed a display issue on Mobile Safari on iOS 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Widget Social Links : add margin top / bottom to links to avoid them to be vertically collapsed when there are many links (PWA plan only) 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Slate / Old Grid Navigation Mode : properly handle the  
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Event section : Fixed an issue that caused a crash after opening lot of detail views 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/03/2019

  • Event section : fix an issue that caused the load more arrow displayed on an event cell. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  07/02/2019

  • Grid navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused an application crash when the user was swiping between pages 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  06/27/2019

  • Authentication add-on : In the login view, the font of the terms label is now harmonised between all the GoodBarber platforms. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  06/26/2019

  • Article, Event & Map sections : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application, when the user was clicking on the first picture before it has been downloaded. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Home section : In widget navigation Template BigCarousel, fixed an issue that caused a glitch on the background when there is less than 3 links. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Authentication add-on : When using the login with Facebook, fixed an issue that caused the login page opened in Safari instead of the Facebook app. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  06/18/2019

  • Login : fixed a critical issue on IE11 only 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Map section : fixed an issue where click on markers is inactive 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Event section : now the website anchor link looks like a single link and not a button anymore 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Widget Newsletter : fixed an issue with the subscribe button layout 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Users search : now we don't display anymore the map view floating button, as it should not be available on PWA 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Authentication add-on: Fixed an issue that caused an app crashing when the user was trying to log in with Twitter without any Twitter keys set 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  06/17/2019

  • Grid navigation mode : now the transparency on close icon is managed 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  06/06/2019

  • Sound section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the description not displayed in some cases. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  06/03/2019

  • Chat section : an email is now sent when reporting an abuse 
  • Settings section : fixed an issue on iOS when app is installed on home screen when clicking on the 'Contact support' button 
  • Chat section : An email is now sent when reporting an abuse 
  • Chat: An email is now sent when reporting an abuse 

Release  05/28/2019

  • Community add-on : In the users list section, fixed an issue that caused the map button hidden by the ad banner. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/27/2019

  • Grid navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused all the icons missing 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/23/2019

  • Article section : in the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "\n" not interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Video section : in the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "\n" not interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Sound section : in the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "\n" not interpreted. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/21/2019

  • Fixed an issue that caused randomly a crash of the application 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/17/2019

  • Couponing add-on : In the template 1, fixed an issue that caused an app crash. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Core : fixed an issue with 'mailto' links management when app is installed on home screen 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Core : properly fill meta description when viewing a specific content item 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Search section : fixed an issue where search have several keywords 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Bookmark section : fixed an issue which cause the bookmark deletion bar to be hidden when the navigation is a TabBar 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Navigation : fixed an issue which caused the back button not to be displayed in some cases 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Login : fixed an issue with the email fields validation 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  05/14/2019

  • Event section : in the detail view, fixed an issue that caused a part of the description hidden. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Swipe navigation mode : fixed an issue that caused icon displayed in the menu even when they are disabled. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Article section : In template 7, fixed an issue that caused some lags when the user was scrolling the lsit 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/13/2019

  • Sound section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the view disappearing when the user click 3 times on the next song button. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/07/2019

  • Search Section : Fixed an issue that a caused crash when the user was clicking on the buy button of an event in the list. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  05/06/2019

  • All widgets card : fixed an issue that caused the thumb not centered. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  04/26/2019

  • MyGoodBarber app : fixed an issue that caused the image saving in library not working. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS