Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 11 December 2013

How to plug social networks sharing features in your app

Your GoodBarber app embeds social sharing features that will help your users to spread the word about your content. It means that almost everywhere in the app, your readers have access to a "share" button that will lead them the sharing screen.   You've probably already added such features to your website: you can easily understand that the more the process will be easy for your users to share your posts or videos, the more they'll share it :)   Since the GoodBarber 2.5 Salvador release, we've also integrated Facebook likes into the apps. It means that once your reader is logged in your app with his Facebook account, he'll just have to click on the "heart" button to like the post he's reading. It's not exactly the same action than a real Facebook share: a share will create a new post in the user's timeline, and a like will just appear in the Facebook ticker feed.   To be honnest, as a Facebook user, I prefer most of the times to just "like" a blog post than to actually "share" it to my friends: the two actions are totally different and apply in different situations.   GoodBarber also allows you to ask your users to login using Facebook or Twitter to post a comment, to bookmark a content, or to submit a picture/video/text from a Submit section. You should enable this feature if you don't want the comments on your website to be anonymous.
Written on Thursday 28 November 2013

Súmate al Éxito: A beautiful app for a web TV

Súmate al Éxito is a web magazine based in Peru for entrepreneurs. In its web site, you can find informations about marketing, entrepreneurship, business, etc. You will find a lot of videos and articles about this subjects .  We let you discover this application with our showcase :)
Jerome Granados, Monday 25 November 2013

3 tips to create a great splash screen for your mobile app

When you are considering how to make an app for iPhone, Android, or any other platform, you must add a killer splash screen if you want to ensure a good launch experience for your users. After all, the splash screen is the first image that is seen when your app is opened. So, let's review some tips that will help make your app a success, shall we?
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 21 November 2013

Showcase: Algerie Focus

Algerie Focus is an independent web-magazine, writing on general news about the algerian community. Look at this showcase, and download this beautiful app.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 14 November 2013

Showcase: Pause Musicale

Pause Musicale describes itself as an independent website that loves music and wants to share news about emerging artists with its readers. Discover this app!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 7 November 2013

Showcase: Vineyard App

An other beautiful app created with GoodBarber. We love to see how our users can make such great apps with the product! Look at this showcase, and go to download the app :)
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 31 October 2013

Showcase: Subcutáneo

Discover what, Subcutáneo is an application who comes from El Salvador! It's like they follow our release GoodBarber Salvador: 2.5 !  But more seriously, this application is made for designers, artists, architects, fans of design, and everyone who likes design ;) You'll find articles of creators and artists, tutoriels of illustrations, guides, etc.  Check the showcase to learn more about this Beautiful App and download it with the links below. 
Dumè Siacci, Monday 28 October 2013

Create a mobile app for ANY website

We always talk about the dozen of connectors GoodBarber provides you to publish your content in your app. To this day, there are more than 30! But now, you may be wondering what a connector is? You might also be disappointed to see that your favorite platform isn't in our connector list.  We do our best to offer a native experience, synching content from the most popular solutions in the market, but there are thousands! Today, I'd like to introduce you to our custom connector. This connector makes GoodBarber compliant with all existing services to publish content. Of course, the downside is that it involves work on your part... but, by the end of this post, you'll see that it's not that difficult. Let's discover together how to create an app for your Joomla, Drupal, ezPublish, Spip ... or any other solution, even one created from scratch.
Written on Thursday 24 October 2013

Showcase: Global News Tech

We presented GoodBarber to italians since a couple of month, and this is one of the Beautiful Italian App, made with the fantastic new flat design. So, if you are Italian and you want to be aware with all the last news about technology, phones, games, etc...this is the right app for you! Let's discover this beautiful app with this showcase!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 17 October 2013

Showcase: Geek&Food

If you like to eat, to drink, good restaurants, unusual places, tips about recipes, ... this application is made for you!  With one of our new browsing modes, Geek&Food is one of the first applications online using new features of GoodBarber Salvador.  Let's discover this beautiful app with this showcase! If you're hungry, you'll want to eat everything with all the beautiful pictures they will show you ;) And don't forget to download this app with the link below!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 10 October 2013

Showcase: Bien fait pour moi

We all talk about fashion blogger as a feminine target but men love it as well! Proof is, Bien fait pour moi is a beautiful app, created with GoodBarber for fashion men. With news, design, food address, good information about shopping, and all you need to be aware of for the next trend.  Let's discover the showcase we made for this app and download the app with the links below ;)
GoodBarber Team, Monday 7 October 2013

Live+ Section

Hi everyone, we hope you had a great weekend! Let's start this week with one of the new features coming with the release of GoodBarber Salvador : Live+ Live+ is a new section inspired by our community. More and more radio stations use GoodBarber to create an app. With this new section, they can display the meta information when they stream their music. Among the informations displayed while you listen to music, you can find the artist name, the track cover, and some other useful details. Users have a direct link to buy a track or share what they are listening to.
Written on Thursday 3 October 2013

Showcase: La Boite à Photos #2

Last week was the 8th edition of La Boîte à Photo. The theme for this edition is: The abstract photography. All the bloggers photographers who are writing for this group wrote something about GoodBarber and this beautiful app! So if you are insterested about abstract photography, or just photography, click to the link below and download this app ;)
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 2 October 2013

How to install a domain name on my HTML5 web app?

That's one of the great features that comes with GoodBarber Salvador. Every GoodBarber account has now a great web app, in addition to the native app for iPhone and the native app for Android! While the iPhone app is written in objective C, the Android app is written in java, this web app is written in HTML5. The web app runs on every browser, no matter the phone or the OS you use, that is to say that, now, your readers on Windows Phone or Blackberry can access your content from their mobile phone.  The web app is truly fantastic. It has the same look and feel as the native app. Our engineers made a great job because it was a big challenge to obtain such a result. Why? Because contrary to many app builders who run HTML5 apps encapsulated in a native shell, we decided to make the opposite. We looked at the native apps generated by GoodBarber and we ask our engineers to reproduce the same in HTML5. When you know GoodBarber's passion for native apps and the elaborated features and UX we provide in our apps, you assess the challenge :)
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 26 September 2013

Showcase: RoadSpirit

RoadSpirit  describes itself as a Mobility & Lifestyle Magazine. We're glad that they've chosen GoodBarber to power a mobile app for their great content. From “Premium” to “Absolute best of Luxury”, Road Spirit, Mobility & Lifestyle Magazine tells stories about the every day life, what includes all kinds of mobility, fashion and travel. Passion for automobile is often linked to other passions. That’s why subjects in Mobility and Lifestyle Magazine are all intertwined. We have decided to let you see how life can be interesting depending the way we look at it. Look at the showcase and download this beautiful app :)
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 19 September 2013

Showcase: CAPA

The CAPA, "Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays Ajaccien", is the local government of our county. We're proud to say that they've chosen GoodBarber to make their app. Look at the showcase, and if you don't live too far from us, download the app :)
Written on Thursday 12 September 2013

Showcase: Tuto Photo Nature

If you remember the application La Boîte à Photo, you'll be happy to know that Régis made an other application with us. Also about photography, but this one is more specific. If you want to learn more about nature photography and animals, this application can help you with tips, advices and how to. You want to have all this good information with you?  Download the app and keep this with you at any moment and situation.
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 11 September 2013

Apple keynote breakthrough: is your app being used during a bathroom break?

Hi everybody! Yesterday Apple revealed the new iPhone 5S and the new iPhone 5C. Like everyone we were super excited about this announcement. Apple's keynote are each time surprising and interesting. It's like to be at the theater when you're watching it ;) Anyway, we're pretty sure that you already know what are the big things coming out from Apple's keynote. What we like above all, it's the new M7 motion coprocessor. Do you want to know why?  Well, I'm sure everybody is pretty interested about the behavior of its users... But let's first check what is the impact of yesterday's announcement on GoodBarber.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 5 September 2013

Showcase: La Lettre Pro de la Radio

Philippe and the Editions HF team have been one of our first customers. La Lettre Pro de la Radio was the second app online just after the release of GoodBarber 2. He is also the host of Le Radio, a great event about the radio world in Paris. Remember, that's where we won the On'R prize :) Look at this showcase and go to download this app!
Arianna Testi, Wednesday 4 September 2013

Forget about advertising, create an app for your brand!

The Murdoch University, Australia, and the University of Indiana, USA, studied how mobile apps can have a positive impact on users. The study consisted in comparing the impact on sales, after the use or not of a branded app. It confirmed that using branded apps has a positive persuasive impact, it can increase the interest in the brand and in the brand’s products, and it can also produce a large and significant positive shift in involvement. Apps also seem to be an ideal medium for educating people about new products, or products they have yet to try. Do not forget the high level of user engagement, based on the enhanced user experience apps can offer.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 29 August 2013

Showcase: Biblioteca de Mollerussa

Discover this app created by the Mollerussa library, that gives you access to news, events, and more! It's a very good example of use of GoodBarber for public services.   Enjoy this showcase and go to download this app :)
Dumè Siacci, Monday 26 August 2013

How to promote your app on your website?

Few weeks ago, Jérôme wrote a post giving you some advices to grow your app's user base. Of course, you have to get your app known on social networks and everywhere possible. But often, our customers forget to focus on the best place to promote their app: their own website! Readers coming to your website have to know that your app exists on the stores.