Mathieu Poli, Monday 12 March 2018

What's new at GoodBarber? February 2018

Here at GoodBarber, the month of February was marked by our annual Mobile World Congress  attendance. Going to this type of event takes several days of preparation, but represents an opportunity to meet loyal clients and new players in the industry, as well as those who have been...
Mathieu Poli, Monday 11 December 2017

What's new at GoodBarber? November 2017

This year's big update was the release of our new product: Progressive Web Apps, and as you know, here at GoodBarber we strongly believe that PWA's are about to revolutionize the way we use both mobile and web. We are committed to giving you the opportunity to enjoy today what everyone will be snatching up tomorrow, which is focused strongly on developments specific to PWA's over the past few months. 
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 28 November 2017

New GoodBarber 4.0 Themes : Nightdrive

The parade of the new GoodBarber 4.0 themes continues with today's introduction to the Nightdrive theme!  You're already familiar with the other new ones: Sunset, Stardust, and Blurred. This time, our designer, Marie-Julie decided to go for more of a dark base with a touch of neon by choosing to make black the dominating color, accentuated by tones of red and blue. As usual, you can explore all the customization options available in this infographic, and if this theme inspires you, try it out on your project! 
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 18 July 2017

New GoodBarber 4.0 Themes : Stardust

Not long ago it was the Sunset theme, now it's the Stardust theme's turn to make its first appearance. Keeping up with the latest trends (as always), you'll notice the recurrence of the gradient characteristic, only this time in shades of blue.  Marie-Julie is giving you a glimpse of what your app could look like if decide to go with the colors in this theme. From colors to typography to icons, discover the possibilities this theme has to offer on both mobile and tablet. 
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 5 July 2017

What's new at GoodBarber? June 2017

Still continuing with the objective of offering you the best tool to create your app, we dedicated the month of June, 2017 to improving and optimizing the 4th version of GoodBarber. In addition to fixing bugs and other various improvements, this month's work concentrated heavily on the intuitiveness of the back office, specific features, and design improvements, for example the revision of the Articles list templates. 
Jerome Granados, Friday 9 June 2017

Loyalty card: increased QR code safety

We’ve introduced extra security measures for the loyalty card QR code. From now on, it will be possible to destroy an existing QR code and replace it with a new one.
Mathieu Poli, Wednesday 7 June 2017

What's new with GoodBarber? May 2017

Following the release of GoodBarber 4.0, we've paid special attention to our users' feedback. With your suggestions in mind, May 2017 has been all about optimization, to improve the back office intuitiveness as well as the tools available to conceptualize your app. In the meantime, our goal remains the same: allowing you to create apps which cater to your needs, while keeping things simple. 
Jerome Granados, Monday 5 June 2017

Continuous improvement of the V4 back office

Since the release of GoodBarber 4.0 we’ve been intent on improving the user experience for the new back office. Every day we analyze user behavior in the new GoodBarber interface. Studying these patterns has allowed our Product team (designers, ergonomists…) to measure whether our approach is the right one. In other words, do the users navigate the product in the way we had envisioned? Every Product Manager’s dream is to catch a glimpse of how users experience the product, to watch and understand how they react in front of the interface upon discovering it. Thanks to data analysis and Data Driven Design, this dream is becoming a reality. Many tools allow us to collect precious information as the interface is being used. Analyzing this data allows us to have a clear picture of the user’s actual path at a given point in time. From that analysis, designers and ergonomists can perform changes to the product interface in order to improve the user’s journey. Modifications are applied through subsequent iterations. For each iteration, the Product team and the team in charge of data analysis (Data Scientists) measure the impact of the modification, in real time. For a product like GoodBarber, we can tell after just 24 hours whether the modification applied to the back office has had a positive or negative impact on the user experience.  
Written on Friday 2 June 2017

World Environment Day 2017, when the GoodBarber team goes green

Did you know that Monday, June 5, 2017 is World Environment Day ? Like with a lot of celebrations, one can’t help the feeling that World Environment Day should be everyday. Nevertheless, our home planet deserves all the attention it can get so we figured we’d take the opportunity to showcase some of the actions the GB crew is taking towards making the blue planet a little greener, one small step at a time, and with bigger steps even sometimes— kudos Sebastien for setting up solar panels at home!
Written on Wednesday 17 May 2017

The Team’s Top Motivational Songs Playlist

In the weeks leading up to the release of GoodBarber 4.0, as you can imagine, there was quite a bit of animation at our headquarters and other offices, with a war mode, which consisted of daily stand up meetings, to perk us up in the morning and send us off with a boost in the evening as we watched the to do list shrink one or several tasks (striiiike) at a time!
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 12 April 2017

Menu and secondary navigation

The Menu is used for secondary navigation within your app. Seven different concepts are available—each with its own advanced configuration options. Thanks to this amount of diversity, one of the strengths of GoodBarber 4.0, the Menu completes the Home, finely distributing traffic within the app.
Jerome Granados, Monday 10 April 2017

Modular home

The Home is the first screen of your app—and a very important one obviously. It is a pivotal element around which everything else falls into place. GoodBarber 4.0 introduces a modular system, ultra flexible, to manage the Home and make it the starting point of a unique user experience throughout your app.
Written on Friday 7 April 2017

What does the V4 mean for resellers?

You’ve most likely noticed that recently there have been some big changes here—we’re thrilled to announce the release of the V4, the result of months of brainstorming and hard work to implement this big update. Maybe you’ve already tested the backend or maybe you’ve just seen the buzz everywhere; either way we know you have a lot of questions.
Jerome Granados, Thursday 6 April 2017

What's new with GoodBarber 4.0?

Discover the new GoodBarber 4.0 features revolving around a mobile UI first approach, across devices, and the innovations introduced by the new version of your back office.
Jerome Granados, Monday 3 April 2017

GoodBarber 4.0 | Next Generation Apps

Today, GoodBarber is getting a major update. GoodBarber 4.0 aims at revolutionizing the way you create apps. In 10 years, apps have changed the way we use the web. A very limited space—a small screen—and a not so precise pointer—the finger—have pushed designers to come up with radically new user interfaces. Clean and intuitive, over the years, they’ve imposed their standards on larger screens. These days, to keep the attention of a user, you must be able to deliver impeccable UX regardless of the device used, whether it's big or small. GoodBarber 4.0 tackles that challenge.
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 30 November 2016

GoodBarber at the AppDays 2016 : Feature Templates, Open Product...

For the second year in a row we decided to attend the AppDays, the leading event related to everything mobile held in France. In 2014, we couldn't make the trip because the dates coincided with the Web Summit event in Dublin. As a result, AppDays 2015 was our first experience, and a positive...
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 15 September 2016

Download GoodBarber News

Did you know you can keep up with our latest news and updates using the GoodBarber News app? Available on iOS and Android, it features lots of free resources, just a tap away, to make the most of our app builder while staying in the know about all things related to the mobile app market.
Isabella Leland, Thursday 28 July 2016

Loyalty Program: how we create and launch new features

As you can imagine, each new feature release brings new questions among our team, as well as with our community of GoodBarbers. The launch of our loyalty program was no exception, and to address them, we figured: who of all people to answer your questions better than the ones behind it all?
Isabella Leland, Friday 22 July 2016

Behind the Scenes! 3 Things You Might Not Know About GoodBarber

As entrepreneurs, nothing is more encouraging than taking a step back to look at the road covered so far. It’s the best form of encouragement and self-motivation. But, “happiness is only real when shared”, isn’t it? So today, we’ve decided to share with you the vision behind some aspects of our product you might not be familiar with, as well as a quick immersion into the GoodBarber family. Let's go!
Written on Monday 27 June 2016

It's a win! Bruno Langlois comes in 1st place at Pikes Peak 2016

A few days ago, we announced that we were sponsoring Bruno Langlois for his participation in the 2016 edition of the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. It was safe to have high expectations, after all, the Corsican champion was Pikes Peak winner in 2013, and came in third place at Pikes Peak 2015. 
Muriel Santoni, Friday 27 November 2015

GoodBarber @ AppDays 2015: our experience

AppDays 2015, it’s a wrap! And it's been a whirlwind! It’s time for us to reflect on that short but busy adventure… These past two days attending AppDays have allowed us to immerse ourselves into the mobile world and to meet with countless protagonists of our ecosystem. With 722 participants, 18 exhibitors and over 60 conferences and workshops there wasn’t a dull moment.
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 18 February 2015

Say Hello to GoodBarber 3.5!

It's here: the new and improved version of your back office, GoodBarber 3.5! Our team of developers has put itself into the mindset of a GoodBarber user and spent a lot of time exploring the platform in search of ways it can be simplified and made more enjoyable. We think the result is pretty great!  Lesia Pietri, head of the project, describes 3.5: “The goal of 3.5 is to give users a straightforward, guided path to the creation of their apps through clearer steps and updated tools. With creating the most Beautiful Apps always being our objective, we are now offering the Unsplash photo feature—something that emulates the definition of beautiful design”.   
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 28 August 2013

Why you should use the support?

How are the tickets you open from your back office processed by our Support team? We figured you’d be curious to learn what exactly happens when you send us a question. Plus, in this article, you’ll find some useful tips to navigate our platform as effectively as possible.