Jerome Granados, Friday 25 October 2013

Friday Talk: 4 KPIs to measure your app's success

Many of you are wondering if their app will become successful. In this Friday talk, I'll show you 4 KPIs you can track in order to see if you are on the path to success or not.
Written on Wednesday 23 October 2013

The 3 golden rules to make a successful app

With the rise of app builders, making an app has never been easier, but creating a successful app is a whole different ballgame. In a market where we count published apps by the millions and their downloads by billions, it is certainly not a piece of cake. Here are 3 points to focus on when making an app.  
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 22 October 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1467

Preloading plugin files
Adding a date format in US language
Bug fix: Events doesn't disappear anymore in Event section
Written on Friday 18 October 2013

Friday Talk: FAQ Building process

Hello GoodBarbers, today we're going to talk about a few questions you ask a lot about the building process of your application. 
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 16 October 2013

Be cool and use automatic notifications

Have you ever wanted to have someone do some stuff for you? When you're too busy to do it? GoodBarber thought of you, with the automatic push notifications, you'll be serene ;) If you don’t have the time to send a notification after you wrote your last article on your blog, turn on automatic notifications to trigger one as soon as your article is online. Make automatic notifications recognizable by adding a prefix to your messages in order to give your users a clear information.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 15 October 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1434

Dates format management in following languages : fr, en, nl, it, de, es, ja, no, dk, cn, pl and ru
Automatic management of statusbar text color
Written on Friday 11 October 2013

Friday Talk: Built-in CMS

Today we're going to talk about a new feature which comes from GoodBarber Salvador: our CMS.
GoodBarber Team, Monday 7 October 2013

Live+ Section

Hi everyone, we hope you had a great weekend! Let's start this week with one of the new features coming with the release of GoodBarber Salvador : Live+ Live+ is a new section inspired by our community. More and more radio stations use GoodBarber to create an app. With this new section, they can display the meta information when they stream their music. Among the informations displayed while you listen to music, you can find the artist name, the track cover, and some other useful details. Users have a direct link to buy a track or share what they are listening to.
Written on Friday 4 October 2013

Friday Talk: How to manage user roles in your team?

Hello GoodBarbers, today let’s talk about managing a team to run your app. If you have several people working with you, this Friday talk is for you. You will learn how to create an access to the backend of your app for someone of your team.
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 2 October 2013

How to install a domain name on my HTML5 web app?

That's one of the great features that comes with GoodBarber Salvador. Every GoodBarber account has now a great web app, in addition to the native app for iPhone and the native app for Android! While the iPhone app is written in objective C, the Android app is written in java, this web app is written in HTML5. The web app runs on every browser, no matter the phone or the OS you use, that is to say that, now, your readers on Windows Phone or Blackberry can access your content from their mobile phone.  The web app is truly fantastic. It has the same look and feel as the native app. Our engineers made a great job because it was a big challenge to obtain such a result. Why? Because contrary to many app builders who run HTML5 apps encapsulated in a native shell, we decided to make the opposite. We looked at the native apps generated by GoodBarber and we ask our engineers to reproduce the same in HTML5. When you know GoodBarber's passion for native apps and the elaborated features and UX we provide in our apps, you assess the challenge :)
Written on Monday 30 September 2013

How to use our 6 new browsing modes?

Hello guys, last week we introduced the new release of GoodBarber Salvador. In this release you can find more than 50 innovative features. We will detail the main one in some articles and Friday Talks.  Today, we're starting with the 6 new awesome browsing modes and a classical "how to" use them, with some tips and tricks ;)
Written on Friday 27 September 2013

Friday Talk: GoodBarber 2.5: Salvador

Hello GoodBarbers, today it’s a special Friday Talk because as we hope you all know we launched a new release Wednesday: GoodBarber 2.5: Salvador. It’s the second major update since the beginning of GoodBarber. We will explain you more in detail the most important features in different blog posts and Friday Talks. But today we want to know how the team feels about it.
Written on Wednesday 25 September 2013

Announcing GoodBarber 2.5 Salvador

We are proud to release today GoodBarber 2.5 Salvador. The second major update of GoodBarber since its creation, making it the sharpest DIY software to create beautiful apps for iPhone and Android. More than 50 new features are included in Salvador. This update comes with deeper design customization, new sections, a powerful webapp, and a lot of new stuff. You use now the most comprehensive app builder to create native apps for iPhone and Android. To discover GoodBarber Salvador and see what's new, check our website: It's time for you to provide an ever better user experience to your audience ... Don't forget to rebuild your app if you want to take advantage of all the new features of GoodBarber Salvador.
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 24 September 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: No update today :)

This post would normally announce the 36th weekly update in a row of the GoodBarber Engine.   Since January, our engineering team has pushed more than 1000 updates to the Engine on our development server, and each week we write a post with a summary of the last updates.   Last week, we published the 35th one: #1322.
Méryl Fiamma, Monday 23 September 2013

How to make a clear app with a lot of content?

Hello GoodBarbers, today I am in a solving problem mood, good news right? ;) I am surfing on Internet a lot, checking blogs, websites, news, social networks and everything I am interested on. I noticed that many blogs have lots of content giving a lot of information with more than 5 menus and subcategories. So, I thought it would be a good idea to write an article about it and let you know that it is not a problem for GoodBarber. You can have all this content in your app ;) The little story before was just a story to start the article, and because I am speaking writing a lot ;) More seriously, in this article we'll give you all tips and information you need to easily create categories and subcategories but also keep your application clear.
Arianna Testi, Saturday 21 September 2013

It's the weekend...Take a break and eat a cake!

This has been a busy week, full of news. I don’t know about you, GoodBarbers, but we got hungry :) It’s true that we have overcome the period of the bikini challenge , but the team won't abandon immediately the good and healthy "Mediterranean diet" I brought to the office when I arrived. We still got hungry and after a week of work, we all deserve a sweet treat, don’t you think?! Don't worry! You know that GoodBarber always thinks about everything ... We are infallible problem solvers! :) Just for you, our loyal readers, here is a really special recipe that I am going to give you: the CBVC aka Cacao Banana Vegan Cake
Written on Friday 20 September 2013

Friday Talk: GoodBarber and iOS 7

Hello GoodBarbers, for this Friday talk, we're going to talk about the new iOS 7 and GoodBarber. Today our users want to know if their application are compatible with iOS 7.
Written on Monday 16 September 2013

Mrs. Nicole Bricq, french foreign trade minister visiting CampusPlex, home of the GoodBarbers

Hello GoodBarbers, We hope you had a great weekend :) Last Thursday we received Mrs. Nicole Bricq, French foreign trade minister.  She came to Corsica to meet a few companies and we had the honour of receiving her at CampusPlex, the home of GoodBarbers. It was really great to show her our company! She tested some GoodBarber applications, visited the place, learned about us and our projects. We made a video for the event, we hope you'll enjoy it :) Have a good week guys!
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 11 September 2013

Apple keynote breakthrough: is your app being used during a bathroom break?

Hi everybody! Yesterday Apple revealed the new iPhone 5S and the new iPhone 5C. Like everyone we were super excited about this announcement. Apple's keynote are each time surprising and interesting. It's like to be at the theater when you're watching it ;) Anyway, we're pretty sure that you already know what are the big things coming out from Apple's keynote. What we like above all, it's the new M7 motion coprocessor. Do you want to know why?  Well, I'm sure everybody is pretty interested about the behavior of its users... But let's first check what is the impact of yesterday's announcement on GoodBarber.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 10 September 2013

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #1304

It's now possible to disable view bounce in Plugin section (Settings API)
It's now possible to disable files cache in Custom section (Settings API)