Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 12 January 2016

4 New Year's Resolutions for 2016

2015 has come and gone and the new year feels like a blank slate, ready to be filled with new projects… Year after year, it’s the time most of us decide to take resolutions… Now, guess what our resolution this year is? To make sure you don’t give up on them come the end of January! With that in mind, we are going to take these New Year’s resolutions together and stick to them. Tried and true, they all come from experience and are bound to make your life at work easier ;)
Written on Thursday 7 January 2016

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2015

We hope 2016 will be the year that your projects come to life. And what better inspiration than looking back on some of the best apps created in 2015 with GoodBarber? What they all have in common? A clean design, innovative ideas along with up to date features. They are also the result of well-rounded projects, which shows that with a clear idea in mind and our user friendly interface it is possible to make the Beautiful App of your dreams ;)
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 22 December 2015

Our mCMS photos section: a unique tool

A Beautiful App is first a concept. Whether it is tied to an existing business or not, a mobile application must have its own purpose. In order to help you create a Beautiful App which is best in line with your project, we make a point of providing you with an ever increasing choice of sections and connectors. But sometimes, what you need is actually already in front of you. Indeed, in some cases, it doesn’t take much to create an outstanding Beautiful App…
Guest Post, Monday 30 November 2015

What is the Future of Social Apps?

What a world we live in. Not too long ago, all cellphones could do was make calls, send out a few lines of text, and play simple, monochromatic games like Snake (though, let’s be honest – no mobile game has ever been better). Then, in 2007, came Apple's iPhone – this weird, newfangled device that many people initially scoffed at – and the entire mobile industry has never been the same. Thanks to the popularity of the iPhone, countless companies followed suit and soon rode the touchscreen smartphone wave, which pushed what Apple was initially going for into several bold, new directions.  Nowadays, people are more connected than ever. The proliferation of smartphones with advanced mobile internet capabilities has made sure of that. And with the ability to easily and quickly download countless social apps with tons of rich media features, getting in touch with friends, family or colleagues has become more than just typing out simple messages.  You can share photos, videos, life events, play games with friends, chat in real time, engage in video calls, and so much more. With a plethora of powerful social features already at any mobile device owner's disposal, one has to wonder: has the envelope been pushed as far as technologically possible? Where is all this headed?
Muriel Santoni, Friday 27 November 2015

GoodBarber @ AppDays 2015: our experience

AppDays 2015, it’s a wrap! And it's been a whirlwind! It’s time for us to reflect on that short but busy adventure… These past two days attending AppDays have allowed us to immerse ourselves into the mobile world and to meet with countless protagonists of our ecosystem. With 722 participants, 18 exhibitors and over 60 conferences and workshops there wasn’t a dull moment.
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 11 November 2015

GoodBarber is now available in Turkish!

Hello GoodBarbers! Big news for our Turkish friends! Hazal, our new Turkish Country Manager has a few surprises coming your way to celebrate her arrival… From now on, you can administrate your back office and your apps in Turkish :) And since we make a point of providing you with a very powerful tool, while being user friendly, you can also count on our support team to deliver assistance in your mother tongue! We can’t wait to see how creative Beautiful Apps from Turkey will be :) Stay tuned, the GoodBarber Turkish adventure is just starting!
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 10 November 2015

Promote your events with our new Events Templates

Hello GoodBarbers! Updates are pouring in these days. Have you started customizing the icons in your App  yet? Well, here's another update to play around with the design of your app. The importance of the Calendar section can’t be denied. Many of you are making use of it in your Beautiful App to promote your events. We already improved it this Summer with the possibility to add content into the section, directly from the back office of your app, without requiring an external source.  We are now taking things further and allowing you to properly shed light on your events with 3 new templates to display your events details :) Let’s take a closer look at them…
Written on Thursday 29 October 2015

Virtual Reality's Many Applications

Virtual Reality rhymes with enormous possibility. Something Facebook sensed when it acquired Oculus Rift for $2 billion a little over a year ago. But what now? What can we expect out of Virtual Reality aside from the gaming community’s expectations. According to the MIT Technology Review: "The dominant way most consumers will experience Virtual Reality will be on mobile devices". A projection which encouraged us to have a look at the future of VR. Are you coming with us?
Written on Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Tourist in Paris: a Tourism App for Paris lovers

Today we are showcasing an app that will take you to "The City of Light". The Tourist in Paris decided to go mobile upon realizing that most of their readership was actually using them on the go. A responsive website wasn’t enough, so they decided to go for a Beautiful App with a fun user experience. Check out our interview below with Bertrand de Volontat, the editor of The Tourist in Paris.
Muriel Santoni, Monday 19 October 2015

#Hashtag: How To Use Them Best

Hashtags are more a thing than ever. First used on Twitter, they are now getting big on Instagram, but also Facebook and Google +. But, do you really know how to use them for your business? More than a mere character, the hashtag, if used correctly can significantly improve the way you communicate with your audience.   How? Let GoodBarber show you the way ;)  
Written on Thursday 15 October 2015

Why School Apps are here to stay?

Mobile devices are everywhere, even at school! But they can’t possibly be reduced to their disruptive effect on students’ attention. They can actually prove quite useful, or to be more precise, School Apps can. Not only by engaging students, but also parents, teachers, and so on. So, here’s our overview of why we think School Apps are here to stay.
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 13 October 2015

Shake up your business with our iBeacons Add-On

Hello GoodBarbers,  We are on a roll! Here comes a new update! After the Scheduled Push Add-On and Geofencing, it is now time to talk about the Add-On which will send your business into a new dimension: the iBeacons Add-On! This Add-On has a huge potential, and I am certain that it will spark a lot of amazing ideas to make the most of your Beautiful App ;) Let’s take a closer look…
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 8 October 2015

Blending the digital and physical with our Geofencing Add-On

Hello GoodBarbers !  Today is a big day for GoodBarber because I’m about to present you with the result of months of hard work… I’m talking about a new Add-On which you can now find in our store. Yesterday, we introduced the Scheduled Push Add-On , which was the first of a series of updates. And it is now the turn of the Geofencing Add-On to be in the spotlight!
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 7 October 2015

Tailored communication with the Scheduled Push

Push notifications are undoubtedly a must have for effective communication with the users of your app. A while ago, we already provided you with the possibility to send automatic push notifications , notifying your users of the publication of new content in a given section. You’re now familiar with the fact that, at GoodBarber, we like to always give you more possibilities and make your life as easy as can be… We’ve therefore decided to put some hard work into a new version of that feature. Let me introduce to you our brand new Scheduled Push Add-On!
Muriel Santoni, Monday 5 October 2015

How to manage negative comments on social media?

They just happen and you’re bound to have to deal with them at some point if you are active on social media: negative comments. It just comes with the territory, the moment you communicate on public platforms, you expose yourself to praise, just as much as criticism, justified or not. When it comes to coping with it, finding the right attitude isn’t easy. Here’s a few guidelines in order to learn to deal with negative comments on social media.
Isabella Leland, Monday 21 September 2015

4 reasons apps get deleted and how to avoid them

As an app creator you obviously hope your app will be downloaded, but for it to be an actual winner, you most certainly don’t want it to get deleted afterwards. In order to make sure your users stick around, here are some of the most common reasons why apps get deleted within the first minutes, if not seconds, of their being downloaded. Of course, we don’t want to leave you hanging so we’ve included easy to implement solutions to bypass these pitfalls. Read on!
João Marcelo Martins, Tuesday 15 September 2015

ANDROID APP: How to nail your update (Infographic)

Even if it is a little simpler to update your app on Google Play when compared to the App Store, it's a process that surely can get better with the help of a Beautiful infographic from GoodBarber, specially made to ensure you succeed and make your life a bit easier!
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 10 September 2015

Over 1500 icons for your Apps

Hello GoodBarbers!  Today, I am pleased to introduce a new update which I am particularly thrilled about, given how particular I am when it comes to design and details! As you might have figured out already I am here to discuss our brand new collections of icons, specifically created so that you can even further customize your Beautiful App. So, let’s have a look...