Written on Monday 17 November 2014

6 Rules to Make Great Push Notifications!

As you are already familiar with, you can manage your Push Notifications directly within your GoodBarber backend. But what are some of the key options at hand you should especially pay attention to? Read on for some useful tips to improve your communication.
Jerome Granados, Friday 14 November 2014

A Powerful Section, Simply Called Menu

Today, let's discover a very powerful section recently added to GoodBarber. It is called Menu and it has only one purpose: to give you the power to create a multi-level navigation inside your app.
Stefano Mongardi, Friday 7 November 2014

3 Reasons why the Future of Ecommerce is a Blog Post

Stefano Mongardi, an expert of Online Marketing who is also passionate about tech and innovation, tells us everything you need to know to implement a successful e-commerce business and stand out from the competition. Nowdays we're all quite practical with online purchases. We simply land on a website, scroll through the products, decide the best one for us and order it. Seems easy huh? So now you think: "Wow! ecommerce is exploding, let's open an online store and start selling our products worldwide! It's a piece of cake!". Well, actually it's not. Today the competition is fierce and if you want to bring an added value you either have to work really hard or spend a LOT of money to let people know about your great new ecommerce business. You may even have the coolest products in the world, but just being online doesn't mean you will right away get tons of visits and conversions without doing anything.  Most of the times when an ecommerce platform is created, people invest most of their time and budget setting up a PPC campaign on Google, Facebook and maybe even Twitter. The result is: you spend a lot of money and get a lot of vistas but most people won't come back to your website again. Why? Because you offer products and not added value. Don’t forget that your competitors offer the same or similar products. Unless you are the only person in the world selling that specific product, you have to give people some added value to convince them to buy from you and not someone else.
katrina bertacci, Monday 3 November 2014

8 Lessons on Engagement that We can Learn from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

You’ve most certainly heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise funds for the ALS that went viral this summer. You might have even participated! This brilliant initiative turned out to be a huge success and brought more than 100 million dollars to the ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) association. The concept of taking up a challenge and then nominating your friends has been quite trendy on the socials since a while, but the Ice Bucket Challenge went to whole new level, involving thousands and thousands of people around the globe and becoming the hottest social network topic of the summer of 2014. Everything started when Pete Frates, a former baseball player who was diagnosed with ALS two years ago, challenged a friend to donate $100 to the ALS association or film himself dumping ice cold water over his head. The idea was so simple and fun that it caught on like a wildfire. As this action spread, it changed somewhat because even though people were more than willing to donate, they didn’t want to miss out on the experience of pouring a bucket of ice on themselves, so they began to do both. Totally understandable!... ;)
Written on Friday 31 October 2014

Create an App for Your E-commerce Business

Why are brands creating apps? Because a mobile app brings together all the essential components of your brand: useful information, advertising, social networks, products, special offers, loyalty solutions... If well structured, it is the perfect container for your content marketing strategy. With an app, clients can find all the information they need to buy a product, all in one place. Simple and direct. And now, with our E-commerce section, you can easily connect existing Amazon, Shopify and Etsy boutiques.
katrina bertacci, Friday 24 October 2014

What's New Today? Give your "About" Section a Brand New Design!!

Luckily it's Friday again :) We are adding more and more new features to GoodBarber and we like to present them to you on Friday so you can start get off to a good start in the weekend. I've noticed very happily, that most of you don't wait for Monday to try out these new sections and features :) When I introduced the Contact Us section, I had anticipated that we were working on a new design for the About section, where you can put information about yourself, your team or company. Maybe some of you have noticed that this section already exists since about a week in your backends. So lets not wait any longer to explore it in detail!
Written on Tuesday 21 October 2014

How to Sell Your App for a Fee

There are a few ways to directly earn money with apps: by creating and selling apps for clients, by monetizing through advertising, and by directly selling the app in the stores. In this article, we'll be covering two main questions for publishers who want to sell their app in the stores: 1/ What type of apps are users willing to pay for? 2/ What you need to do if you choose to charge a price for your app.
katrina bertacci, Friday 17 October 2014

Add a Rating Pop-Up to Your Beautiful App

"Even the most intellectual mind has something to learn"- George Santayana Hello Goodbarbers, Big things are happening in GoodBarber these days. Our fingers are flying on our keyboards to write new codes and develop new features! Right after launching GoodBarber 3 , our completely new and restyled platform, we took some time to listen to all your requests and we created a road map to plan the development of all the new features you asked for,  so we could implement them as soon as possible. Last week we introduced you to our new Contact Us section. Today we're proud to present the new integrated pop-up that you can activate to encourage your users to rate the app. Just as George Santayana said, we all have something to learn!
katrina bertacci, Monday 13 October 2014

Come Discover our New Contact Us Section!

For those of you who have migrated from GoodBarber 2 to the new version, GoodBarber 3, you may have noticed that the Custom section wit the 4 templates (Contact Us, About, URL and HTML) does not exist anymore. In it's place we created the HTML section that allows you to choose between and HTML and URL template. But what about the About and Contact Us template? Many of you have been asking where to find these sections, don't worry, we haven't forgot them, we just decided to rebuild them completely to make even easier to use, now the configuration of the settings is very similar to that of the CMS sections :) Today we present the new Contact us section, it has just been published and it's ready for you to use it in your apps!
Arianna Testi, Monday 29 September 2014

Digital Press. A World in High Resolution.

The press industry is based on communication. It's the content that gives articles or books their value, the paper is just the traditional means we use to spread this content. The invention of the telegraph swept the distance barriers between people away, making communication much easier. This has brought nations closer and offered a great opportunity for publishers to spread their news to a much wider audience. Nowadays it's all about digital communication, new original media and news flashs. This is the reality of today! But let's take a step back to when the first major news publications were created.
Written on Monday 22 September 2014

The iPad: A Story of Technology Catching up With an Idea

In the aftermath of brilliant discoveries and inventions, the long and often difficult process leading up to them is often forgotten. We imagine them as the fruit of sudden, brilliant realizations, much like the figurative lightbulb that appears above the cartoon character's head. Of course, the truth is usually far messier, and innovation is above all the result of iterative, incremental improvement. It is as much an editorial process as it is a creative one.  What makes the iPad such an interesting product, maybe even more so than it's capabilities as a device, is it's history. The iPad is an almost perfect illustration of technological possibility finally catching up with a vision, the importance of tinkering, constantly adapting and improving an idea, and above all of perseverance.
katrina bertacci, Friday 19 September 2014

An All-New Design for Your Events; Cleaner and More Elegant!

Today I want to show you all another great update that came with GoodBarber 3! Are you organizing the event of the year? An important art exhibit, a concert or an opening ceremony for your business? If so then keep reading because this is the right article for you! An event of any kind gives you the great opportunity to have direct and personal contact with your audience. To ensure that your event will be a success you have to plan it very accurately down to the last detail, from the promotional aspects all the way to the logistical ones.
Andressa Izumi, Monday 15 September 2014

What Apps Have to do With the Music Industry

If you remember the early 90’s, you should remember when Sony decided to revolutionize the way we listen to music and launched the famous yellow sports WALKMAN :) These were the times when you could record a mixtape to give to your girlfriend and when having the freedom of listening to music while walking on the street was a huge thing! From then on, we evolved first to CDs and then to downloads, and the latter grew very quickly thanks to the democratization of the internet. By now, according to a report of the IFPI (International Federation of Phonographic Industry), the number of paying subscribers to music subscription services - which includes services such as Spotify and Deezer - increased from 8 to 28 million. As the chief content officer of Spotify, Ken Parks, said: “Unlike the distribution of a physical product we can reach every person on the planet, at least every person with a smartphone.” (IFPI Digital Music Report 2014 ) In light of this, we decided to talk about how you can create a good music app. We will address the subject considering two different types of apps: radio apps and band/musicians apps. Let’s start!
Written on Friday 12 September 2014

The Sandbox App: Test Your iOS App Before Building

We recently spoke about how to avoid rejection of your app by Apple, and emphasized the importance of proper testing. We believe you shouldn't just be able to test a proxy version that closely resembles your app, but that any GoodBarber user should have the possibility to see exactly what their app will look and feel like, so they can submit it to the stores with peace of mind. 
Arianna Testi, Monday 8 September 2014

7 Tips to Follow to Prevent Apple Rejecting Your App

It's now extremely easy to build an app! Since there are now many app builders, online tutorials and lessons to learn how to program, more and more people decide to launch themselves into the adventure of app building, in hopes that their project will become popular and repay them with monetary profits. While Google has very few requirements you must meet to publish on the Google Play Store, because it reviews your app after it has been published, Apple has a very strict, zero tolerance policy. The goal of this policy is to protect the end users by not allowing bad quality apps that can be full of bugs or that are not user friendly into the store. But is this goal achieved efficiently? My job brings me to work with a great variety of apps, with different content, design and user experience. I have sent many apps to Apple to be reviewed and I honestly have to say that I still do not understand the logic behind their decisions. After all... Whoever has never downloaded a completely useless or horrible app the App Store raise your hand! What I do see is that many app are rejected because the name of an external platform comes up in a video or article etc... Or they say the content targets an audience that is too small.
Written on Friday 5 September 2014

Everyone Adores Apps! But do They Adore Yours?

"Smartphones have become indispensable in our daily life. Their penetration has grown up to 41% of the population and who possesses a smartphone relies on it more and more for an increasingly numerous amount of tasks. 63% of this population accesses the internet from their phones daily and most won't leave their houses without them." (Source: Our Mobile Planet Smartphone Research )
Written on Monday 25 August 2014

Updating Your GoodBarber App

Oh no... you just submitted your app to the stores, and now you remember that you forgot to use the new CMS sound section after all! And going through all that trouble of submitting the app again? You can breathe easy, since you don't need to! Only a handful of modifications require you to re-build your app and submit the update to the stores - and even something big like adding a content section isn't one of them!
Written on Friday 22 August 2014

GB3 - Empowering Apps With The New CMS

At GoodBarber we’ve been creating apps since 2009. And with all of our experience from thousands of clients, we realized that a great number of people chose our service because they were able to create, as well as manage, their own content using a simple interface, in order to bring their beautiful app to life!  With this in mind we decided that we should expand and improve our built-in CMS for GoodBarber 3.
Written on Monday 18 August 2014

7 major mistakes to avoid when creating a branded app

Many companies today have chosen to be present on mobile by creating an app to support their business. An app is an extremely powerful tool because it’s extremely versatile, businesses can communicate in a much more personal way. Also, people access the internet always more from mobile devices and less from pcs. Why? Because it’s more practical, we carry our smartphones around with us all day and now there is a good connection practically anywhere, also apps are easier to use. On a phone you don’t have any desktop clutter, you just have to enter a specific app to get the information you need, in a few seconds you can check the weather, find the best restaurant in town, buy those pants you saw in a shop at a cheaper price. But it’s not all as simple as it sounds, many companies have missed the mark when trying to take advantage of the great opportunity an app represents. You mustn't forget there there are some specific rules to follow when going mobile, this channel is very different from the web so you cannot just transplant your web strategy, you have to plan a specific strategy for the mobile segment. Here are series of common mistakes that to avoid if you want your branded app to be a success and bring your business that extra value!
Written on Thursday 7 August 2014

GB3 is Full of Surprises… Come Discover our New Wizard!

As you certainly already know, we have just recently launched the new version of GoodBarber which is even more pleasant and intuitive to use. Our main goal with GoodBarber 3 is to make our product even easier to use, because we know it’s not enough to offer the best tools on the market, we also have to enable you to use them to their best. We’ve used the experience gathered over time from our customer base to develop unique and original solutions that enable you to create Beautiful Apps with ease! One the novelties we introduced is the Wizard; A tool to create the icon and splashscreen directly in your backend. This little genius will make your apps even more magical!
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 6 August 2014

The New GoodBarber Backend

As those of you who've switched to GoodBarber 3 or even created your first app with it will have noticed, the new backend is radically different from the preceding version. Native mobile applications are increasingly becoming a primary means of web access, and we wanted our backend to reflect that. In essence, GoodBarber is more than an app building tool; it's an app building and management tool. So what exactly is new about the backend, and why? In this article, we'd like to address some of the major changes and the rationale behind them.
Isabella Leland, Friday 1 August 2014

How to Build a Community Around Your App

Be it a real or virtual, it's not easy to create a community! It takes time and a lot of dedication... When it comes to apps in particular, a strong sense of community among users is necessary, but also focusing on the right kind of features to make your app social. But before telling you how to achieve this goal, let's focus on the meaning of community, and why it's so important.
Safa Amari, Thursday 31 July 2014

Let's talk about technology in Arabic! Short geek English-Arabic glossary

In recent years, the internet has come a long way in the twenty-two Arabic-speaking countries. Arabic is now spoken by over 422 million people, and over 140 million internet users use Arabic as their main language on the web. They are increasingly using different applications, and regularly look for translations of various technical terms. However, their success is hampered by the fact that only 3% of content is available in Arabic. I also noticed a growing demand for definitions of technical terms from users, which in most cases are inaccessible in Arabic. Because of this, I wanted to participate in filling this gap by translating GoodBarber into Arabic. I also compiled a glossary of technical terms in the field of mobile applications, translated from English to Arabic. By speaking directly to Arabic readers, we want to facilitate their access to content.
Written on Wednesday 30 July 2014

Useful Tips to Start Developing on Android

According to Mobile Statistics, the number of Android devices sold reached the 156 million mark in the first quarter of 2013 alone, and there are now more than 1,3 million apps available on the Google Play Store. (source: Statista ). Have you ever wondered how to make an app? The web is full of tutorials where people share their knowledge about different subjects. As we have a team of app developers working daily with programming, we decided to ask two Android experts a few questions about Android Development. We already talked about iOS before, but today it’s Android time! Say hello to our special guests: Sérgio and Guido !