What's new at GoodBarber ?

You can find below a summary of the developments and updates made by GoodBarber

Release  10/25/2021

  • Event section : When you choose the "Now" mention display, ongoing events are now sorted by the start date. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/22/2021

  • Fixed an issue that could cause links not working in the app. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/21/2021

  • Fixed an issue that caused http links clicked from a browser, not opening the app. 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of shop authentication. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of shop authentication. 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of shop authentication. 
    #UPDATE  #PWA 

Release  10/20/2021

  • Article, Video, Sound, Map & Event sections : Fixed an issue that caused the link url not being displayed when you share a content on Facebook Messenger or LinkedIn. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/19/2021

  • Video section : In template 3, fixed an issue that caused a big empty space being displayed when there's no infos. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Photo section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the save image action sheet being displayed with extra space at the top. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/15/2021

  • Home section : In widgets Links with template Small Carousel, fixed an issue that caused an empty space being displayed at the right of the widget. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 

Release  10/14/2021

  • Fixed an issue that caused the My Account header shortcut not displayed correctly. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Article section: Fixed an issue that caused thumbs displayed in the list when disabled. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/13/2021

  • Form section : Fixed an issue that caused the ad banner hiding the submit button of the form. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Bookmarks, Search & Menu sections. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 

Release  10/12/2021

  • Article section : In detail views with template 1, 2 or 4, fixed an issue that caused the wrong image being displayed as a banner.  
    #UPDATE  #PWA 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Bookmarks, Search & Menu sections. 
  • Google AMP add-on: In the about section, fixed an issue that caused the last image to take up the whole screen. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Bookmarks, Search & Menu sections. 
  • TabBar navigation mode : Fixed an issue that could cause link titles to be displayed with a wrong font. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Map section : In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused unexpected spaces in the content. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/11/2021

  • With My GB Shop Companion, you can now easily manage all your orders directly from your smartphone.  
  • The Flurry SDK has been updated in order to fulfill the December 2021 requirements of the Google Play Store. 

Release  10/07/2021

  • Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused impossible to choose a country when there's only one available. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/05/2021

  • Checkout page : Fixed an issue that caused borders not displayed on the Client note field. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Form section : You can now click on images to open them in fullscreen. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Menu section : In template 2, fixed an issue that could cause an empty space between the first cell and the others on iPad devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  10/04/2021

  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Loyalty add-on. 
    #UPDATE  #PWA 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Article & Videos sections. 
    #UPDATE  #PWA 
  • Products list section : Fixed some display issues on titles displayed on more than one line. 
    #BUG FIX  #PWA 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Article & Videos sections. 

Release  10/01/2021

  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Articles & Videos sections. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Home section : In widgets with Split template, fixed an issue that caused three dots not being displayed when the text is too long. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Loyalty add-on. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 

Release  09/30/2021

  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Loyalty add-on. 
  • Fixed an issue that could cause links clicked from a browser, not opening the app. 
  • Home sections : In Article, Video, Photo, Sound, Map & Event widgets, fixed an issue that could cause titles being cut. 
  • Menu section : Fixed an issue that could cause titles being cut. 
  • Form section : You can now click on images to open them in fullscreen. 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Settings, Submit, Contact, About & QR Code sections. 
    #UPDATE  #PWA 

Release  09/29/2021

  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Settings, Submit, Contact, About & QR Code sections. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Event, Map & Sound sections. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Authentication, Community & Chat add-ons. 
    #UPDATE  #IOS 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Settings, Submit, Contact, About & QR Code sections. 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Authentication, Community & Chat add-ons. 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Event, Map & Sound sections. 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Event, Map & Sound sections. 
    #UPDATE  #PWA 
  • Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of Authentication, Community & Chat add-ons. 
    #UPDATE  #PWA 

Release  09/28/2021

  • Fixed an issue that caused the consent popup not displayed on iOS15 devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 
  • Fixed an issue that caused the consent popup not displayed on iOS15 devices. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS 

Release  09/27/2021

  • Countly SDK : Updated the SDK to fit with the requirements of the Google Play Store (dec 2021) 
  • Music player : Fixed an issue that caused some lags (Application Not Responding) with the music player 
  • Music Notification : Fixed an issue that caused the music notifications to not be updated 
  • Custom section : When the section is configured to redirect to a custom URL, we display the web page within the application 
  • Internal Ads : Fixed an issue that caused the interstitial ads to be deformed 
  • Bookmark section : Playlist played from bookmark section don't loop anymore when reaching the end of the playlist 
  • Article, video and map details : Fixed an issue that caused the content to reload when coming back on the application from the background 

Release  09/24/2021

  • Product detail page : Fixed an issue that could cause options not displayed in the right order. 
    #BUG FIX  #IOS