Soltanto: the music, the road, life.
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Today we meet with Matteo Terzi alias Soltanto , the creator of the homonymous app.
Who is Matteo Terzi and what is Soltanto?

Matteo Terzi is Soltanto. A man who at 25 years of age, with a degree in Political Sciences, decided to leave the life he was leading in Italy to travel through Europe hitchhiking and playing music in the streets.
After a long journey that led him through places such as Lyone, Montpellier, Ardeche, Perpigan, Girona, Vic, Barcellona, Tarragona, Valencia, Madrid, and Tenerife he returned to Milan, his native city, to share his experience with his loved ones.
In these years, thanks to the support from some friends he had made during his street concerts, he was able to publish his first musical album, after having gathered over €10,000 through crowd funding.
This album is called "Le chiavi di casa mia" and it's available on all digital platforms.
Today, after his story has been told even by the major Italian journalistic papers, he keeps traveling through Italy and Europe singing in the streets, he is now president of the Associazione Artisti di Strada (street artists association) of Milan.
His FB page today counts over 21.000 supporters.
After a long journey that led him through places such as Lyone, Montpellier, Ardeche, Perpigan, Girona, Vic, Barcellona, Tarragona, Valencia, Madrid, and Tenerife he returned to Milan, his native city, to share his experience with his loved ones.
In these years, thanks to the support from some friends he had made during his street concerts, he was able to publish his first musical album, after having gathered over €10,000 through crowd funding.
This album is called "Le chiavi di casa mia" and it's available on all digital platforms.
Today, after his story has been told even by the major Italian journalistic papers, he keeps traveling through Italy and Europe singing in the streets, he is now president of the Associazione Artisti di Strada (street artists association) of Milan.
His FB page today counts over 21.000 supporters.
Why did you choose to create an app? what is your goal with it?
We live in the Era of smartphones and apps, I was excited about the idea of being able to always be in contact with the people who appreciate my project.
My goal is mainly to keep people updated on where my concerts will be held, which city and which streets.
I also aim at offering a tool with which people will be able to listen to my music easily and stay informed about the route I am taking, nowadays websites are less visited so they are not indicated for sharing these types of information.
My goal is mainly to keep people updated on where my concerts will be held, which city and which streets.
I also aim at offering a tool with which people will be able to listen to my music easily and stay informed about the route I am taking, nowadays websites are less visited so they are not indicated for sharing these types of information.
What's the connection between street music and an app?
Sometimes I decide where to play at the last minute. It's exactly this way of living in the moment that connects street music with an app, because of it's ability to be updated immediately.
Why did you choose GoodBarber? What factors influenced this decision?
I chose GoodBarber because of the possibility it offers to easily create a highly personalized application, shaped around my world. Also, the staff was very helpful and immediately proved to be serious and reliable.
Do you have some advice for our readers?
Have fun recreating your world on your app, your unicity is the most important feature you have. :)