Written on Tuesday 16 June 2015

Madchester—The App Concert Attendees Love

The MIDEM event was a great source of inspiration for us, so we decided to dedicate today's showcase to musicians, music lovers, and especially those behind the scenes that bring the music to life through running events. We contacted to a very special GoodBarber user whose app for the concert venue, Sala Madchester, is just the first of many in his exciting project...
Written on Tuesday 2 June 2015

STR - Sharing the Road : An app for a unique music project

Today our showcase is dedicated to Sharing the Road, a Beautiful App that conveys all the emotions that go along with this music project. Yann Lamballée, the director of the project, has shared all the details with us...
Muriel Santoni, Monday 1 June 2015

Apps & The Music Industry

With the ongoing development of new technology such as streaming, the music industry has undergone many changes over the past several years. Although it wasn't given much of a chance in the early 2000's, we realize today that it has demonstrated flexibility and creativity to adapt to the new standards, particularly in terms of digitalization and gradual disappearance of physical music media.  The music market consists of participants that differ greatly from one another, with both varying and common needs. Today, I decided to show you how apps are an indispensable part of the music industry's digital evolution. Skeptical? Put yourself in the place of four types of music industry players for a more complete perspective: artists, radio stations, those in charge of events/festivals, and producers.
Written on Thursday 28 May 2015

The Greatest Music Apps of 2015

In less than a week, GoodBarber will be in Cannes for MIDEM, the music industry festival, where it will showcase its latest features and future plans to bring even more beats and rhythm to its Beautiful Apps. There are already many users who are spreading their sound through a Beautiful App, and today is the day the best radios, festivals, musical projects, and artists have the spotlight. Here is my list of the Top 5 Best Music Apps made with GoodBarber ...
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 7 January 2015

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2014

Hello GoodBarbers, I hope you have recovered from the New Years madness! A new year is often synonymous with new projects, and to help you create your Beautiful App, here are the five best apps produced in 2014. The choice was not easy…
Andressa Izumi, Monday 15 September 2014

What Apps Have to do With the Music Industry

If you remember the early 90’s, you should remember when Sony decided to revolutionize the way we listen to music and launched the famous yellow sports WALKMAN :) These were the times when you could record a mixtape to give to your girlfriend and when having the freedom of listening to music while walking on the street was a huge thing! From then on, we evolved first to CDs and then to downloads, and the latter grew very quickly thanks to the democratization of the internet. By now, according to a report of the IFPI (International Federation of Phonographic Industry), the number of paying subscribers to music subscription services - which includes services such as Spotify and Deezer - increased from 8 to 28 million. As the chief content officer of Spotify, Ken Parks, said: “Unlike the distribution of a physical product we can reach every person on the planet, at least every person with a smartphone.” (IFPI Digital Music Report 2014 ) In light of this, we decided to talk about how you can create a good music app. We will address the subject considering two different types of apps: radio apps and band/musicians apps. Let’s start!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 14 November 2013

Showcase: Pause Musicale

Pause Musicale describes itself as an independent website that loves music and wants to share news about emerging artists with its readers. Discover this app!
GoodBarber Team, Monday 7 October 2013

Live+ Section

Hi everyone, we hope you had a great weekend! Let's start this week with one of the new features coming with the release of GoodBarber Salvador : Live+ Live+ is a new section inspired by our community. More and more radio stations use GoodBarber to create an app. With this new section, they can display the meta information when they stream their music. Among the informations displayed while you listen to music, you can find the artist name, the track cover, and some other useful details. Users have a direct link to buy a track or share what they are listening to.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 23 May 2013

Showcase: "Bob vous dit toute la vérité™"

Bob Bellanca asked our team to design an app for its great radio show, "Bob vous dit toute la vérité". Here is the result :) Look (and listen) to this showcase, and go to download this app, for iPhone & Android!