Swelen is a New Ad Server On Your Monetization Menu
Written by GoodBarber Team on
We’ve recently made GoodBarber compatible with a new ad server called Swelen.

For those who are less familiar with the terminology, an ad server isn’t an ad network. Ad serving is a technology that stores and distributes advertisements. Different mobile ad networks use ad servers. Swelen allows the distribution of interactive media ads such as video interstitials, or interactive advertisements (holograms, etc.). Swelen also differentiates itself from other ad servers by offering a decentralized, social approach in order to link advertisers, publishers and advertising networks. In terms of innovative solutions, Swelen offers an “in-banner” format for video streaming. The application user does not have to quit the application to view the advertising content. For more information about Swelen, you can visit their website , and read the article that TechCrunch France%E2%80%99adserver-distribuee-sur-mobile/ wrote in 2011 or see them in the CrunchBase.