RESELLERS - What you need to know before getting started !
Written by Marie Daujam on

Before subscribing to the Reseller Plan , you have to opportunity to be contacted by phone by one of our team members.
From that moment on, you are getting close to creating Business with a powerful and innovating App builder but you may still have some questions.
You will find below the answers to the frequently asked questions during this first exchange.
- How does a GoodBarber App look like?
- Tell me more about the level of access I can grant my team/ clients
- What is the cost of the Reseller Plan?
- How to get started?
How does a GoodBarber App look like?

Tell me more about the level of access I can grant my team/ clients

The Reseller Dashboard
The Reseller Dashboard is an overview of all your applications.
The first thing you will notice on your Reseller Dashboard is that all your apps are listed, as well as their publication status on each platform , iOS and Android. From this interface, you can create new apps, add existing apps or remove apps from your account. You are also able to transfer ownership of an app (or even an agency!), temporary disable a project , useful option in case of billing issues with a client for example.
From this dashboard, you can create an entire team of collaborators.
It is crucial to consider which person will be part of your team since they will be have access to your entire Reseller interface.
Don’t grant access to a client ;)

Client Backend
For each of your apps, you can customize the access of each user. For a member working on the ‘Design” aspect of the company, they can be granted access to the corresponding features, while a Marketing person can be limited to Notifications and Statistics.
Don’t want them to see our logo? No support or online help for them
They have to update themselves the Event section but can’t add other features? You know what to do!
You have no limits on how many or little restrictions you can add to each user.
See below an example of user access rights
What is the cost of the Reseller Plan?
The Reseller Program allows you to create an unlimited number of Apps!
While building an app from scratch without an App Builder is very costly and time consuming, GoodBarber offers prices cutting your expenses up to 20 times!
Here is an overview of the cost:
- GoodBarber Subscription:
- As many Apps as you wish!
CLASSIC : $240/month or $2400/year (a $480 saving compared to the monthly plan)
CLASSIC + SHOPPING : $320/month or $3200/year (a $640 saving compared to the monthly plan)
It includes:
- Unlimited Progressive Web Apps for Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
- Unlimited native apps for Android
Native Apps unlimited for iOS (developer enterprise account)
Extra review fee if distribution on the App Store
Personalized domain name
SSL security included
Unlimited traffic
Unlimited downloads
Advanced add-ons
White label
Training program to help you get started
- We take care of the Review and Submission on the App Store!
$99 review fee for publication on the Apple Store - carried by our dedicated review team
---> If you take the Reseller Classic+Shopping plan, you get 12 reviews for free / year :)
Why a review?
The Apple Store review guidelines are very strict, especially guideline 4.2.6
We review the content, concept, features of each app and provide you with advices on what needs to be improved to better your chances to be published.
You will only be billed if our team approves your review. We are here to guide you through the creation of your Apple Developer Account, ensuring that your account complies to the 4.2.6 guideline and if all is validated, we can start the Submission process (certificates, generation, submission to App Store Connect).
The review includes the thorough assessment of the App by the dedicated GoodBarber review team, a series of recommendations to boost your chance of publications in the App Store, the generation and submission to Apple.
- Add advanced Features to your apps!
Add-ons have different functions and objectives and are a great upselling tool for your Agency. Indeed, you can bill them as options for your clients’ Apps.
Trying to retain your users? Why not offer a Loyalty Card, Club Card or a Couponing section?
You would like to create a community? Suggest the Authentication or Chat Add-on
All Add-ons can be found here
And most of them are free!
Additional cost outside GoodBarber
In order to publish on the Stores, you are required to subscribe to Developer Accounts:
Apple App Store : $99/ year (more info )
Google Play Store : one time $25 fee (more info )
How to get started?
You can try our Reseller Dashboard straight away with the 30 day trial period. During this time you will be able to test all our features, except publishing your apps.
I invite you to start testing the dashboard:
1/ first, you need an app : create a trial app here!
2/ fill up the Reseller form directly in your back end : Add-ons > Services > Reseller
3/ login your Reseller Dashboard here :
Happy App Building !