
How to win back your lost Black Friday and Cyber Monday customers with abandoned cart emails?


Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. These two shopping extravaganzas regularly bring record numbers. Black Friday raked in $8.9 billion in 2021 , while Cyber Monday hit $10.7 billion, according to data from Adobe Analytics, with Cyber Monday claiming the top spot when it comes to e-commerce spending. 

With your GoodBarber eCommerce app, you are well-equipped to make this weekend a success. If you’re still looking for some tips to optimize your strategy for these special sales, you can our tips in this article

However, as you may know, abandoned carts will still be numerous. Indeed, cart abandonment is a prevalent issue for eCommerce businesses. According to SalesCycle, The shopping cart abandonment for Black Friday 2021 was 76.63%. As for Cyber Monday 2021, the rate was 80.25%.

But no worries, you can easily win back customers thanks to abandoned cart emails and/or push notifications. 


What is an abandoned cart email or push notification?

An abandoned cart email, also known as cart recovery or remarketing email, is an email sent to a customer reminding them that they started an order and encouraging them to complete the transaction. The same goes for the push notification. 

GoodBarber offers an "Abandoned Cart" extension . It allows you to send manually send a dedicated email or push notifications to the client. The message templates associated with these actions are of course customizable.

How to use the "Abandoned order" extension?

The extension is automatically included in your eCommerce trial app (it remains free with the Pro offer or comes with a fee with the Standard and Premium plans). 
In your app back office, go to Settings > Shop settings > emails templates and push templates. From there, you will be able to customize your emails. Enter the object of your email, give a title and add the content. Finally, customize your call-to-action. Several tokens are provided to display shop or user info or logo in your templates. 

For more details on this extension, you can refer to this article.  

7 best abandoned cart emails strategies to get these customers back

Send the recovery email and/or push notifications within 24H. The first few hours after the shopper abandons their cart are crucial. According to conversion data, 60 % of shoppers purchase within 1 to 3 hours, while 65% purchase within 3 to 12 hours after receiving the reminder. You want to send that email or push notification while the customer still has an interest in your product. 

Write catchy subject lines. We all know that getting your email opened is a challenge. Nowadays, people receive tons of emails, and standing out in a crowded inbox is becoming a difficult task. You need to grab their attention with a few well-chosen words. Here are a few examples of catchy subject lines:
  • Oops, you forgot something
  • Don't miss out! your cart is expiring soon
  • Empty your cart with XX% off.
  • Still deciding? Your {Product Name} is Waiting!
  • A Gift For You
  • Pick up where you left off

Write a short but clear email. Keep it short and to the point. The customer wants to understand quickly the purpose of the email and ideally take action quickly. Highlight any discount and stress the diminishing stock levels, pick their interest but do it with a few words. Remember, there are many emails trying to get the attention of your client. 

Offer a discount. Even a small discount can make a big difference. 10% can be enough to convince a shopper to finalize their transactions. People love discounts and gifts :) 

Include an effective CTA. Your call to action must be clear and precise. Your email campaign has a clear objective: getting these customers to complete their purchases. Position CTA in a right place, either at the beginning of the email or the end of the email body that catches the lead's attention. Some examples: claim my discount now, checkout now, view cart etc.

Add a sense of urgency. In cases where prices or extras like shipping offers are time-limited, make this clear to your customers. It can help to speed up a purchase decision. People pay more attention to losing out on items rather than what they are able to get. The Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a pretty well-proven strategy.

Remind your customers what they left behind.  While not every shopper wants to receive an abandoned cart email, they will be helpful to some shoppers and influence their purchase decisions. One way to get those shoppers to act is to include images of the items they left in their carts.

plus 1 bonus tip

The above tips are great to catch your customers. But as we know sending emails takes time. And when running a business time is precious. So this last tip is for you: automation!

Use a no-code automation platform to automatically send your carefully crafted recovery push notifications and/or emails. 
GoodBarber offers two extensions for automation: Zapier and Make (formerly Integromat). You can, for example, create a zap that will automatically send a push notification every time there is a new abandoned order. 

The perfect complement to the Abandoned Order extension is the Cart Reminder extension . With this extension, when a client returns to your app and their cart contains items from a previous visit, a popup is displayed allowing them to directly access the checkout. 
There are lots of revenue to be lost if you don't set up an abandoned cart recovery strategy. These emails and/or push notifications may take a little bit of time and work to set up, but the incremental revenue they generate more than pays for the effort.