GoodBarber at the AppDays 2016 : Feature Templates, Open Product... Update: GoodBarber Open Product is launching soon. If you are interested to be among the first to download it, you can request to be notified the minute we open the doors.">
Jerome Granados, Friday 9 June 2017

Loyalty card: increased QR code safety

We’ve introduced extra security measures for the loyalty card QR code. From now on, it will be possible to destroy an existing QR code and replace it with a new one.
Jerome Granados, Monday 5 June 2017

Continuous improvement of the V4 back office

Since the release of GoodBarber 4.0 we’ve been intent on improving the user experience for the new back office. Every day we analyze user behavior in the new GoodBarber interface. Studying these patterns has allowed our Product team (designers, ergonomists…) to measure whether our approach is the right one. In other words, do the users navigate the product in the way we had envisioned? Every Product Manager’s dream is to catch a glimpse of how users experience the product, to watch and understand how they react in front of the interface upon discovering it. Thanks to data analysis and Data Driven Design, this dream is becoming a reality. Many tools allow us to collect precious information as the interface is being used. Analyzing this data allows us to have a clear picture of the user’s actual path at a given point in time. From that analysis, designers and ergonomists can perform changes to the product interface in order to improve the user’s journey. Modifications are applied through subsequent iterations. For each iteration, the Product team and the team in charge of data analysis (Data Scientists) measure the impact of the modification, in real time. For a product like GoodBarber, we can tell after just 24 hours whether the modification applied to the back office has had a positive or negative impact on the user experience.  
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 30 November 2016

GoodBarber at the AppDays 2016 : Feature Templates, Open Product...

For the second year in a row we decided to attend the AppDays, the leading event related to everything mobile held in France. In 2014, we couldn't make the trip because the dates coincided with the Web Summit event in Dublin. As a result, AppDays 2015 was our first experience, and a positive...
Muriel Santoni, Friday 27 November 2015

GoodBarber @ AppDays 2015: our experience

AppDays 2015, it’s a wrap! And it's been a whirlwind! It’s time for us to reflect on that short but busy adventure… These past two days attending AppDays have allowed us to immerse ourselves into the mobile world and to meet with countless protagonists of our ecosystem. With 722 participants, 18 exhibitors and over 60 conferences and workshops there wasn’t a dull moment.