Photo safari in the MWC '13 jungle
Written by Lolo GB on

What did I see? Mobile phones (of course), tablets, TVs, presentations, docking stations, beautiful hostesses, things I don't care, and many other things...
Oh... I also finally saw a 3D printer in the Nokia booth used to make phone covers. Great.
At the end I took a look at the Sony booth. It was my favorite one (I always had a soft spot for this brand...).
Stop speaking. Let's show the photos.

Double screen phone by NEC. I don't really know what's the use of...

Streaming games by LG : play both on your phone and TV.

LG huge tablet

I was wondering if it was the oldest Nokia phone (so 2000's isn't it?). Answer from the hostess : "No, it's one of the new ones". OK.

Nokia 3D printer. Quite impressive.

Sony Xperia Z. Waterproof (!) For @seb2

Astonishing result from the Xperia camera in the dark. Almost no noise.

Really good result too on backlighting with the HDR technology of the video camera.

Just beautiful. I love Sony

The playlist is in the robot

Devices are connected when they are nearby. I could see the red bullet navigating all over the screens. Useful for games? Maybe...

Finally I asked where was exhibited the PS4. "Nowhere". OK bye.