GoodBarber Team, Tuesday 3 January 2017

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2016

Looking for inspiration to create or update your mobile app in 2017? Discover 5 top apps built using our app builder, great examples of what can be achieved in terms of design, navigation and user experience overall.
Written on Thursday 7 January 2016

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2015

We hope 2016 will be the year that your projects come to life. And what better inspiration than looking back on some of the best apps created in 2015 with GoodBarber? What they all have in common? A clean design, innovative ideas along with up to date features. They are also the result of well-rounded projects, which shows that with a clear idea in mind and our user friendly interface it is possible to make the Beautiful App of your dreams ;)
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 7 January 2015

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2014

Hello GoodBarbers, I hope you have recovered from the New Years madness! A new year is often synonymous with new projects, and to help you create your Beautiful App, here are the five best apps produced in 2014. The choice was not easy…