Multi-Cultural Marketing: Be Open to the World!
Written by Muriel Santoni on

"The world is yours to explore"
This saying has never been more true than in the past few years, due to the rise of digitalization, increased power of social networks, the lessening of barriers between countries, and international communication being at almost everyone's disposition.
However, to do things really well, there are a few key points to take into consideration when addressing an international audience.
At GoodBarber, we've taken on the challenge of making ourselves available to different markets all over the world, all while remaining based on our wonderful, but tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean.
Communicate in multiple languages
You're aiming for an international audience, which means speaking just your native language won't cut it, especially if it's not English. Everyone is well aware that English is the predominant language in the business world, so being able to properly communicate in this language is crucial if you plan to take on the world as your market.
But in the end, even this isn't enough. Of course, everything depends on the type of sector you're in, but speaking in the native language of the country you would like to offer your services to will be highly welcomed.
There are two challenging issues at hand. First, the challenge of conquering: your communication strategy can only be at its maximum performance if it's done in the native language of your target. This requires less effort from them, and will allow them to identify much more easily with your brand.
The second challenge is gaining the loyalty. If your business activity requires long term communication with your clients (like in the case of technical support), it's easy to understand the importance of them being able to communicate in their respective language.
On our part, we have chosen to offer our content in no less than 5 different languages, coming from native speakers in order to provide our audience with the most simple and clear experience possible. And I must say that many of you seem to benefit greatly from this choice :)
But in the end, even this isn't enough. Of course, everything depends on the type of sector you're in, but speaking in the native language of the country you would like to offer your services to will be highly welcomed.
There are two challenging issues at hand. First, the challenge of conquering: your communication strategy can only be at its maximum performance if it's done in the native language of your target. This requires less effort from them, and will allow them to identify much more easily with your brand.
The second challenge is gaining the loyalty. If your business activity requires long term communication with your clients (like in the case of technical support), it's easy to understand the importance of them being able to communicate in their respective language.
On our part, we have chosen to offer our content in no less than 5 different languages, coming from native speakers in order to provide our audience with the most simple and clear experience possible. And I must say that many of you seem to benefit greatly from this choice :)
Inform yourself about the local cultures
It may seem obvious when said like this, but being up to date with the basis of the cultures you're working in, as well as the traditions and customs of your audience is essential.
Depending on the region of the world, the ways of expression, expectations, and methods to hook an audience can vary greatly. Apart from the risk of shocking or insulting an audience with your communication, if you don't minimally inform yourself of the interests and general behavior of your targets, you will certainly miss out on a good portion of potential clients and suffer from a major communication flop.
Depending on the region of the world, the ways of expression, expectations, and methods to hook an audience can vary greatly. Apart from the risk of shocking or insulting an audience with your communication, if you don't minimally inform yourself of the interests and general behavior of your targets, you will certainly miss out on a good portion of potential clients and suffer from a major communication flop.
Pay attention to time
A common mistake!
Several studies have been done to define the best windows of time for communicating with an audience, and as you may have guessed, the results vary greatly from population to population. The styles and rhythms of life greatly influence the times in which the population (in general) is receptive or not to communication campaigns.
To give you an example:
Thursday night, at 10 PM, a Spanish person is enjoying their dinner...meanwhile the American is already under their covers with the lights off.
Several studies have been done to define the best windows of time for communicating with an audience, and as you may have guessed, the results vary greatly from population to population. The styles and rhythms of life greatly influence the times in which the population (in general) is receptive or not to communication campaigns.
To give you an example:
Thursday night, at 10 PM, a Spanish person is enjoying their dinner...meanwhile the American is already under their covers with the lights off.
The second point concerning time is related to time differences. Are you in England and wanting to communicate with someone in Brazil? I don't think your Facebook post scheduled for 9 AM (your local time) will reach many Brazilian readers...
Just for fun, a means of communication that we've spoken about before and is universally well known: Music of course!
Music allows you to convey emotions without saying a word and its style can be easily adapted depending on the level of success seen in the countries being targeted. You can't ask for more!
Music allows you to convey emotions without saying a word and its style can be easily adapted depending on the level of success seen in the countries being targeted. You can't ask for more!
As you can see, it's not so there are numerous tools at your disposition for organizing your communication. Facebook for example, allows you to target your posts based on your users' languages or countries, and even to set them in advance in order to respect the time differences (we won't ask you to wake up at 4 AM in order to communicate with your international clients!).
For us, the choice to go international was simple, and we don't regret it one bit!
For us, the choice to go international was simple, and we don't regret it one bit!