Vanessa Leins, Thursday 9 April 2015

Should I Move my Business to Mobile?

Our world is quickly moving towards a global village where information is available digitally and people are connected through digital platforms—SMEs, freelancers and other businesses need to digitize themselves to keep up with the current needs and trends. In the beginning of the digital revolution, many CEOs of leading companies were convinced that the shift to a technological world would last only for a short period of time. Nowadays, these people have had to radically change their opinion and accept that if they don't follow the digital trend, their business will be unable to withstand the strong, international competition. No company can afford to ignore the changes caused by digital technology anymore. 
Written on Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Hottest Events of 2015

2015 will be a year full of important events and changes. The mobile market is growing faster than ever, and to make a name for yourself in this industry a lot of hard work and great ideas will be required.  Last week I asked my Beautiful Country Managers to make a list of the most exciting events coming in 2015. It's unnecessary (and impossible) to participate in all of them of course, but following them and staying informed about what's happening in the tech, mobile, and communication markets is imperative.  This information will help you to build your business and strengthen your presentation strategy.  Let's take a look at what's on the program for this year.   
Written on Thursday 15 January 2015

5 App Trends for 2015 that you should know

Everybody is wondering what the next big thing in the app world for 2015 will be. We aren't psychic, but we have a few ideas based on our expertise, our market analysis, and the evolution of technology about the most exciting inventions big companies and brands will bring us during the next year, as well as the needs and concerns of consumers. We have known one thing from the start: mobile will lead. Mobile is like a little computer that we bring everywhere with us. It's becoming smarter, more relevant, and let's face it—something we are completely dependant on.  What we expect to see this year is apps that are much more customized to consumer needs. They will provide more relevant and personal information, geo-targeting content, app extension for wearable devices, more mobile security, and more opportunity for engagement. Today, we are offering you a look inside the future technology market. So, be our guest and jump into our time machine to discover the next App Trends for 2015.
Stefano Mongardi, Friday 7 November 2014

3 Reasons why the Future of Ecommerce is a Blog Post

Stefano Mongardi, an expert of Online Marketing who is also passionate about tech and innovation, tells us everything you need to know to implement a successful e-commerce business and stand out from the competition. Nowdays we're all quite practical with online purchases. We simply land on a website, scroll through the products, decide the best one for us and order it. Seems easy huh? So now you think: "Wow! ecommerce is exploding, let's open an online store and start selling our products worldwide! It's a piece of cake!". Well, actually it's not. Today the competition is fierce and if you want to bring an added value you either have to work really hard or spend a LOT of money to let people know about your great new ecommerce business. You may even have the coolest products in the world, but just being online doesn't mean you will right away get tons of visits and conversions without doing anything.  Most of the times when an ecommerce platform is created, people invest most of their time and budget setting up a PPC campaign on Google, Facebook and maybe even Twitter. The result is: you spend a lot of money and get a lot of vistas but most people won't come back to your website again. Why? Because you offer products and not added value. Don’t forget that your competitors offer the same or similar products. Unless you are the only person in the world selling that specific product, you have to give people some added value to convince them to buy from you and not someone else.
Written on Friday 31 October 2014

Create an App for Your E-commerce Business

Why are brands creating apps? Because a mobile app brings together all the essential components of your brand: useful information, advertising, social networks, products, special offers, loyalty solutions... If well structured, it is the perfect container for your content marketing strategy. With an app, clients can find all the information they need to buy a product, all in one place. Simple and direct. And now, with our E-commerce section, you can easily connect existing Amazon, Shopify and Etsy boutiques.
Written on Tuesday 21 October 2014

How to Sell Your App for a Fee

There are a few ways to directly earn money with apps: by creating and selling apps for clients, by monetizing through advertising, and by directly selling the app in the stores. In this article, we'll be covering two main questions for publishers who want to sell their app in the stores: 1/ What type of apps are users willing to pay for? 2/ What you need to do if you choose to charge a price for your app.