
Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #307


Changelog for this Tuesday update :
- New Live section (audio & video)
- You can now add a "All categories" filter in the advanced settings of your sections
- You can now re-order your filters with a drag-and-drop in the advanced settings of your sections
- The links are now active into the Facebook sections
- The action buttons are now dynamically aligned into the Photos sections, Template 3
- The Credit page of the Settings section has now an embedded style
- Bug fix : pictures are now displayed correctly in Article sections (detail view)
- Bug fix : outgoing links in articles content are now interpreted
- Bug fix : authentication and sharing issue fixed with LinkedIn and Tumblr
- Bug fix : fixed a wrong label into the Retweet action confirmation alert
- Bug fix : the https links are now interpreted
- Bug fix : the outgoing links are now interpreted in the Credit page of the Settings sections
- Bug fix : there is now a download link in the "Recommend app" sharing action of the Settings sections
- Beginning of the work toward the GoodBarber 2 migration for existing customer
Don't forget to re-build your app to apply these changes :)