PWA Myth-Busting
Written by GoodBarber Team on

The concept of the PWA is very new to many, which means that reliable information is hard to come by. When information is lacking, rumors start to spread, and we’ve been exposed to many of these misconceptions floating around! This article is meant to set the record straight on some of the most common wrong ideas surrounding Progressive Web Apps, and with this information hopefully you’ll be able to make an educated decision on whether or not a PWA is the right choice for your project.
Myth #1 : They are no different from a website
False! While PWA’s do boast some of the most useful characteristics websites have to offer, they take it a step further than your average site. Their ability to incorporate the native features of the device, such as the camera or GPS, opens the doors to a level of engagement that just can’t be found elsewhere. Beyond the fun, visible features are the other enhancements that while more subtle and stealthy, make all the difference in user experience and pay off big time in the long run. These would include advantages such as offline capabilities, upped security, and the home screen installation option. Think of PWA’s as the perfect union between an app and a website.
Myth #2 : They are accessed via a store
True and false. A lot of people have the impression that there is another space similar to the App Store or Google Play intended specifically for PWA’s, however the truth is that users don’t need to visit any store at all in order to get ahold of a PWA. They are accessed exactly the same way a normal website is, through a simple Google (or any other search engine) search. The nonexistence of this download access barrier is one of the most appreciated traits PWA’s have to offer, but with that being said, if the idea of being present in a store is appealing to you, it is possible make your PWA available in the Windows Store.
The option to install the app onto the device’s home screen is available regardless of how the app has been accessed. The fact that a PWA may appear as an icon along with all the other downloaded apps does not mean that it was downloaded from a store (although it could in the case of Windows), it just indicates that upon arriving to the PWA from a Google search, the user agreed to the pop up offer to save it as a home screen icon for easy, future access.
The option to install the app onto the device’s home screen is available regardless of how the app has been accessed. The fact that a PWA may appear as an icon along with all the other downloaded apps does not mean that it was downloaded from a store (although it could in the case of Windows), it just indicates that upon arriving to the PWA from a Google search, the user agreed to the pop up offer to save it as a home screen icon for easy, future access.
Myth #3 : They don’t work on iOS
True and false. PWA’s are absolutely functional on iOS but are currently lacking the Service Worker which is stopping them from having 100% of the range of capabilities that Android provides, for instance, in the case of offline usage and push notifications on mobile (for which alternatives are available, such as communicating with users via SMS instead). According to the latest development news at Apple, the Service Worker feature is well on its way, so it should only be a matter of time before we can say this statement is 100% false!
Myth #4 : They can’t be monetized
Definitely not true. PWA’s can be monetized just as much as native apps can, and in fact your revenues can even end up being higher due to the fact that there’s no obligation to pay commission from any sales to 3rd party players (in the case of native apps, this would be the App Store or Google Play that takes a cut of all sales). If advertising is your monetization method of choice, the options are all there, meaning you have both the option to work with an external ad network as well as the one to create your own internal ad campaigns if you have your own partnerships or agreements going.
Myth #5 : If I have a native app, I need to start from scratch to create a PWA.
False….if you’ve already created a native app using the GoodBarber platform, you simply need to follow the steps indicated in your backend to generate the PWA version of your app. No extra work in the creation process is required on your end. Keep in mind that you’ll have to be using the latest version of the platform, so if you’re still using the previous version, just get in touch with the support team to get upgraded. All native plans include the PWA version so why not at least try it out?
Myth #6 : Nobody wants a PWA
True and false….we often hear customers saying that nobody knows what a PWA is and there is therefore very little interest. We’re very conscious of the fact that the level of awareness around PWA’s is quite low, but being non or misinformed doesn’t equal a lack of need in the market. As with any product in its early lifecycle stages, some work is required to convey its value. What we’ve noticed is that once users start to fully understand the magnitude of the power and convenience a PWA can bring to them and their customers, there’s no turning back. Don’t hesitate to get on board with the latest technology that is just at your fingertips–the results will speak for themselves!