Muriel Santoni, Monday 11 March 2019

Discover the new Live+ version

The GoodBarber regulars are already familiar with the Live+ add-on since it's been a part of our catalogue for a long time and has attracted many a user.  For those of you who don't know, Live+ is an advanced audio player, allowing you to broadcast an M3U feed, display the title, the artist name, and the album illustration.    The user can share the title of what they're listening to on social networks, as well as buy it. They can view the last 5 items they listened to in the application.
GoodBarber Team, Monday 7 October 2013

Live+ Section

Hi everyone, we hope you had a great weekend! Let's start this week with one of the new features coming with the release of GoodBarber Salvador : Live+ Live+ is a new section inspired by our community. More and more radio stations use GoodBarber to create an app. With this new section, they can display the meta information when they stream their music. Among the informations displayed while you listen to music, you can find the artist name, the track cover, and some other useful details. Users have a direct link to buy a track or share what they are listening to.
Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 13 February 2013

GoodBarber for radio stations

Le Radio show ended yesterday in Paris. These three days have been an opportunity for us to gather lots of ideas to improve GoodBarber, in order to make it the best solution for creating mobile applications for radio stations. This is also an opportunity to review the features available with GoodBarber for radios. Please note: we'll update this blog post as we go along so don't mind the publication date ;)