introducing a new way to buy .  By blending the digital and physical they are taking the user experience one step further, providing a very flexible approach to displaying information about products, the layout of the store or even discounts. Everything is possible, for any kind of business. A few weeks ago we explained how you could implement this technology inside your app thanks to our iBeacons Add-On. A breakthrough update since we believe Beacons are an incredible asset when it comes to developing your business ! However, we are well aware how intimidating these devices can seem at first, so here is an Infographic which will give you an overview of what you need to know about Beacons and how they operate, which should help you overcome your hesitations! ">
Marie Pireddu, Wednesday 29 March 2023

The Rise of Tourism Apps

How mobile apps are transforming the travel and tourism industry? What should be your strategy if you have a concept for a tourism app? What are the tools you should consider to adapt your business to mobile and meet the expectations of today's consumers?
Written on Thursday 1 September 2022

Geofencing and the event industry

If there’s one area of expertise where the need to constantly keep the audience interested is pressing, it is the event industry. If one wants a good turnout, the bar is now higher than ever. How to keep up with people’s expectations? If creating an app for an upcoming event is now a given, the time has come to enter a new dimension, with Geofencing.
GoodBarber Team, Friday 12 August 2016

How to create an app for museums

Apps are an extremely useful, but unfortunately underutilized tool for the museum industry. Everything a costly, tree-killing brochure provided by every museum does, an app can do more quickly, cheaply, efficiently, and overall better!
Sara Guiral, Tuesday 5 July 2016

5 tips to create the perfect app for your Football Fan Club!

Several members of the #GBcrew are big football fans. There's even a weekly match, organized by our Lead Android Developer, Sergio. Recently, Euro 2016 made for some excitement around the office, not only was it held in France, but also, with an office in Lisbon, the outcome of the competition was closely followed. What about you? Do you easily get caught up in the football spirit? If the answer is yes, let us explain to you how you can easily combine your passion for football and mobile apps, by creating a Beautiful App for your Supporters Club, without necessarily spending a huge amount of money.
Muriel Santoni, Monday 16 November 2015

Everything you need to know about Beacons!

Beacons have been around for quite some time now and are gradually becoming a part of marketing strategies for some of the biggest brands out there. These tiny devices are as powerful as they are mysterious, but one thing’s for sure, they are introducing a new way to buyBy blending the digital and physical they are taking the user experience one step further, providing a very flexible approach to displaying information about products, the layout of the store or even discounts. Everything is possible, for any kind of business. A few weeks ago we explained how you could implement this technology inside your app thanks to our iBeacons Add-On. A breakthrough update since we believe Beacons are an incredible asset when it comes to developing your business ! However, we are well aware how intimidating these devices can seem at first, so here is an Infographic which will give you an overview of what you need to know about Beacons and how they operate, which should help you overcome your hesitations!
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 13 October 2015

Shake up your business with our iBeacons Add-On

Hello GoodBarbers,  We are on a roll! Here comes a new update! After the Scheduled Push Add-On and Geofencing, it is now time to talk about the Add-On which will send your business into a new dimension: the iBeacons Add-On! This Add-On has a huge potential, and I am certain that it will spark a lot of amazing ideas to make the most of your Beautiful App ;) Let’s take a closer look…
Muriel Santoni, Thursday 8 October 2015

Blending the digital and physical with our Geofencing Add-On

Hello GoodBarbers !  Today is a big day for GoodBarber because I’m about to present you with the result of months of hard work… I’m talking about a new Add-On which you can now find in our store. Yesterday, we introduced the Scheduled Push Add-On , which was the first of a series of updates. And it is now the turn of the Geofencing Add-On to be in the spotlight!