Written on Monday 18 August 2014

7 major mistakes to avoid when creating a branded app

Many companies today have chosen to be present on mobile by creating an app to support their business. An app is an extremely powerful tool because it’s extremely versatile, businesses can communicate in a much more personal way. Also, people access the internet always more from mobile devices and less from pcs. Why? Because it’s more practical, we carry our smartphones around with us all day and now there is a good connection practically anywhere, also apps are easier to use. On a phone you don’t have any desktop clutter, you just have to enter a specific app to get the information you need, in a few seconds you can check the weather, find the best restaurant in town, buy those pants you saw in a shop at a cheaper price. But it’s not all as simple as it sounds, many companies have missed the mark when trying to take advantage of the great opportunity an app represents. You mustn't forget there there are some specific rules to follow when going mobile, this channel is very different from the web so you cannot just transplant your web strategy, you have to plan a specific strategy for the mobile segment. Here are series of common mistakes that to avoid if you want your branded app to be a success and bring your business that extra value!
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 26 June 2014

How I'll Buy my Next Car, or Why I Love CarPlay

A few months ago, Apple unveiled its strategy for conquering the in-car entertainment market. Even if we don't yet know very much about CarPlay , it's still interesting to think a bit about the perspectives it will offer, both from the point of view of the final user as well content creators.  Speaking with Jérôme and Arianna , I realized that this could radically change the way I think about cars.
Written on Saturday 8 March 2014

International Women's Day

Today is the International Women’s Day, and we didn’t forget :)   The GoodBarber team used to be full of “geek” boys, but since last year always more girl joined the team for give a nicer touch to our Beautiful Apps.   So today I want to celebrate them, showing to you that create an app is not only a men stuff.   I choose some apps, made by or for women… Enjoy!!
Arianna Testi, Wednesday 4 September 2013

Forget about advertising, create an app for your brand!

The Murdoch University, Australia, and the University of Indiana, USA, studied how mobile apps can have a positive impact on users. The study consisted in comparing the impact on sales, after the use or not of a branded app. It confirmed that using branded apps has a positive persuasive impact, it can increase the interest in the brand and in the brand’s products, and it can also produce a large and significant positive shift in involvement. Apps also seem to be an ideal medium for educating people about new products, or products they have yet to try. Do not forget the high level of user engagement, based on the enhanced user experience apps can offer.