WebSummit 2016 key takeaways : "A lot of times you can find money in your data"
Written by Isabella Leland on

While attending Web Summit, we've sat through several conferences, with speakers ranging from the likes of Ryan Hoover, founder of Product Hunt, to actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt (also director of hitRECord company), or yet again, Till Faida, Founder & CEO of Adblock plus. All this to say that topics, as you can imagine, address all sorts of problematics. Today, we give you the best of: "Winning in the app economy", with key takeaways from Scott Arpajian, CEO, Softonic, and Charles Manning, CEO, Kochova :
How to best leverage channels to win in the app economy?
Scott Arpajian : "Think a lot about the product, the biggest challenge about going to mobile app economy and if you want to win in the app economy is to have an engaging product. To focus on things like retention on usage. You have to have an app that really engages. Because you have 30-35 seconds to engage the user the first time they use that app. And I would take my first day, first week marketing budget, focusing on making sure that the app delivers a great first time user experience. That users aren’t confused. At the end of the day, you’re competing with instant messengers, Tinder, Swipe, funny kid videos, you don’t have the command of attention we have on desktop, or on a web app. On mobile, you really have to focus on that first minute or so."
How to be smart with your money?
Charles Manning : "Money helps all things. But being smart about your money is really critical. And if there was a gem that I could leave this group with, in terms of being smart with your money, whether you have a little or a lot to promote your app, use tools like Facebook, like Twitter, like Google, to do hyper hyper targeting, and I’m talking about $100 budgets, where you create hundreds of campaigns across various different demographics and regions and spend a hundred bucks to discover the audience that responds really well. And then, add fuel to the fire where it’s working. You now know from an audience perspective who responds really well for your particular app and that’s really a great tactic."
"Pinning things down to your revenue model is the most sobering and honest discussion to have with oneself. If your revenue model is one thing but your point of ego and pride are another it’s a really important differentiation to qualify. A lot of times you can find money in your data. You don’t have to sell ads or in-app purchases."
We can't advocate enough for the importance of understanding your mobile app traffic statistics! And what better encouragement to start making the most of the statistics provided in your GoodBarber back office, now?!
We can't advocate enough for the importance of understanding your mobile app traffic statistics! And what better encouragement to start making the most of the statistics provided in your GoodBarber back office, now?!