What's new at GoodBarber? March 2019
Written by Mathieu Poli on

Last year, Google warned developers of a technical change in sending and receiving push notifications.
GoodBarber took this change into account by updating the Android engine of your apps.
Fire Cloud Messaging, the system used to send and receive push notifications will therefore be the only system in effect from April 11, 2019.
You probably missed the announcement by Google and it’s perfectly normal. It’s GoodBarber's job to make sure that your Android app adapts to Google's regular updates (and Apple's iOS app).
You can find below a summary of the developments and updates made during March, 2019
Authentication add-on
Right to left languages are now managed in all screens of the User profile section.
Event section
On all platforms, fixed an issue that caused missing events in èvent widgets & event sections.
Form section
It’s now possible to add a PDF file upload button to the form. This feature is only available on Android & PWA applications.
Back office
Community add-on
In the users list page, users can now be imported into a specific group
iOS native app
Article section
In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused some links not working
Map section
Fixed an issue that caused the gradient on the map button not displayed.
Bookmarks section
Fixed an issue that caused the player progress view not updated when the user was coming back on a sound detail that was already playing.
Authentication add-on
In the user profile section, fixed an issue that caused informations displayed on only 1 line when the "My infos" tab was enabled.
The button used to login with Facebook has been updated according to new Facebook policy.
Android native app
Push system has been migrated to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Home section
In map widgets, the defaultMapArea JSON property is now managed. This property is used to manually center the map on an area.
Map section
Fixed an issue that caused the map pin icon wrong on places that have been loaded with the load more gesture.
Form section
Fixed an issue that caused the instructions of the first field overlapping the field itself.
It’s now possible to choose the video record when clicking on upload video buttons.
Home section
In ads widgets, fixed an issue that caused the ad image distorted on Internet Explorer 11 browsers.
Article section
In template 8, fixed an issue that caused the pager partially hidden.
In detail views, fixed a vertical alignment issue of the comments button when the PWA is installed on Home Screen on iOS devices.
In detail views, fixed an issue that caused a wrong opacity applied on the content background.
Video section
In detail views, fixed a vertical alignment issue of the comments button when the PWA is installed on Home Screen on iOS devices.
Map section
Fixed an issue that caused the map floating button hidden by the TabBar.
In detail views, fixed an issue that caused the bottom toolbar still visible when the user was scrolling down the panel.
In detail views, fixed a vertical alignment issue of the comments button when the PWA is installed on Home Screen on iOS devices.
Sound section
In detail views, fixed a vertical alignment issue of the comments button when the PWA is installed on Home Screen on iOS devices.
Event section
In detail views, fixed a vertical alignment issue of the comments button when the PWA is installed on Home Screen on iOS devices.
About section
Fixed an issue that caused an extra space on top of the content.
Authentication add-on
The button used to login with Facebook has been updated according to new Facebook policy.
Community add-on
In users list section, fixed an issue that caused the header back button hidden in some cases.
Chat add-on
On tablet or desktop screens, fixed an issue that caused the ‘Add message’ text field still visible when the selected thread has been reported as spam.
On iOS devices, fixed an issue that caused the ‘Add message’ text field hidden by the keyboard.
Live+ add-on
Metadata is now extracted directly from the feed, meaning there will be no more delay between the info being displayed and the stream being played
Loyalty cards add-on
Fixed an issue on the title display that was happening on desktop screens.