What's new at GoodBarber? May 2019
Written by Mathieu Poli on

The limit of shortcuts displayed has been decreased from 3 to 2. If you add more than 2 shortcuts, the first one will be displayed in the header, others will be displayed into the header toolbar.
Chat add-on
An email is now sent when a user report an abuse.
iOS native apps
Home section
In widgets template Card, fixed an issue that caused the thumb not centered.
Article section
In template 7, fixed an issue that caused some lags when the user was scrolling the list.
In the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "" not interpreted.
Video section
In the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "" not interpreted.
Sound section
In the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "" not interpreted.
In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused the view disappearing when the user was clicking several times on the next song button.
Event section
In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused a part of the description hidden.
Search section
Fixed an issue that caused a crash when the user was clicking on the buy button of an event.
Submit section
Now users can add “” into the text submitted.
Swipe navigation mode
Fixed an issue that caused icon displayed in the menu even when they are disabled.
Grid navigation mode
Fixed an issue that caused all the icons missing.
Couponing add-on
In the template 1, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
Community add-on
In the users list section, fixed an issue that caused the map button hidden by the ad banner.
Android native app
Home section
In Video widget template Minimal, fixed an issue that caused a crash of the application.
Article section
In the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "" not interpreted.
Video section
In the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "" not interpreted.
Sound section
In the detail views, fixed an issue that caused the "" not interpreted.
Map section
In the detail view, fixed an issue that caused custom map icon not displayed.
Search section
Fixed an issue that caused the loading of more than 20 results not working.
In events detail views, fixed an issue that caused font size button displayed in the toolbar.
Contact section
When the user click on the mail button, fixed an issue that caused "mailto:" added to the mail address.
Authentication add-on
Login with Facebook button style has been updated to be compliant with Facebook policy.
External advertising networks
In sounds detail views, fixed an issue that caused the ad banner not displayed.
Live+ add-on
Fixed an issue that caused the stream offline description not displayed.
Article section
In the detail views, HTML list bullet are now vertically aligned on top.
Video section
In the detail views, HTML list bullet are now vertically aligned on top.
Sound section
In the detail views, HTML list bullet are now vertically aligned on top.
Event section
In the detail views, HTML list bullet are now vertically aligned on top.
Map section
On desktop devices, now users coming to a map point detail directly (direct link) just see the selected point.
Fixes an issue that caused the current map point not displayed in some cases.
In the detail views, HTML list bullet are now vertically aligned on top.
Search section
When user is searching several keywords, fixed an issue that caused bad results display.
Bookmark section
Fixed an issue that caused the bookmark deletion bar hidden when the navigation mode is TabBar.
Form section
Now if a form contains more than 3 fields of 'File' type, photos & videos thumbs previews are not displayed anymore in order to optimize memory usage.
Settings section
On iOS when app is installed on home screen, fixed an issue that caused the the 'Contact support' button not working.
Couponing add-on
Fixed a display issue on the categories under the "saved coupons" tab.
Authentication add-on
Fixed an issue with the email fields validation.
Login with Facebook button style has been updated to be compliant with Facebook policy.
Community add-on
Fixed a display issue in the users search results page.
Chat add-on
Fixed an issue on iOS that caused the virtual keyboard hiding the message zone while typing.
Live+ add-on
Fixed an issue that caused an empty page.
Other fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue that caused the back button not displayed in some cases.
Meta description tag is now properly filled when viewing a specific content item.