Written on Wednesday 8 February 2017

Revolutionize your restaurant with an app

Does your restaurant need a beautiful app? In a digitally driven world, it sure does. But the real question is, do you have the right concept for it? Here are some guidelines to create the right app for your business.
Isabella Leland, Wednesday 14 December 2016

US mobile internet advertising accelerated up 20 percent in 2016

The end of the year is near, which means it’s already time to have a look back at 2016! Figures of a KPCB report on Internet Trends depict what looks like a promising future for app creation in 2017, in developed and affluent countries, where mobile penetration is high, among which Germany, Italy, Korea, Japan, Russia and of course, the USA.
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 8 December 2016

Agency Spotlight : Outstanding App Experience with Fire Breathing Penguin

This week's feature, Fire Breathing Penguin Media, is an American agency offering mobile apps, websites, and video production to give clients from a large variety of industries high quality products while remaining reasonable and approachable. We love their down to earth vibe and creativity that seems to set them apart—the name alone intrigued us and we had to hear more. 
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 3 November 2016

Agency Spotlight: Digital Growth in Italy with Hago ADV

Focusing on the success story of the agency Hago ADV, a leading agency in graphic design, web and app development, from Italy. Discover the story behind the making of Hago ADV and their insight on reselling apps.
João Marcelo Martins, Wednesday 17 August 2016

Leveraging Mobile Apps in Politics

The relationship between representatives and citizens is in constant evolution. But today, more than ever, it’s changing fast, with social networks and a global context. On the contrary, there’s also a growing need for transparency and reciprocity, at a local level. So, let’s discuss this topic everyone is interested in - the exercise of citizenship in a digital world.
GoodBarber Team, Monday 18 July 2016

4 App Concepts That Don't Require Publishing

Interested in creating an app but not so fond of the idea of publishing it to the stores? Maybe your project is not meant to be available to the general public, or maybe you are just not in the mood to go through the publishing process...whichever the case, the Apple Enterprise Account (no special developer account is required for Android apps), allows you to distribute your app only to the individuals you choose—nobody else will see it. Read on for some app concepts that allow you to forget about publishing and create a more personal, exclusive space for the users.