GoodBarber Team, Monday 28 June 2021

How to create an Apple developer account?

How to create an Apple developer account? How to Create an Apple ID online? Follow these steps. The Apple developer account and the Apple ID are both mandatory to publish an app on the Apple App Store
Marie Pireddu, Tuesday 27 April 2021

How to publish your app on the App Store

ou've developed an iOS app and you are ready to submit it to the App Store: find here 3 main steps necessary to publish your iOS app in the App Store: register to Apple’s Developer Program, build and test your app and finally the submission process.
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 11 September 2018

The immersive experience of the iPhone Xs

Apple devices are constantly evolving and pushing the limits of extraordinary user experience. The end of 2017 marked a turning point in Apple smartphone design with the release of the iPhone X, because apart from incredible resolution, this new iPhone boasts an ultra-immersive screen, covering almost the entire surface of the smartphone. 
GoodBarber Team, Tuesday 20 December 2016

iTunes Connect is closed for Christmas

Attention GoodBarbers, this year again, Apple made its Winter Holiday Schedule public. In case you didn't get the memo, please find the company's announcement below:
Isabella Leland, Friday 2 September 2016

What changes will the latest App Store improvements implement?

Yesterday, the news broke that Apple released a statement about upcoming App Store Improvements. If you are an iOS developer and have already submitted an app to the App Store, chances are you received the information in your inbox. But, in case you haven’t checked it out yet, let’s look at some of the key takeaways from the message published by the Cupertino company on September 1st, 2016.
Muriel Santoni, Wednesday 29 July 2015

Apple Developer Account—Latest News

Big news for those who have, or are planning to get an Apple Developer Account. From now on, you won't have to manually renew your subscription each time it's up. Apple recently decided to implement an automatic renewal system for the Developer Program subscription, which means one less thing for you to worry about! You may think this isn't such a big deal, but think again. Maybe it hasn't happened to you, but I've seen many a developer have their app unexpectedly removed from the App Store, just because they forgot to renew their contract. Luckily, this is no longer a risk—you don't have to worry anymore about losing users just because of a moment of forgetfulness.
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 21 May 2015

New App Analytics by Apple

If you have an Apple Developer account, you should have received an email announcing the release of the new App Analytics available at no additional cost in your iTunes Connect account.  Devices operating with iOS 8 or later will be able to agree to send information on their app usage to Apple, who will generate reports concerning the user engagement, marketing campaigns, and monetization of your app. 
GoodBarber Team, Monday 16 March 2015

Wearable Devices—Success or Flop?

In honor of the recent buzz over wearable devices, it seems like the perfect time to delve into this topic. “Wearable Device” is a term that gets thrown around quite often, but until just recently, it’s been more of a figment of the future. There have been some attempts here and there, and we often hear all about cutting edge gear that’s on the brink of becoming huge, but whether or not wearable devices are on their way to becoming integrated parts of our lives in the way that smartphones have is something worth wondering about. Up until now, the two most well-known wearable devices have been the Google Glass and the FitBit, and I think it’s safe to say that one has been more successful than the other. While the FitBit can be seen sporadically amongst groups of everyday people, I cannot think of one single person I know who has been audacious enough to sport the Google Glass. Why has everyone shied away from such an impressively capable product created by a company that we all know and trust? I think Google really missed the mark in terms of relatability—it seems to have taken the futuristic concept and run with it, forgetting that its customers are humans, not wealthy robots. The term “Glasshole ” became popular for a reason—it’s not easy to wear this device without emitting a pretentious, Inspector Gadget aura that makes one unapproachable at best.
Written on Wednesday 3 December 2014

App Permissions and Protecting Privacy

Many users will have heard about the access apps can have to their devices, and if you install apps on an Android device, you'll immediately see what the app you're about to install can do. This leaves many users justifiably worried, especially as some of the stated permissions are quite opaque-sounding and very difficult to understand. Also, one and the same permission can be used to do different things in different apps.  Like any other native application, an app built with GoodBarber also requires a number of permissions in order to work properly and offer the best possible user experience. However, the list of permissions required might at first seem somewhat intimidating to you or your users. That's why today we'd like to take the time to explain what permissions a GoodBarber app requires, and the rationale behind every permission.
Written on Monday 24 November 2014

Making the Most of the New iPhone

Ever since the launch of the new iPhone, we've been working to make sure that GoodBarber makes the most of Apple's new screen sizes. The changes we've made ensure the perfect display of all of your graphic elements, both on the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, but also on all other iOS devices.
Written on Monday 22 September 2014

The iPad: A Story of Technology Catching up With an Idea

In the aftermath of brilliant discoveries and inventions, the long and often difficult process leading up to them is often forgotten. We imagine them as the fruit of sudden, brilliant realizations, much like the figurative lightbulb that appears above the cartoon character's head. Of course, the truth is usually far messier, and innovation is above all the result of iterative, incremental improvement. It is as much an editorial process as it is a creative one.  What makes the iPad such an interesting product, maybe even more so than it's capabilities as a device, is it's history. The iPad is an almost perfect illustration of technological possibility finally catching up with a vision, the importance of tinkering, constantly adapting and improving an idea, and above all of perseverance.
Written on Friday 12 September 2014

The Sandbox App: Test Your iOS App Before Building

We recently spoke about how to avoid rejection of your app by Apple, and emphasized the importance of proper testing. We believe you shouldn't just be able to test a proxy version that closely resembles your app, but that any GoodBarber user should have the possibility to see exactly what their app will look and feel like, so they can submit it to the stores with peace of mind. 
Arianna Testi, Monday 8 September 2014

7 Tips to Follow to Prevent Apple Rejecting Your App

It's now extremely easy to build an app! Since there are now many app builders, online tutorials and lessons to learn how to program, more and more people decide to launch themselves into the adventure of app building, in hopes that their project will become popular and repay them with monetary profits. While Google has very few requirements you must meet to publish on the Google Play Store, because it reviews your app after it has been published, Apple has a very strict, zero tolerance policy. The goal of this policy is to protect the end users by not allowing bad quality apps that can be full of bugs or that are not user friendly into the store. But is this goal achieved efficiently? My job brings me to work with a great variety of apps, with different content, design and user experience. I have sent many apps to Apple to be reviewed and I honestly have to say that I still do not understand the logic behind their decisions. After all... Whoever has never downloaded a completely useless or horrible app the App Store raise your hand! What I do see is that many app are rejected because the name of an external platform comes up in a video or article etc... Or they say the content targets an audience that is too small.
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 6 August 2014

The New GoodBarber Backend

As those of you who've switched to GoodBarber 3 or even created your first app with it will have noticed, the new backend is radically different from the preceding version. Native mobile applications are increasingly becoming a primary means of web access, and we wanted our backend to reflect that. In essence, GoodBarber is more than an app building tool; it's an app building and management tool. So what exactly is new about the backend, and why? In this article, we'd like to address some of the major changes and the rationale behind them.
GoodBarber Team, Tuesday 15 July 2014

GoodBarber 3 is Online!

Today, we're proud to present the third version of GoodBarber ! Ever since the beginning of the GoodBarber adventure, we've always had one main objective: offering anyone the possibility to create an application with incomparable design and an amazing user experience. With GoodBarber 3, we're staying true to these principles. The experience we've gained with previous versions gives us the advantage of being able to continuously improve our product. Nevertheless, every major update of GoodBarber is an occasion for us to question everything we do. With GoodBarber 3, we've moved the goalposts once again by introducing a radically new approach for building an application.
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 26 June 2014

How I'll Buy my Next Car, or Why I Love CarPlay

A few months ago, Apple unveiled its strategy for conquering the in-car entertainment market. Even if we don't yet know very much about CarPlay , it's still interesting to think a bit about the perspectives it will offer, both from the point of view of the final user as well content creators.  Speaking with Jérôme and Arianna , I realized that this could radically change the way I think about cars.
Written on Monday 28 April 2014

Useful tips to begin developing on iOS

The penetration of smartphones and number of apps in the market is growing more and more and at an equal pace the number of people who want to develop and build apps by themselves runs up.  The process of developing an App seems very complicated to most, for this reason I asked some questions to two members of our iOS developers team, Mathieu Fancello and Alex Manzella . The purpose of my interview was to find out the basic skills required to enter into the iOS development world, and then to share this knowledge with you.  
Méryl Fiamma, Wednesday 11 September 2013

Apple keynote breakthrough: is your app being used during a bathroom break?

Hi everybody! Yesterday Apple revealed the new iPhone 5S and the new iPhone 5C. Like everyone we were super excited about this announcement. Apple's keynote are each time surprising and interesting. It's like to be at the theater when you're watching it ;) Anyway, we're pretty sure that you already know what are the big things coming out from Apple's keynote. What we like above all, it's the new M7 motion coprocessor. Do you want to know why?  Well, I'm sure everybody is pretty interested about the behavior of its users... But let's first check what is the impact of yesterday's announcement on GoodBarber.