Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 2 July 2014

No Beautiful Update This Week

Don't be afraid GoodBarbers... we didn't forget to publish the changelog of our beautiful app engine! We haven't gone on holiday and the hot weather didn't bring us down!   We are working very hard on a huge surprise, our biggest update ever, that will soon be ready for you!   Be patient, you won't regret it! ;)
Dumè Siacci, Thursday 26 June 2014

How I'll Buy my Next Car, or Why I Love CarPlay

A few months ago, Apple unveiled its strategy for conquering the in-car entertainment market. Even if we don't yet know very much about CarPlay , it's still interesting to think a bit about the perspectives it will offer, both from the point of view of the final user as well content creators.  Speaking with Jérôme and Arianna , I realized that this could radically change the way I think about cars.
Sergio Miranda Carvalho, Tuesday 24 June 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #2491

- Improvement in the way the app manage the iframes (Custom sections) - Display fixed: Icon in notifications is not cropped anymore - Bug fixed: Overlay color in grid navigation - Bug fixed: Keyboard behavior in Custom Sections: scroll is allowed to see what we are writing - Bug fixed: Some issues when sharing content with mail.
Written on Thursday 19 June 2014

The shift of habits can hide new opportunities?

I grew up in a relatively big family. And I remember I had this period of my life, being a child, where I competed with everyone else at home in the marathon to pick up the phone that was ringing. It was a real thrill for me, having this feeling that someone on the other side of the line was going to speak with me, even if most probably I was not the person they wanted to talk with. On those days people communicated and related mostly within the reality of a local reach. The fix telephone had its own moment of glory in my life, so much, that it printed in me this feeling that turned into this happy memory that I share with you. This makes something very clear, all of us were made to relate, to communicate.
Sergio Miranda Carvalho, Tuesday 17 June 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #2413

Improvement of app requests management
Template 3 of "Photos" section gives now a better experience and looking
Written on Friday 13 June 2014

The Golden Rules for a Food and Recipes App

Who, if not me, the GoodBarber with the chef hat, could have written this article?! I remember standing in the kitchen about four years ago, surrounded by pots and pans, with my little booklet with recipes handed down for generations in my family, and also with those gathered at parties, dinners and birthdays. Who could have imagined that this little booklet could have been the prelude to a mass phenomenon, called Food Blogging. Once I became a vegetarian, though, my collection gave me little satisfaction, since it was full of recipes with meat sauce, ham and steak. Following the traditions of my mediterranean origins I started to eat only salads, until, out of desperation, I began searching for inspiration on the web.   During the last 4 years, things have changed a lot. Once upon a time, the web was something exclusive and the recipes you could find were mainly high cuisine, and too difficult and complicated for everyday cooking. No longer! The web, but also mobile apps, have something to offer for everyone. Finding recipes from countries on the other side of the world, or easy and original ideas for making the most out of what you have in the fridge, has never been faster and easier.    Starting a food blog now is very different now than it was 3 or 4 years ago. The competition is fierce and it’s no longer enough to segment your audience by choosing a small niche. If you already have a blog, my advice is to complete your offer by creating an app, complementary to your website. This will allow you to increase your audience and traffic, and become more competitive in the eyes of potential sponsors and investors. If this is an adventure you’re just starting, perhaps the smartest choice might be to go straight to mobile, avoiding the never-ending war between the giants of the virtual kitchen. Let’s find out why!
Erik Rossen, Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Right (and Wrong) Way to Use Push Notifications

It's important to understand what's unique about push notifications in order to be able to truly leverage them. If you think they’re just text, think twice. Misunderstanding the specificities of push notifications can not only make you miss out on their potential, in some cases it may even be damaging.
Erik Rossen, Friday 6 June 2014

It's time to work hard, play hard!!

My name is Erik Rossen and I've just joined GoodBarbers marketing team to work on the English-speaking world. I'm German-American and I speak English, German and also French since I've been living in France for over three years now. I'll soon be finishing my master’s degree, but for the time being I'm looking forward to this real-world break from university... I was motivated to choose this job because I'm confident I'll gain invaluable experience in a fast-paced industry and I wanted to challenge myself in a young, growing business. I believe that that the digital economy will only continue to grow in the future and it was something I wanted to see from the inside, too. In my free time I enjoy sports and the outdoors, and while "work hard, play hard" may be good advice in general, I don't think playing hard should mean being stressed after work... and so I won't deny that for me a part of the attraction of coming here was to have a welcome break after the sardine-tin subway commutes and grey skies of the city...
Sergio Miranda Carvalho, Tuesday 3 June 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #2369

Facebook SDK update
Bug fix: Add an error message when a photo submission success (Submit section)
Written on Monday 2 June 2014

Crowdsourcing: How to tap into the knowledge of your users

As we know, crowdsourcing is an increasingly used problem-solving method because it is one of the most reliable, fast and cheapest ways to get a job done. Instead of spending massive amounts of money on R&D, many companies are now using online communities to solve tricky issues, discover fresh ideas, eliminate the need of market studies to find out what their customers want and increase customer loyalty. In this article I’ll explain how this is possible.
Jerome Granados, Thursday 29 May 2014

Native Advertising in Your App

Have you ever considered inserting native ads in your app? Native ads are an open secret when it comes to monetizing content. So much so that brands are shying away from traditional advertising. Why? Because this marketers' favorite tool makes for more efficient ad placement, with messages tailored to the target audience.
Written on Friday 23 May 2014

The routine of a Country Manager

The problem with routines is that in the end, you tend to be absorbed by them and you end up going through your days without knowing what you are doing.   When I started working here at GoodBarber, my whole routine had been turned upside down, my schedule and daily tasks had changed and so I had to find another way to live my life that would fit better in my new reality.
Jerome Granados, Tuesday 20 May 2014

7 tips to market your mobile app

You spend a lot of time and energy to create your app. But what do you do to promote your mobile application? In this article, we'll review 7 actions you can take to market your app on the App Store and Google Play.
Mathieu Poli, Tuesday 20 May 2014

Beautiful Apps Engine: Update #2319

Improve the quality of thumbs in article minimal template
Bug fix: It's now possible to customize the background color of the header in the Swipe navigation mode
Andrea Bonapersona, Friday 9 May 2014

The frenchest of italians

Hi everyone! My name is Andrea and I'm from Milan. I've studied in Switzerland and in France, more precisely in Geneva, Annecy, Nîmes, Paris, and more recently in Aix-en-Provence, where I'm doing the last year of studies in software engineering. I speak french, italian and english, before coming here I worked on several projects: smartphone applications, robotics, but mostly on web development. What am I doing at GoodBarber? I joined GoodBarber's team in March to work on the new version of the engine for HTML5 Beautiful Apps, as well as on the real time preview for the new backoffice. What is my hobby? What I like to do when I'm not developing? At the moment I'm working on some projects about independent video games. I love my moto; I like to travel, to cook and listening to music (especially classic rock) and of course everything that has to do with High Tech.
Deb F-P, Wednesday 7 May 2014

How to distribute my app out of the stores

You are a small structure, and you don't want or need your app to be published on the App Store or the Google Play Store? It is possible to distribute your app internally, and we are going to tell you how. 
Written on Monday 5 May 2014

Gamification: A useful tool for your content marketing strategy

“It’s not about ‘gamifying’. It’s about driving revenue, saving costs, making people more efficient.” – Bob Marsh, CEO, LevelEleven Gamification is officially part of the set of marketing tools that every business should use to develop its marketing strategy. It is the concept of applying game-design thinking to non-game application to make them more fun and engaging. I’m sure that if you use even only social networks you know what I’m talking about. I spend so much time on internet and in the past months I found that many more brands are embracing a gamification strategy to engage their users and promote their products. The modality depends a lot on the brand, the platform chosen to gamify and type of gamification.  We can actually divide gamification into two big families: The first one is more visual and is closer to a real game, with levels, scores and social competition. It usually implies the development of a dedicated app or website and a higher investment.  We have an example of this with Nike  and the Nike+  app that they created. In 2011 they registered a 40% increase of subscribers of the app Nike+; this contributed to increase the business revenues of the running sector by 30%.
Jerome Granados, Friday 2 May 2014

Facebook's f8 keynote: build, grow, monetize

This year's f8 conference was all about helping developers build, grow and monetize their apps. Facebook's main objective is to become a stable mobile platform for developers to build on top of.   I took the time to watch the keynote . It's a 1 hour video. If you have the time, go ahead, it's worth watching it. If you don't, I'll give here the main points covered.
Written on Wednesday 30 April 2014

User Engagement Metrics, going beyond the downloads

"Downloads only enable an app to succeed, they do not indicate actual success," says Brant DeBow , EVP of technology at BiTE Interactive .  As with every emerging phenomenon, the first studies are more simplistic, perhaps for a lack of data. At the beginning of the App trend, the studies made to understand and predict the user’s behaviour were essentially focused on the number of downloads. According to DeBow there’s much more to the success of the app than that.  With breakneck speed growth of the app industry, the available data increased and the studies of the metrics became more accurate. A few months ago we talked about KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) on the “How to do the web analysis of my mobile app?” article.   Today the challenge is to relate some of these Indicators with app engagement. So I want to explore some of the metrics that I think are important for you to consider, to make your beautiful app interesting and engaging. Although there are other metrics I could mention, I prefer talking about the ones that are that are mainly used on all kinds of apps. So let’s start!