How to add videos in your app
Hello and welcome to your new GoodBarber tutorial!
Today we will learn how to add a videos section to your app.
Let's add our section in the menu My app > Content > Sections.
I click on Add a section.
Ans select WebTV.
I name my section and add it.
Now let's edit the content.
I will add my first one by clicking here.
We’re in the editing page of my video.
I give it a title.
For the video itself, I can or upload my video or add an embed code
I will upload my video.
I can now add additional content to my video: as usual text, images etc
On the right side of the screen, if I have several video sections, I can choose the section in which this video will appear.
I can change the author,
the date of publication,
And a thumbnail and a description
And enable or disable comments.
We still have to fill in our metadata from the SEO tab.
Now I just have to publish !
As for the other sections I ‘ll quickly set up the design.
The video list
and the details page.
That's it! I'll show you the result...
You now know how to play audio files in your app !
See you soon for a new tutorial !
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